I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 470 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

"It seems that nanotechnology techniques can be learned faster."

But after Tony learned about the existence and details of Wakanda, he immediately realized that he could avoid many detours.

"Is there any other news about some of the forces within Wakanda?"

After seeing the information related to Wakanda, Banner asked Jarvis.

“Wakanda’s belief is in a god named Black Panther.”

"The royal family of Wakanda can obtain some of the power given by the Black Panther God by taking heart-shaped grass."

"It allows the holder to gain extremely keen senses, superhuman strength, speed, endurance, reflexes, and resistance to magic."

"It can be understood as an ordinary person on Xandar, and there is only one such person."

"Technology is pretty good on Blue Star, but it's only good on Blue Star."

After hearing Banner's inquiry, Jarvis also gained an in-depth understanding of some information about Wakanda and gave more detailed information and his own evaluation.

Whether Wakanda's technology is high or not depends on which civilization it is compared to.

Compared with the human civilization of Blue Star, Wakanda is undoubtedly a country that stands at the pinnacle of mankind.

But looking at the universe, Wakanda is just in its infancy and has not yet developed to the level of interstellar civilization.

Jarvis is an advanced intelligent AI. For Blue Star's technology, it is like a dimensionality reduction attack.

"We are recruiting talent."

"The existing technology and national power on Blue Star are not as powerful as those civilizations in the universe."

"Not to mention compared to our Void God Religion."

"So it doesn't matter what the strength is, as long as Wakanda really has talent."

"Help me contact the person in charge of Wakanda. I want to talk to him about the future situation of Blue Star."

Tony heard what Jarvis said and spoke.

This is not Tony's arrogance, but the reality of humanity today.

Therefore, Tony is extremely eager to allow mankind to enter the interstellar era as soon as possible.

Let humans begin to catch up with other civilizations until humans can escape the blessing of gods and gain a foothold in the universe.

"OK, just a second."

When Jarvis heard these words, he put away his contempt.

Within Wakanda, many scientists and professionals are in chaos at this time.

Because they have realized that Wakanda has been hacked into the database by an unknown enemy and is frantically obtaining Wakanda's intelligence.

T'Chaka's face was also extremely solemn at this time.

This is the first time in the many years since Wakanda was founded that Wakanda's database has been forcibly invaded.

And the most terrifying thing is that this enemy directly passed through Wakanda's energy shield and transmitted the signal in.

He didn't even have to think about it, the enemy must have invaded from the ground.

Those who can possess this ability cannot be as simple as hackers. They can only be a more advanced technological dimensionality reduction attack.

This kind of high-tech source can only be achieved by the divine intelligence AI in the data world.

There are many countries on Blue Star that are developing intelligent AI, but let alone being famous for their research, they have not even fully understood intelligent AI.

It is impossible to compare with their Wakanda artificial intelligence.

So this cannot be technology on Blue Star, but technology from the universe.

The other party will either directly destroy Wakanda, or they will have a dialogue with them first.

So T'Chaka is also waiting for the opponent's move.

In less than a minute, T'Chaka's communication equipment was hacked, and a holographic projection popped up.

T'Chaka saw the person in the projection, who clearly had human characteristics, and was wearing a gold and red steel armor, and his eyes showed some horror.

"Iron Man Tony Stark?"

T'Chaka called out a name with an moved expression.

He thought that it might be a dimensionality reduction attack from an alien civilization, but he never thought that it was the man in front of him who let the intelligent AI invade Wakanda.

"I'm Tony Stark, hello."

"King T'Chaka of Wakanda."

"I didn't expect you Wakanda to be so hidden."

Tony saw T'Chaka with fair hair and dark skin, smiled and said hello.

"I didn't expect you to be the one who discovered us."

"So tell me, what do you want from us in Wakanda?"

T'Chaka knew that Tony Stark had invaded Wakanda, and after knowing the secrets of Wakanda, he must have had a purpose.

He was not surprised as to why Tony's face looked so young.

Because according to their intelligence agency's investigation, Tony Stark had already set foot in the universe a few years ago.

Before the New York war, Tony Stark also found some alien helpers.

Although based on human technology, it is not that simple to extend human life.

However, in the vast universe and other advanced civilizations, there must have been a way to extend people's lifespan and return to youth.

