I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 468 Large-scale double standard scene

"There will be opportunities. It's not difficult to just go to the Xandar Empire to take a look."

"If you spare a week, I can drive you over to take a look."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Okay, there's no rush for these things."

"Well first I need you to help me deal with some trouble."

"That is to talk to my senior management. Even if I want to work for you, I have to get their consent."

"Otherwise they might convict me of treason and implicate my family."

Helen Zhao already believed in Tony Stark's ability, so she directly asked Tony to help deal with some of these troubles.

"Of course, we will deal with these things."

"Just stay here first and study some knowledge about genetics."

Tony nodded slightly when he heard this, reassuring Helen Zhao.

"Miss Paige, please help her choose a room and let her stay here temporarily."

Immediately, Tony shouted outside.

"Okay, Miss Zhao Helen, come with me, I will take you to choose a room."

"Stay in whichever room you like."

Paige came to the villa in a flash, looked at Helen Zhao and said with a smile.

It was up to Tony to think about the things that required a lot of brain power, and she and Steve could just help as appropriate.

When Helen Zhao saw this extremely beautiful and young woman, she immediately appeared in front of her eyes and her eyes shrank.

"I forgot to tell you, except for Pietro and Wanda, everyone on the island is a member of the Void Cult."

"So don't be afraid."

Banner saw Helen Zhao was startled and said.


Hearing this, Helen Zhao stood up and followed Peggy away.

After Zhao Helen left.

"Jarvis, help me contact that black braised egg."

Tony asked Jarvis to contact the person directly.


When Jarvis heard the black braised egg, he already knew who it was.

Jarvis then directly positioned the world and forcibly contacted Nick Fury.

In just a few dozen seconds, Nick Fury watched as his communication was forcibly activated and a projection was released.

"Tony Stark, you're back."

Nick Fury's heart sank when he saw Tony Stark wearing steel armor and showing a young and handsome face, but he still showed some smile on the surface and said a friendly hello.

Ever since he went to Stark Manor and was driven back by Harvey Ambelaka.

The world has never seen Tony Stark's face again, only Iron Man.

However, Nick Fury also guessed the appearance of Tony Stark through Pepper Potts's young and beautiful appearance, and he must have become younger.

I just know that before Tony Stark shows up, it means that Tony Stark is still in a state of wanting to hide from the outside world.

When Tony Stark came back to clean up Hydra, he displayed technology that exceeded people's expectations. He directly targeted all members and branches of Hydra that SHIELD could not find through all their efforts, and directly completed the cleanup.

From that moment, Nick Fury already knew that Tony Stark's technology was not only superior to the United States, but superior to mankind.

It can be said that as long as Tony Stark is willing, Blue Star will change its owner at any time.

However, Tony Stark went directly to the universe and basically never showed up on Blue Star.

Nick Fury even thought that Tony Stark would not have any thoughts about Blue Star.

But now Tony Stark is showing him his face directly, which is a very bad sign.

"Yeah, I'm back."

"But Nick Fury, you are getting old too."

Tony crossed his legs on the sofa with a smile on his face.

He knew that Nick Fury had been using special drugs to keep himself young.

However, after a few years, Nick Fury still looks young, but the wrinkles on his face can no longer be concealed, showing his old appearance.

"There's nothing I can do about it. People can't accept it anymore."

When Nick Fury heard what Tony said, the bad prediction in his heart seemed to have a vague possibility of becoming reality. His eyes kept flickering, he touched his smooth head and said with a smile.

The meaning behind the words is that Tony, who is now so young, is not a human being at all.

"You don't have to make insinuations. I'm looking for you to ask you to do something."

Tony wasn't that surprised that Nick Fury saw him as a monster.

It is also for this reason that he has always acted like Iron Man in his activities at Blue Star.

Zhao Hailun is working for United Nations politicians, and the cradle of life she makes is a high-tech technology that only the rich can enjoy.

But he doesn't care what the United Nations and American politicians think.

If he wants Helen Zhao to work for him, then it is necessary.

But if the United Nations were smarter, he wouldn't have to go out of his way to rectify the United Nations.

"Is this an instruction you're talking about?"

When Nick Fury heard Tony's words, the smile on his face stopped and he asked seriously.

He is afraid of Tony Stark, but that doesn't mean he has no backup plan.

"Yes, that's the instruction."

Tony did not deny the words and nodded without fear.

