I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 448 Unpretentious Happiness

This made Loki curious about how much benefit the Void Land had brought to the Void Cult.

Miss Sonia can directly withdraw 1.5 trillion at one time, so it is not too much to expect that Miss Sonia will have at least 3 trillion in her hands.

It is reasonable to use half of it to vigorously build a space battleship production base and keep half as a spare.

You must know that this is 1.5 trillion cosmic coins, not 15,000 yuan.

Together, he and Thor held more than one billion cosmic coins, so they felt extremely rich.

Even Celebrity Hotel, a super consumption place in Xandar Star, dares to indulge in luxury once in a while.

I am afraid that 1.5 trillion cosmic coins cannot be used to directly buy celebrity hotels.

"Who will count the harvest in the Land of Nothingness in the end?"

Sol was also extremely curious when he heard this.

"I remember Kyle mentioning it."

"The collection will first be appraised by Miss Lacey, then it will be corrected by Miss Sarah's records, and finally handed over to Miss Sonia."

"Money should be the same, right?"

After hearing this, Banner thought about it carefully and said.

"Miss Sarah is usually so free, so it's not impossible."

When Loki heard this, he thought that Sarah wanted to find something to do every day.

"Stop asking, whether you ask or not, it will fall into the hands of Kassadin and Miss Sonia."

"And I've already told you the reason why I don't dare to ask Miss Sonia to borrow money."

"You two have to find a way to lend me some."

"It doesn't take a lot. Two hundred billion cosmic coins is enough."

Upon hearing this, Tony directly interrupted the fantasy of several people, looked at Thor and Loki and said.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

"Two hundred billion, isn't that much?"

"What do you think we are Asgardians?"

"The money printing agency?"

Sol just picked up the wine glass and drank. He originally thought that Tony would be enough to borrow tens of billions, but now he heard Tony ask for one or two hundred billion as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Asgard, the divine realm, is the top force established by Odin, the king of gods and the pinnacle of the universe. It has a glorious history of tens of thousands of years and countless myths and legends."

"You two are the world-famous God of Thunder, Thor, and the God of Trickery, Loki, the wisest future king of Asgard."

After hearing this, Tony also expressed his impression of Asgard, and directly praised Thor and Loki.

There is no way to borrow money from Thor and Loki, whether it is against your will or not, Tony will say that.

Sol was embarrassed by Tony's slap in the face.

"Tens of billions, even if my father doesn't agree, I will assist Thor when he comes to power."

"Let's see if the national treasury is not too short, I can still find a way to lend it to you."

"Two hundred billion is too much to ask for."

But Loki didn't follow Tony's lead.

"How many billion is tens of billions?"

Tony saw that Loki's mouth was looser, so he asked directly while the iron was hot.

Loki heard Tony ask this and knew that the person who fell into the trap was not Thor but himself.

But that's all. Loki considered that his father could directly spend seven to eight billion to pay homage to the Void God Religion.

The savings representing the national treasury should be high, and spending too little would undermine the majesty of Asgard.

"Up to eighty billion."

"You two should better improve the lives of the residents of Asgard after reminding us."

"Don't go too far."

So Loki finally gave an upper limit to the number and bluntly said that Tony was not kind.

"Eighty billion is eighty billion."

"To express my gratitude, all your expenses at the celebrity hotel will be borne by me."

Tony's face burst into laughter when he heard the price finally quoted by Loki.

His current savings are close to 100 billion.

The annual income is still rising now. Even if it is 50 billion more per year, he will earn 130 billion a year.

Even if Odin refuses to lend it, Thor will come to power and lend him 80 billion two years later.

In other words, by around 2018 at the latest, his net worth will reach at least 570 billion.

This money should be able to accelerate the development of Blue Star.

If it wasn't enough by then, he would discuss it with that rich woman Lacey.

Fifty-seventy billion cosmic coins seems like a lot, and it can completely form an extremely powerful interstellar fleet.

Even simply marrying a wife, raising a family, raising children, and building a family can be enough for at least a dozen generations to have no worries about money.

