I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 445 One hundred and fifty billion

Sonia looked at the plan that Mr. Tony gave her in detail, as well as the design drawings of the space battleship.

She knew that it was only a matter of time before Mr. Tony developed a sublight engine.

So Sonia has already made preparations for the specific planning of which islands to locate, the salary for recruiting people, who to buy the corresponding materials from, etc.

The Void Cult currently has three core technologies for making space battleships.

Space wormhole jumping technology, gravity device, and sub-light speed thruster engine.

It can be said that there are no longer any obstacles to the major difficulties in making space battleships.

And Mr. Tony also possesses advanced AI-related technology that can make space battleships drive automatically. This alone can save a lot of military expenses.

There is also a micro-ark reactor that can ensure the long-term endurance of space battleships.

At present, the Micro Ark Reactor is only provided to the Void Cult and the civilization behind the compatriots.

The design of the energy cabin is diversified. If sold externally, it will not provide a micro-ark reactor, but will use common energy sources in the universe.

The rest are conventionally available weapons such as the main gun, as well as safety cabins, etc. You only need to purchase the configuration.

The design also leaves room for subsequent modification by the buyer, rather than being completely integrated.

Not to mention the characteristics of the independent advanced AI alone, it ensures that the space battleships of the Void God Cult are sufficiently competitive.

Mr. Tony and Mr. Banner will further develop and improve various performances of AI in the future, striving to create an optical brain.

However, the timing of this future plan is tentative.

Obviously Mr. Tony has decided to focus on the development of Blue Star for the time being.

Mr. Tony will allocate time to study it only after he can free his hands.

Sonia can understand this future plan.

Because the progress of scientific and technological civilization cannot be achieved overnight.

Mr. Tony is able to make achievements in the three core areas of space battleships so quickly. In addition to being a super genius himself, the most important point is that he can stand on the shoulders of his predecessors and move forward.

But it is not that easy to upgrade intelligent AI to super optical brain.

There are only a few civilizations with super optical brains in the entire universe, so the absolute secrets belonging to the civilization cannot be leaked.

Therefore, Mr. Tony and Mr. Banner will spend immeasurable time if they want to research.

Considering that Mr. Tony will become extremely short of money in the future, the development of Blue Star will slow down if there is a lack of money.

So Sonia looked at the map of vacant islands, thought for a moment, and deleted the six islands that were originally scheduled to be developed, and directly changed them to a Void 001 planet.

This is the planet she has planned to buy.

After various calculations, Sonia finally directly used 1.5 trillion cosmic coins.

The Void God Cult can sell the latest space battleships, but these technologies will also be the secrets of the Void God Cult and cannot be leaked.

Therefore, life-long system and confidentiality system must be arranged.

If you want them not to run away while doing it, then the development of the planet must not only build factories.

Planning for various entertainment facilities and a good living environment must also be developed, so funds cannot be saved too much.

However, these expenses are considered minor. The most expensive one is the huge planet which costs 700 billion.

The price of a habitable planet and an uninhabitable planet are completely different.

From now on, the owner of that planet will be their Void God Cult.

Fortunately, this is not a bottomless pit, but will pay off once the development is completed.

And not only can it be developed and manufactured in a manufacturing base for space battleships, it can also be cultivated and cultivated.

Otherwise, even if Sonia wanted to help Mr. Tony, she would not be willing to spend so much money directly.

You must know that if the gains from the Land of Nothingness are not included, this 1.5 billion is calculated based on last year's income.

It’s almost the Void Island’s positive income for nearly ten years.

The Void God Religion has been established for nearly four years.

Apart from the gains from the Land of Nothingness, Sonia only holds more than 100 billion cosmic coins in her hands.

In itself, there is no need to build so many islands at once. You only need to build and develop two islands.

After a space battleship is produced and given to each buyer, the buyer will be negotiated and the other party will make an advance payment, and then use the money to slowly expand.

However, Sonia now holds more than 2 trillion yuan, which is still not enough money to sell the collection.

And she knew she wouldn't have to worry about the seller. There were too many civilizations in the universe that lacked the latest space battleships, so she dared to do this.

The advantage of spending huge sums of money is that the payback time will be faster.

After these returns come back, Void Island will have more funds, and there will be no need to worry about various money-consuming plans in the future.

