I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 460 Existences with higher levels of life

Harvey chatted with Antoine while eating.

From Antoine's mouth, Harvey learned more about the outside world's views on Void Island, as well as some invisible rules formed among outsiders.

But most of the rules are good, so there is no need to correct them.

Time passed little by little, and it took Harvey more than an hour to eat.

Because he was not at home but in the cafeteria, Harvey's eating speed slowed down a lot.

When Harvey finished his meal and drank a drink, he planned to take a rest and leave.

"Brother, are you ready to leave?"

"It's been a pleasure chatting with you. If I had met you earlier, I might not have given up on my dream of joining the Void Cult so quickly."

Antoine smiled with great joy.

He felt that although this young man looked young, his mind and what he saw in his heart were completely unlike those of a young man.

And it may be the reason why this young man is an optimist.

Let him chat with this young man, and many of the obsessions and worries that he couldn't let go of before were relieved.

Rather than blaming others and feeling sorry for yourself, an optimist's way of life is happier.

“Just because you give up on a dream, it doesn’t mean that the dream is gone.”

"Some opportunities are fleeting, and if you miss them, you miss them."

"But the blessing of the Void God Religion has not disappeared, it's just that you gave up fighting for it."

“So it’s not too late to embrace your dream again and fight for it.”

Harvey heard this and spoke.

"Okay, I'll go for it."

Antoine was shocked when he heard these words.

"Well, let's see you next time."

Harvey took out some cosmic coins from his arms and placed them on the table.

If he paid directly using the cosmic communicator, his identity would be directly exposed.

So when eating in the cafeteria, Harvey specially brought some change.

"Brother, I really benefited a lot from talking to you."

"I haven't asked your name yet."

"If I really succeed, we may still be regarded as compatriots in the future."

When Antoine saw Harvey planning to leave, he thought of something and said with a smile.

Because the members of the Void Cult regard each other as compatriots.

"Do you have a chance to become a compatriot? It's a good ideal."

"Next time we meet again, I will tell you my name."

Harvey heard Antoine's inquiry, waved his hand and left a sentence with some smile, and walked away leisurely.

"Sure enough, this little brother is no ordinary person."

Antoine thought thoughtfully when he saw that Harvey still didn't say his name.

He didn't know where this young man came from, and he had never heard of this young man bragging about his deeds.

But Antoine could feel how extraordinary this young man was.

Most of the other superpowers who came to seek blessings would brag about their past deeds and show off their powers.

Neither last time nor this time, the young man discussed his past publicity ideas.

However, this young man's belief in the Void God Religion is extremely firm.

Antoine can be sure that this young man will definitely be able to join the Void Cult.

The past gazes have actually made him desire to join the Void God Cult again and again.

It's just that although people are easily influenced by their thoughts, it is difficult to put them into action.

But this time after talking to this young man, I didn’t give up for five months.

Antoine decided to regain his dream. When he was not on duty, he could go to the Void Cult to seek blessings.

The blessing of the Void God Religion is there, and anyone has the possibility of success.

This kind of opportunity is placed in front of you. If you don't think about how to fight for it but give up your dream and muddle along, then you will only lose yourself.

Harvey walks on the road to Void Island.

Because except for Lalatina, who wanted to guard the island, all the members of the Void Cult on the island had followed Sonia to the Void Planet 001.

So at eight o'clock in the evening, this originally very lively time has now become much deserted.

But thanks to this, Harvey can walk around the island without worrying about being exposed.

At this time, Star-Lord also walked from the direction of the Void Temple to the cafeteria because he was hungry.

While Star-Lord was walking on the road listening to music, he saw a handsome man with black hair and black eyes.

Even if Star-Lord is a man, he has to admit that this man is very handsome.

But just when Star-Lord wanted to take a closer look.

All the cells deep in Star-Lord's body roared continuously.

All the cells were sending a message, telling him to run away.

This feeling was the first time Star-Lord had ever felt in his life, as if he had encountered a terrifying existence whose life level was completely above his own.