But considering that the civilization technology tree has not yet started to light up, and the planet is still in civil strife on the Blue Star with a population of several billion.

Fifty-seventy billion divided may not be enough.

Don’t you see that Miss Sonia directly allocated 1.5 trillion to develop the planet?

This is just to develop the planet. Blue Star not only wants to develop the planet but also drive all mankind. It can be said that Tony is worried about money now.

Of course, worry is not unattainable. As long as he is willing to slow down his mentality a little, he will be able to safely bring Blue Star into the interstellar era.

"Did you hear that, this time Tony will pay for everything."

"Thor, when you get here, let me go and play. You can trick me as much as you want."

When Loki heard Tony's words, he looked at Thor and warned him very seriously.

Sol was too embarrassed to be praised and didn't fall into the trap. He fell into the trap. He was so smart that he was mistaken for his cleverness.

After that, he has to find a way to lobby his father, or wait until two years later to take over Asgard and then lend 80 billion to Tony.


Sol also knew that Tony, a rich man who didn't regard money as money, had shamed himself into borrowing money from them, which meant that Tony was really short of money in the future.

Tony had helped them a lot before. So let’s not talk about the 200 billion that is difficult to come up with.

They would find ways to lend tens of billions to Tony and help him a little bit.

Then it's settled. "

"This time I came out to play, just play."

"When you're ready, let's not talk about these boring things that can easily affect your mood."

Seeing that Sol agreed, Tony stood up and said with a smile.

Then Tony moved to end the topic.

Thor and Loki also saw an extremely huge and luxurious super building that towered into the clouds like a palace.

Even if they were sitting in a star battleship, they still did not fly to the height of the roof, which was at most in the middle.

Under the night, the lights of the celebrity hotel are extremely gorgeous.

And as the space battleship began to land, Thor and Loki could clearly feel that the building was getting taller.

"How much does it cost to stay here for a day?"

Loki looked at this magnificent and luxurious building and said

"The accommodation fee is 10,000 cosmic coins per day, but if you want to enjoy other services, you have to pay extra."

"I won't let you down anyway."

"As a man, if you don't come to Xandar Star for a visit to a celebrity hotel, your visit will be in vain."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

The large space battleship of Tony Stark, the wealthy Void Herald of the Void Cult, can be said to have become famous on Xandar.

So when I saw that in addition to the starry sky mark on this battleship, it was the unique logo of Tony Stark.

As Jarvis automatically piloted the space battleship and landed on the huge and vast apron, many beauties came to watch.

Tony walked out of the hatch with Thor, Loki, and Banner.

"Based on her normal physique and appearance, she is indeed pretty good."

After Loki saw the faces of the women watching from a distance, he gave his own evaluation.

The female members of the Void Cult have become more attractive in appearance and figure because of joining the Void.

Moreover, everyone has their own temperament and different personalities, and it is impossible for ordinary women to compare with them.

These women are also very beautiful in appearance and have different temperaments.

But it just lacks the beauty brought by higher quality temperaments such as cold pride, charm, dignity, intellectuality, and nobility that are revealed in the bones.

Of course, in terms of appearance, these women are undoubtedly one-in-a-million or even one-in-a-million.

Celebrity hotels will collect all the beauties from all civilizations around them, and they are truly well-deserved.

"These are all following your instructions. The professional ones are special."

"You'll know when we meet you."

Tony heard Loki's words and knew that Loki was not disappointed, but had given him a very high evaluation.

"You should come to this kind of place less often."

"If there are too many, unless you look for them among these, it will probably be difficult to find a partner."

After looking at the appearance and figure of these women, Saul said

Because of the many legends passed down by the Valkyrie Legion, most of the women who are sought after in Asgard are heroic, but not perfect in terms of beauty.

However, each of these women looks absolutely top-notch in appearance and figure, and there are very few men who are not members of the Appearance Association.

Especially if you are used to seeing real beauties, ordinary beauties are hard to catch your eye.

"You haven't even experienced it yet, and you're just talking nonsense like this."

