I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 458 It is temporarily impossible to move to the stars

Xandar is very vast and huge, and in terms of habitable planets, it is one of the larger planets in the universe.

The bigger the planet, the better.

The gravitational field brought by a planet that is too huge will cause catastrophes to occur all the time inside the planet, making it unsuitable for ordinary creatures to live in, let alone develop.

Therefore, the size of a habitable planet cannot exceed a certain limit, and it also depends on the evolution period of the planet since its birth.

When the planet was first born, it was definitely not suitable for living creatures, because that was when the gravity was the strongest, and meteorites hitting the stars were just daily restricted areas for living things.

After a planet is gradually formed over a long period of time, it still needs countless hours of evolution for a large amount of energy to erupt from the inside of the planet.

After evaporating for tens of millions or even billions of years, it finally became stable.

Only then will a primitive planet suitable for biological habitation be truly born.

The value of a planet depends on many factors, but if it is a livable primitive planet that is not yet developed and is large enough, it is a manifestation of value in itself.

"Of course it's true."

When Sarah saw Lalatina speaking out, she said proudly without hiding it.

"Miss Sarah, have you visited?"

"I remember you never left the island."

Tony also came over at this time, looked at Sarah who looked proud and teased.

"I haven't actually been there, but I know the overall data of the entire planet, and I've also watched the videos."

"But Mr. Tony, you should have known it a long time ago. Why didn't you let Lalatina tell you?"

Sarah heard the voice and knew who it was. She didn't panic at all and smiled and explained the reason for her confidence before asking.

"I have been in the universe for several years, and this is the first time I know that planets can be purchased."

"And it's a planet that our Void God Cult bought."

"Buying a planet may not be a very uncommon thing for the Void Cult in the future."

"But this is the first planet purchased by the Void Cult."

“Understanding the data and hearing about it, it’s impossible to have the shock of seeing it with your own eyes.

Tony sat down directly next to Kyle and opposite Sarah, crossed his legs and said with a smile.

"Wouldn't it be a loss if I knew in advance?"

Sarah was stunned when Tony said this, looked at Lalatina and said.

"Look at what I did. I didn't pass the specific data to you."

When Lalatina was asked this question by Sarah, she also expressed that she would not take the blame.

When Sarah heard these words, she immediately realized the problem. She knew in advance that it was because of Senior Sonia.

"All right."

It was impossible to blame Sonia-senpai, so Sara didn’t say whether she was a loss or not.

"Miss Lalatina, if Planet Void 001 is bigger than Xandar."

"So does that mean that the base camp of Void Island may move to another star in the future?"

After Lacey learned this, she also had some associations in her mind.

Lacey's words were unanimously recognized by many members around her, and they all focused on Lalatina.

"It is certain that the Void God Church will have many planets in the future, and it is also certain that it will establish more Void Branch Temples."

"But whether the base camp will move to the stars still depends on the will of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"Everything is based on the news from Senior Sonia, don't make random guesses."

"But I think even if we want to move to the stars, it won't be possible now."

Lalatina felt many eyes and knew in her heart that it was impossible to migrate, but she did not tell the planet. In fact, it was mainly used for breeding.

The Void Cult's base camp on Xandar has many benefits.

If the Void God Religion had not reached a certain scale, there would be no need for the Void God Religion to move to the stars.

"It means that we can still enjoy the convenience brought by the civilization of the Xandar Empire, so we won't consider it for the time being."

Lacey said thoughtfully after hearing Lalatina's words.

Of course she also knows the benefits of establishing a base camp on Xandar.

However, Planet Void 001 is the first world that belongs entirely to the Void Cult and is extremely huge.

It can be said that the Void God Cult will have a real home of its own in the universe.

Asgard, similar to the Asgardians, used this as its origin to multiply and then expand its territory, creating a glorious history.

The development of Qianxing in the past is also a normal thing.

"Wait until the number of permanent residents on Void Island exceeds 10,000 or 20,000."

"And when our technological civilization reaches a certain level, there will be a situation where we need to move to the stars."

"At present, the Void God Religion already has the cutting-edge technology to independently produce space battleships."

"But even I have to say that it is seriously biased and is still far from a complete and sufficiently advanced civilization."

"So there is no need to move away from the base camp of Void Island now."

"The Xandar star, the lifeblood of Xandar civilization, the most advanced Xandar civilization in the universe, cannot survive."