Before, he had met Bruce Banner, the Hulk, and Kyle, the Hercules.

Even Thor and the others never made Star-Lord's body instinctively feel fear.

This feeling made Star-Lord feel like he was out of breath. His back was instantly wet with cold sweat and his face turned pale.

When Star-Lord noticed that this man seemed to notice him.

"Run away...run away...run away..."

Star-Lord felt the roar of cells ringing in his mind.

He also wanted to escape, but his feet were like lead water and he couldn't move at all.

Just when Star-Lord felt that he was going to die, a force emerged from deep within his body for no apparent reason.

The thought that kept Star-Lord's mind thinking about escaping was after he gained some control over his body.

Star-Lord stared at the ground with his right foot and immediately ran towards the woods on the side of the road.

Harvey saw Star-Lord looking at him as if he had seen a ghost. He was trembling all over and was thinking about whether to talk to Star-Lord.

Suddenly, Harvey noticed some silver light appearing on Star-Lord's body, especially two extremely obvious groups of silver light gathered on his legs, and he ran away as if running for his life.

And Star-Lord's speed is very fast, reaching 100 meters per second, which can be said to be running very fast.

"Star-Lord has awakened?"

"When did you awaken?"

"How did you wake up again?"

This scene made Harvey feel a little curious, and a series of questions arose in his mind. His eyes carefully looked at Star-Lord's body through the complex forest.

Originally, if there were many members of the Void Cult on the island, Harvey would not be able to act casually and would overlook them and observe them slowly.

But now there was no need to worry about being discovered by other members, so Harvey naturally went over to take a look in person.

However, Harvey's normal behavior made the cells in Star-Lord's body, who was running for his life, more and more frightened.

"It's watching you...run away...it's watching you...run away."

Crazy warning to Star-Lord.

Star-Lord himself could also feel that he had obviously run away, but there was a line of sight that was always watching him.

This feeling frightened Star-Lord's soul. He didn't even have time to notice his own changes. He just fled along the route indicated by the silver light in the world in front of him.

Because he was on the verge of despair, countless cells and divine powers in Star-Lord's body that had been sleeping and striving to grow as soon as possible were awakened, growing crazily to instill strength in Star-Lord and pray for a way out.

When a person is on the verge of death, the instinct to survive will give a notice, and the strong desire to survive will make the person explode to the limit of his potential.

Star-Lord's running speed instantly jumped from 100 meters per second to 200 meters per second, like silver light quickly shuttled through the forest.

Harvey watched as Star-Lord's speed increased again, and there was no instability or rage caused by his newly awakened state. Instead, he was using it extremely skillfully, and his eyes became more curious.

But just when Harvey was about to stop Star-Lord and ask.

The moment Star-Lord also ran out of the forest, a figure quietly appeared on the side of Star-Lord and directly grabbed Star-Lord's arm.

Press it down and there will be a "bang!" sound, and some dust will be splashed on the ground.

Star-Lord felt that he was suddenly held down by a huge force, and his body fell to the ground unable to move, and his heart became more and more desperate.

"Although many members of the island are not on the island at this time, it does not mean that you can do whatever you want here."

After Lalatina held down Star-Lord, her eyes were extremely cold.

She also noticed a silver light running wildly in the forest, so she rushed over immediately.

Senior Sonia had asked her to guard the island in the past few days.

Originally, Lalatina felt that it was not necessary because of the current prestige of the Void Divine Religion.

Unless outsiders are really desperate, they will definitely not dare to violate the rules of Void Island. Unexpectedly, there are actually daring people.


When Star-Lord heard the stern but still melodious voice, his brain, which had been prepared to wait for death, immediately revived, and he thought strangely.

Although he didn't quite remember the appearance of the person who invited him just now, he remembered that the person who made him instinctively afraid was a man.

At this time, the information instinct in Star-Lord's mind that kept telling him to escape also disappeared.

"I had no intention of doing anything reckless on the island, I was just running for my life."

After Star-Lord felt that the overwhelming pressure disappeared, he quickly explained and begged for mercy.