"I'm afraid that after you experience it, you'll run here if you have nothing to do."

"When your father Odin asks, don't say I brought him."

Tony laughed when he saw that Sol was obviously similar to Hina but pretended to be very experienced.

"Heaven knows this kind of thing and the earth knows it. You know it and I know it. As long as you don't tell me, it's impossible for my father to know."

Sol also had a smile on his face after hearing this.

"Let's go, let's go. I haven't been here for more than a year. I can't wait for it."

Banner saw a few of them still chatting and chatting here, so he urged them and walked forward directly.

"You are not married yet. Starting from this year, you will also have financial freedom. You can continue to spend money here if you have the ability."

"You can come to whatever you want later. Why are you so anxious?"

Tony saw Banner's anxious look and smiled helplessly.

"Coming alone versus coming with brothers is definitely a different feeling."

"This is a rare occasion when brothers come together to play together."

"After you finish your work, you have to go back to Blue Star, and I will go back too."

"I can't let you go back to Blue Star alone to do various things, but I can enjoy myself here."

"And even if I really wanted to have fun here, I guess you wouldn't want to."

When Banner heard this, he showed his neat white teeth and said with a smile.

"You know the truth."

"Let's go. The room has been reserved and the villa manager hasn't chosen it yet. You can just choose one then."

Tony also had a happy smile on his face when he heard what Banner said.

The four of them walked inside together in a group. Men's happiness is often so unpretentious and simple.


Then, twenty days passed by in the blink of an eye.

At the reminder of Jarvis, Tony also woke up from the flowers surrounded by drunken and beautiful women.

After Tony woke up, he went directly to knock on the doors of Loki, Thor, and Banner.

The three people who had been playing in ignorance woke up from the flowers.

It's noon today.

Thor, Loki, and Banner walked out of the Celebrity Hotel and saw the sun outside.

"When did the sun shine so brightly?"

Loki vaguely saw the dazzling sunlight and spoke.

"Not only has the sun become brighter, I feel like the floor has become uneven."

Sol also said in a daze upon hearing this.

"How long have we been playing this time?"

Banner patted his face to clear his head and said.

"Twenty days. Fortunately, I gave Jarvis instructions. If it exceeds twenty days, he will force me to remind him."

Tony rubbed his temples and said.

When Sol heard Tony's words, he immediately woke up, looked back at the beautiful villa manager who was waving goodbye to him, and waved politely.

"This place is great, but we really can't come here too often, otherwise it will be abandoned."

Then Thor turned back and whispered.

"You can't come more often. It's good to come once in a while."

"The royal treatment is really nice."

Loki's brain has also woken up, and he gave a very high evaluation to this game.

The main thing is that not only are there beauties of many races for you to choose from to meet all your needs, but you don't have to hide your desire for beauties at all.

As the princes of Asgard, he and Thor were of noble birth, but this was the first time in their lives to come to such a place. This was considered a new experience in life.

"No wonder there is a saying that says, if the word "sex" is a knife in the head, it is hard to escape under the pomegranate skirt."

Banner's brain gradually woke up and fell into a state of enlightenment.

After so many days of indulging, Banner woke up and entered sage mode with satisfaction, and decided to go back and make up for it.

"Go back first, I'm hungry."

"Stay here a little longer, I'm afraid I'll turn around and go in again."

Thor urged, stroking his hungry stomach.

He has truly experienced what it means to open his mouth and stretch out his hands when eating, and enjoy the royal enjoyment of bathing and bathing surrounded by beautiful women.

Then Tony's space battleship, under the autopilot of Jarvis, came directly to pick up the four satisfied people and flew to the Void Island.

The four of them were also checking their faces on the battleship.

I found that there was nothing wrong with my complexion except that my spirit was a little sluggish due to being addicted for too long.

But this is normal. They still ate this piece, and they ate it with a beautiful woman serving them.

It's a bit expensive at more than 100,000 or 200,000 yuan a day, but based on experience, few people said they were dissatisfied.

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