After making these calculations, Sonia also received news that the food had been delivered.

Sonia temporarily put down her work and went downstairs to bring up the food.

Sonia and Harvey started eating together.

"Mr. Kassadin, I plan to use 1.5 trillion in funds this time."

"After completion, there will be many orders, and the annual revenue should be around 200 billion."

"After splitting it equally with Mr. Tony, it will be about 100 billion."

"It is conservatively estimated that it will take at most 20 years to pay back the investment."

"Of course, this is just a conservative estimate, because there will definitely be capital flow back in the future."

“So the time to pay back the capital will be much shorter.”

"Including the original revenue, the Void God Religion will make at least 150 billion in revenue every year as a minimum."

"Even if we spend more and more extravagantly in the future, Void Island will no longer be short of money."

Sonia looked at Mr. Kassadin and explained the money spent on this plan.

"With the addition of a sublight engine that can make space battleships, the income has increased so much?"

Harvey was also a little surprised when he heard Sonia's words.

Void Island’s positive income last year was about 80 billion, which was brought about by selling various technologies.

If other technologies for sale are not derived, this amount will not change much in the future, and there will be saturation in the future.

Because the real giants in cosmic arms are the technology of the Kree Empire and the Xandar Empire, which represent the most advanced civilizations in the universe.

As a rising star, Tony's technology can win some cakes from these two giants. However, the quantity is always limited.

Harvey remembered that Sonia had calculated the potential buyers and estimated that when it reaches saturation in 20 to 30 years, it should only earn about two to three trillion.

Of course, when Void Island is sold and the market is saturated, if you can have so much money, it will be enough to develop rapidly for many years without any care.

If the money is used properly, Void Island will not be short of money at all, but it will take more time.

But now Sonia tells herself that Void Island has directly jumped many years and has reached the stage where there is no shortage of money.

As for Sonia's direct use of a huge sum of 150 billion, Harvey wouldn't care at all.

He has to worry about the development of the Void God Religion, but he does not need to worry about financial matters. Sonia has full control over them.

"Many civilizations cannot buy the latest model of space battleship."

"And the space battleships made by Mr. Tony will definitely drive independent intelligent AI when they are sold."

"When these become popular, the income will increase a lot."

"Now as long as we express our willingness to sell, there will definitely be many civilizations who come to buy."

“You don’t have to proactively contact someone to buy it.”

"And there won't be saturation for at least a few thousand years."

Sonia smiled and nodded after hearing this.

Although Mr. Tony initially developed a more advanced gravity device, he did so because he needed to seize the market and build a reputation.

Therefore, the price cannot be high from the beginning, which also results in less money earned every year. After being equally divided with Mr. Tony, there are only a few billion in positive income.

Later, after the breakthrough in space wormhole jumping technology, the price of the gravity device increased slightly, and the positive income skyrocketed from several billion a year to 80 billion a year.

Now, as Mr. Tony's reputation is gradually rising, the technology he is researching has also made the most significant breakthrough in just a few years, and he has the technology to independently produce space battleships.

This means that the technology of the Void God Religion has also entered the ranks of the universe's cutting-edge technology.

And the weapons technology that every civilization wants most.

Even if the technology tree of the Void God Religion is no longer improving, it is still the most conservative option to worry about not having any sellers for thousands of years. To be bolder, one can even say that as long as the Void God Religion remains immortal.

You will never worry about not having sellers, because the universe is also giving birth to countless creatures at this moment, which means that there will always be backward civilizations.

Now there is no need for her to find a way to contact the buyer, the buyer will come to her.

No wonder Mr. Cassadine values ​​Mr. Tony so much. It is no exaggeration to say that Mr. Tony personally represents a symbol of wealth.

The collector is a rich man who is famous in the universe, but that is only the collector's personal wealth, which can be said to be second to none in the universe.

Sonia checked that someone had estimated the collector's assets to be one hundred and eighty billion cosmic coins.

This is only a rough estimate, the collector's net worth may be higher.

Because many collections of collectors are priceless treasures that cannot be bought whether on the market or on the black market.

You must know that this is only an estimate of the collector's personal wealth, not the total wealth of all the major forces in the universe or some more advanced civilizations.