When Harvey noticed Lalatina's appearance, his figure had already escaped into the void, and quietly returned to the mountaintop villa, observing Star-Lord from an overlook.

When Star-Lord said he was running for his life, Harvey was a little surprised.

When Star-Lord saw himself just now, he felt like he was seeing a ghost, and then he began to show off his abilities and run for his life.

This is also what makes Harvey feel a little strange.

Before he unleashed his murderous intent and momentum, no one had ever noticed the danger.

This is due to Khazik's ability, which gives him the most advanced ability to hide his aura.

So how did Star-Lord notice it?

"You said you were running for your life?"

"Then why didn't I see anyone chasing you?"

Lalatina saw that the man was not struggling, and after hearing these words, she looked in the direction where Star-Lord was running for his life.

When Star-Lord heard the woman say she didn't see it, he secretly complained in his heart.

According to the terrifying feeling that person brought to him, it was not easy to hide it.

"He may not have any intention of killing me, but I know that in front of that existence, I will die just by thinking about it."

"That's why I escaped. I have absolutely no intention of doing whatever I want on Void Island."

"I dare to swear on what I said. If I lie, I will be struck by lightning and I will die badly."

But Star-Lord also kept giving assurances.

Lalatina heard that a single thought could kill this person, and a figure wearing golden armor appeared in her mind.

There are not many members on the island now, she is the only one on the island.

Senior Sonia said that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, would not leave the island.

So she doesn't have to worry about running into trouble that she can't handle.

"Don't let me see you using your abilities wantonly."

"Otherwise I will drive you off the island, and if you do it again I will execute you."

Lalatina let go of Star-Lord's hand, left two words and disappeared instantly.

This man was probably talking about Lord Kassadin who had changed his appearance and was playing on the island.

Lord Kassadin comes down once in a while, and it wouldn't be good if he disturbed his interest.

"The women of the Void Cult are so cruel."

After Star-Lord felt that the terrifying power that suppressed him disappeared, he sat up directly and shook his aching wrist.

He didn't know who the woman just now was, but she was certain that she was one of several female members of the Void Cult.

When Star-Lord was complaining, he realized something and looked back in the direction of the forest, and found that the man just now seemed to have really left.

He was also secretly glad that he ran fast, otherwise he might have died there.

But it was also at this time that Star-Lord found that the world in his eyes became clearer and brighter.

There was a pleasant and pleasant rustling sound from the sea water lapping at the beach.

His five senses seemed to be enhanced, which made Star-Lord carefully recall the situation of his escape just now.

Star-Lord immediately released the map of Void Island and found that he had run eight kilometers away in just a few dozen seconds.

Although his original speed was good, it was only a few dozen meters per second at most, but it was far from being able to reach 100 meters per second or even 200 meters per second.

After Star-Lord thought carefully, he came to his senses and immediately stood up and jumped with all his strength.

With just this jump, Star-Lord rose directly into the sky like a rocket, jumping more than ten meters high.


Star-Lord looked at the still clear scenery below, with an excited smile on his face, and was about to cheer loudly.

A falling sensation made Star-Lord's smile freeze.

It fell directly in a free fall.

Star-Lord still wanted to struggle in the air, constantly trying to move his arms to slow down his fall, but it was of no use.

Suddenly Star-Lord remembered his equipment and wanted to use the jet device that came with his clothes.

He pressed it directly on the very familiar waist, but there was no feeling of the button.

Star-Lord then remembered that Void Island was too safe and comfortable.

Let him take off all the equipment he had been wearing.

"Damn it, I forgot I wasn't wearing a battle uniform."

Star-Lord screamed, and his body fell directly to the ground.


Star-Lord fell heavily to the ground, and a small pit appeared on the ground.

"It doesn't seem to hurt as much as I thought."

After Star-Lord climbed out of the pit neatly, he touched his body and found that he was not missing any weight, although it hurt a little.

But it was not as painful as the pain caused by the unknown woman just now when she grabbed him.

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