Because they are also doing research in this area in Wakanda, but they have not achieved results yet.

"My purpose of looking for you is also very simple."

"I plan to bring Blue Star to the interstellar era in the near future."

"So I need some talent to help me."

"You, Wakanda, provide me with some talents, and I will not treat your people badly."

After hearing this, Tony also revealed his purpose of finding Wakanda.

He didn't bother to ask why Wakanda had advanced technology but kept hiding itself.

Because Wakanda's technology is high, but it is not superior to the technology of human society.

The mushroom eggs of some major countries are still very useful against Wakanda.

And according to the intelligence from Jarvis's investigation, the number of people in Wakanda is not large.

And there is only one genetically modified person named Black Panther. Such military strength is not enough to challenge the entire Blue Star.

"Shall we do whatever you want us to do?"

"We have no reason to promise you!"

T'Challa also heard Tony say directly that this was not a negotiation but a direct request.

Tony saw T'Challa and knew that this was T'Chaka's son, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he looked at T'Chaka and waited for the other party's answer.


T'Challa was a little angry when he saw Tony Stark completely ignoring him. When he wanted to say something, he was stopped by his father.

"T'Challa, back off!"

Seeing T'Challa wanting to scold Tony Stark, T'Chaka shouted coldly.

"Father, but he..."

T'Chaka heard the projection pointing at Tony Stark and wanted to say something.

"Back off!"

T'Chaka said with a serious face.


Seeing his father's serious look, T'Challa nodded and walked aside silently.

"Sorry, he is still young and doesn't understand the situation, so please be considerate."

After T'Chaka saw his son step away, he felt relieved and looked at Tony with a somewhat apologetic look on his face.

He doesn't know all the details about Tony Stark, but he knows that Wakanda's database has been invaded by the intelligent AI created by Tony Stark, and there is absolutely no room for counterattack.

This also means that many of Wakanda's weapons are also under the control of Tony Stark.

If Tony Stark wants to destroy Wakanda, he doesn't even need to come here in person.

As long as a command is given to activate the weapons in Wakanda, all life in Wakanda will be destroyed.

So it is normal for Tony Stark to directly make the request instead of discussing with them.

"I'm talking to you, not your son."

"Of course he doesn't care what he does."

When Tony heard this, he didn't hold on to it.

"I'm already clear about your requirements."

"But can you explain your plan in detail?"

"And what level of technology you have has reached."

T'Chaka asked with a slight sinking in his heart when he saw that Tony didn't care and knew that the other party was not afraid of Wakanda at all.

"It also has advanced intelligent AI, which you should already know."

"My plan is to bring mankind into the interstellar age, and I already have the most important technologies."

"That is the technology to make space fighters and space battleships, which can travel between the universe and Blue Star at any time."

"And I also have the advanced intelligent AI Jarvis that can invade all databases and devices at any time."

"Cosmic communicator technology that can directly connect signals to the universe."

"However, human civilization is really far behind compared to other civilizations in the universe."

"So if we want to bring mankind into the interstellar age, these can only be said to be the main technologies for mankind to move into the interstellar age."

"If humans want to catch up with other civilizations in the universe, they will need to research more advanced technologies in the future."

"So I need you, Wakanda, to provide me with some talents to help humanity speed up this process."

When Tony heard this, he didn't talk nonsense and directly explained his plan.

"So you already have the ability to prevent other countries from launching missiles and mushroom eggs during a period of turmoil for mankind?"

After T'Chaka learned about Tony's plan, he did not question the authenticity of Tony's words, but asked the question he was most concerned about.

Not to mention the technology that Tony has in his plan, the most important thing is that this plan will affect the interests of many politicians in existing human society.

This will cause them to bottom out and cause unbearable costs for mankind.

If this cannot be maintained, then Tony Stark's plan will not be successful.

"How dare I carry out this plan otherwise."

Tony heard this and a smile appeared on his face.

"You have hacked into our Wakanda database and you should know what technologies and talents we have in Wakanda."

"So who do you want?"

T'Chaka already understood after hearing this. Tony Stark's actions can be said to be the general trend of mankind, so he did not refuse and asked directly.

"I like to deal with smart people, so I just fill in the bullshit."

"There is only one talent I want, your daughter Suri."

When Tony heard this, he also revealed the person he wanted.

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