"I admit that your technology is very strong and has exceeded the capabilities of human society."

"But do you think you'll be sure of Blue Star just like this?"

"And you want to order me, who do you think you are?"

Nick Fury's face turned gloomy when he saw Tony's attitude.

He just knows that once he sees Tony Stark's true face, it means that Tony Stark is no longer planning to hide, and may start to make plans against Blue Star.

"I know your trump card. You have Captain Marvel as your backup."

"I think I know better than you about her reputation and deeds."

"If you want her to help you become my enemy, don't forget to tell her."

"The enemy she will face is [Void Herald] Tony Stark from the Void Cult."

Tony heard this and said his name proudly, with an extremely tough attitude.

"What on earth do you mean?"

When Nick Fury heard about the Void Cult, a force he had never heard of, his face became extremely gloomy.

"I'm just telling you that she is not the only strong person in the vast universe."

"She can be considered one of the top experts in the universe at most, but not one of the top experts in the universe."

"So even if she is complicit with you, it will not have any impact on my next plan to lead mankind to the interstellar age."

"So don't expect to be able to disobey my instructions and hinder my plans."

Hearing this, Tony shook the wine glass in his hand, his tone extremely indifferent.

Of course he has investigated Captain Marvel, and even investigated the birth of Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel is very strong, but at best he is at the top level in the universe.

It has not reached the level of the God of the Void Kassadin and the God King Odin who are truly at the pinnacle of the universe.

Kassadin did not explicitly say that he wanted to help him with this plan to lead mankind to the interstellar age, but Odin supported him in doing so.

So even if Captain Marvel doesn't know right from wrong and helps Nick Fury without any brains, Tony won't be afraid.

Nick Fury heard that Tony Stark seemed to have an incomparable understanding of Captain Marvel, and knew that Tony Stark would only come back if he had someone to rely on.

"Leading mankind to the interstellar age?"

"Are you crazy, or am I crazy?"

"Do you think humans will allow it?"

But when Nick Fury heard Tony Stark's plan, his expression suddenly changed.

"The human landscape has changed accordingly, and I think most humans have no reason not to allow it."

"As for those few humans you mentioned, will they agree to have anything to do with me?"

"The residues that hinder human progress will be abandoned by the times."

Tony knew that the people Nick Fury was talking about would not allow it were the politicians currently at the top of human society and in charge of various powers.

"If they don't allow it, do you think your plan can succeed?"

"Are you trying to bring the human world back to primitive times?"

Nick Fury heard murderous intent from Tony's mouth, but he felt that Tony still underestimated the power of the United Nations.

If you are not careful, those politicians may directly launch mushroom eggs in order to protect their own interests, and the development of the entire human society will be set back thousands of years.

"Nick Fury, you were exposed to aliens when you were young."

"But you really know very little about the technology of the universe."

"Since I want to do it, I naturally won't give them every opportunity to release the mushroom eggs."

Tony looked at Nick Fury with pitiful eyes as if he were looking at a miserable ant.

From the perspective of a strong human being, Captain Marvel may be very strong, but in terms of his deeds, Captain Marvel is trash in Tony's eyes.

Captain Marvel has a lot of technology and knowledge of the Kree Empire, but he never thought of helping Blue Star or staying near Blue Star for protection. Instead, he ran around everywhere in the universe.

In the previous battle in New York, Captain Marvel never came back to help.

If they had not blocked it and allowed the Chitauri army sent by Thanos to obtain the Space Stone, it would have been a catastrophe for the entire universe, not to mention a disaster for Blue Star.

Therefore, Tony had no other thoughts except that he felt ridiculous about Nick Fury's insinuation just now.

He joined the Void Cult and gained great power, spending countless energy on research. Now he has achieved success and wants to make some contributions to mankind.

So that I can respond to the origin of human beings.

But he was regarded as a monster and an unstable element by Nick Fury.

Captain Marvel, who basically ignored Blue Star, was regarded by Nick Fury as a savior who could save the world at any time.

Sure enough, people will only have a good opinion of people who are good to them, and they will have the greatest malice to speculate on people they have always been scrupulous about.

What Nick Fury said was also from the perspective of many politicians in the United States and the United States, not from the perspective of humans.

Just because he knew that Nick Fury had such a double standard, Tony didn't even bother to talk about cooperating with Nick Fury.

Instead, give instructions directly, do it if you want to do it, and do it if you don't want to do it.

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