The Land of Nothingness is known as the big cake of the universe, which is related to the history of the Land of Nothingness.

The corpse of the ancient god is very valuable, but the main reason is that the collector itself symbolizes a huge cake that is difficult to estimate.

Except for advanced civilizations and a few major forces in the universe.

For other slightly weaker civilizations, it is expected that dozens of civilizations combined may be able to compare with the wealth of one collector.

As for the weaker civilizations, all of them combined cannot compare with collectors.

In the universe, if we have not entered the interstellar era, some of the energy or raw materials of the entire planet of the weak civilization will have some value.

But without entering the interstellar era and gaining the ability to protect values, these values ​​may not necessarily belong to the civilization nurtured by the planet itself.

The key to the Nova Corps' good reputation in the universe lies in its willingness to actively help backward civilizations protect the value of their planet.

Give those civilizations enough time to grow, but let's not talk about that for now.

There is common sense known to countless people in the universe.

If the collector is robbed, it will not be as simple as getting rich overnight, but directly gaining the foundation that leads countless civilizations.

However, the lifetime wealth and collection of the collector who is now known as the Big Cake of the Universe have all fallen into the hands of the Void God Cult.

Even if the Void God Sect is sitting on nothing, regardless of the output, it relies on money to buy everything, as long as the balance is maintained, it can live on for tens of thousands of years.

"Don't you need to ask for help? That's good."

Harvey also understood after hearing this.

To put it bluntly, as an advanced space battleship, it is the hard currency of the universe.

As long as a new civilization is born and enters the interstellar era, new buyers will appear.

Many civilizations cannot last for many years and will decline due to various factors.

Lifespan is a problem that countless creatures in the universe want to escape but cannot escape throughout their lives.

However, Harvey is full of confidence that the power he has established will last countless years into the future, because the void is eternal.

There is only one reason for the decline of Void, and that is to be erased by a more powerful person.

Otherwise, the passage of time, the stagnation of the technology tree, or other disasters would make it impossible for the Void to fall.

Because even if the universe is annihilated, we will be able to keep the Void Cult intact in the future and directly take many members of the Void Cult to other parallel universes.

Let the Void Cult continue to exist in other parallel universes.

After Harvey mastered Kassadin's ability, he could already cross other parallel universes, and taking people there would only require a lot of energy.

It's just that there's never been a need to do that.

Just because Harvey has obtained the power of the void does not mean that he wants to devour and destroy various universes.

The original intention of establishing the Void God Cult was because he wanted to obtain more hero templates and make himself stronger.

The system will not erase it if you don't do it, or there will be other weird punishments.

It can also be said that if he is satisfied with the ability of Khazik, the Void Predator, there is no need to pull people into the void at all.

With so many hero templates out there, if Harvey is only satisfied with Kha'Zix's ability, then he is too naive.

It can only be said that the system gave him enough temptation and aroused his desire to go further.

"No need to ask for help?"

Sonia was thoughtful when she heard Mr. Kassadin's words.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"The Void God Religion has developed so fast. Although Tony's contribution is due to it, your contribution is not small."

Harvey saw Sonia thinking and changed the topic directly.

"It's mainly thanks to Mr. Kassadin that you took over the Land of Nothingness."

"Even if we don't rely on the income brought by technology, it will be enough for the development of Void God Religion for many years."

Sonia said with a smile when she saw that Mr. Kassadin did not want to talk about the hidden meaning of this sentence and did not continue to think deeply about it.

No matter how profitable other businesses are, it is still not as fast as grabbing them directly. The difference lies in whether you have the strength.

"The land of nothingness is a special case."

"As for the expansion of the territory, we should wait until the members of the Void God Cult grow and the number of people is large enough, and then we can plan slowly."

"If I take too many shots now, I might attract some more difficult enemies."

Harvey heard what Sonia meant and spoke.

Ordinary people in the universe don't know how to summon the ancient gods of the universe, but some of the ancient gods of the universe are aware of it.

If he takes too many shots, it will put too much pressure on the gods, asking them to unite to summon the ancient gods.

He might have to run away and go directly to other parallel universes to avoid disaster.

It's not yet to the point where he can really do whatever he wants, so he still has to act a little more low-key.

The first update of 4,000 words per day is sent to express gratitude to Qin Shihuang for the reward.

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