"It is impossible to move to a planet in the past few years and live on a planet where technological civilization has not yet started."

"In a few decades or a hundred years, Miss Sonia will completely develop the Void Cult."

"Banner and I also have our hands free. Only after we can slowly catch up with the technology research for the Void God Religion can we have some possibilities."

Tony also spoke directly at this time.

If Kassadin takes action, it won't be difficult to move the star. It may not be a problem to just move the entire island.

But just because Kassadin can move there directly does not mean that the Void Cult is ready to move to the star.

If he wanted to move to the stars, Kassadin would definitely inform him.

Because he and Banner are in charge of the technology side of the Void Cult.

Without sufficiently advanced technological support, the Void God Sect would have to endure hardships if they moved there.

As soon as Tony, the pioneer of the void, came up with his analysis, he immediately convinced many members present.

Because of Tony's reputation, his words still carry some weight.

"Ten or hundreds of years, it doesn't sound very far away."

Lacey didn't feel that Tony's words were a slap in her face. Discussions were all about expressing their own opinions and coming up with the most reasonable answer.

It's just that what used to be dozens or hundreds of years has already passed for her.

But now that I have joined the Void, decades or hundreds of years do not feel so far away and long.

"Yes, for us, dozens or even hundreds of years are not that long ago."

Tony nodded slightly when he heard this.

In the past, they would all be troubled by their life span, but now their view of time has become less and less clear.

Tony also knows that he actually has a lot of time, and he can fish and research at the same time.

But he still wanted to help Fast Blue Star enter the interstellar era.

Not only does he want to leave his name in human history and fulfill his past dreams, but he also hopes to be able to feel completely at ease.

There is no need to worry about Blue Star suddenly being attacked by a certain civilization just because he was on Sandar Star. He can only help Blue Star get revenge afterwards.

Rather than avenge Blue Star, Tony prefers to plan ahead and be fully prepared.

Because they knew they were about to go to Planet Void 001, every member of the Void Cult was in extremely high spirits.

As time passed in just a few hours, Alex also rushed back from Mowgli.

Dam and the others also took a few days off for themselves, planning to visit Planet Void 001.

They are not far away from being promoted to two-star officers of the Nova Corps.

When they get the more powerful Nova Armor, their strength will be greatly improved again.

Normally speaking, if a one-star officer wants to be promoted to a two-star officer, in addition to making great achievements, it also depends on his seniority, which usually starts within ten years.

It had only been two years since they had joined the Nova Corps, and they were scrupulous about the senior leadership of the Nova Corps. However, the four of them had made so many contributions that they had to be promoted.

A group of people also started chatting, and the starry sky at night fell.

Sonia also appeared at the harbor on time at seven o'clock in the evening and boarded her space battleship directly.

On the surface, only Lalatina is left guarding the island.

But Harvey himself is on the island.

Sonia also said that this time it would be done within a day or two at most, and it would not take too much time.

Harvey himself is on the island, directly observing Planet Void 001 and selecting the right personnel.

After Sonia left, Harvey looked at Lalatina, the only member of the Void Cult on the island.

Harvey also directly returned to his original appearance, left the villa and appeared near the canteen. He walked slowly over, planning to find something to eat and drink by himself.

It is not far from Xandar to the Void Planet 001, it takes ten hours.

So Harvey doesn't need to keep watching for the time being.

"Brother, you haven't left yet?"

At this time, a strong, two-meter-tall middle-aged chef in the cafeteria said in surprise when he saw Harvey.

He remembered that the last time he saw this man was around twelve o'clock in the evening a few months ago.

He didn't know this man's name, but he looked extremely young and he could just call him brother.

"The living atmosphere on Void Island is quite good, so I have no idea of ​​leaving for the time being."

After hearing this, Harvey smiled on his face and said.

"The living atmosphere on the island is good, but the purpose of your coming here is to ask for blessings."

"If you fail to achieve your main goal, it will probably be a big blow to you."

"I haven't seen you for several months. I thought you had left long ago."

The two-meter-tall chef heard Harvey's words and said with a smile.

"While longing for the blessing of the void, I will leave in a few months."

"It just means that you don't actually have that much desire in your heart to receive blessings and change your life, doesn't it?"

Harvey said calmly after hearing this.

“A lot of things are easier said than done.”

The middle-aged chef had also chatted with Harvey once and knew that this young man looked young but had an extremely calm mind.

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