I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 432 His test will be difficult

The public position given to Lacey also came with a high salary, which was the result of Sonia's discussion with Mr. Kassadin.

The primary purpose is of course to allow Lacey to get decent remuneration and do this job willingly. .

Another purpose is to arouse the emotions of other members of the Void Cult.

Paving the way for the people she wants to find suitable for managing breeding and breeding in the future.

Moreover, there can be more than one person managing the breeding.

As long as these are announced, the enthusiasm of the members of the Void Cult can be mobilized, making them willing to take action for breeding.

But before that, we need to let this positivity brew for a while.

She also needs to go to Meuse to buy some planets, which is expected to be officially implemented in a few months.

If you want to buy some good planets, you have to talk to the Nova Corps.

Because the civilizations and planets near Xandar are basically protected by Xandar.

Most of their Void God Cult are still reasonable, so naturally they don’t need to rob them if they can buy them.

Sonia then continued to compile the list of collectibles brought back from the void and began to estimate the value of these collections.

Mr. Kassadin has no collecting habit, and neither does Sonia, so a large part of these collections must be liquidated.

As for the specimens of various races, Sonia decided to see what Mr. Tony had to say.

Specimens of various races belong to the field of genetics. If they can be thoroughly studied, more advanced genetic medicines can be developed.

At that time, the overall genes of the civilization where the Void God Cult is located can be improved as a whole, and those people may become members of the Void God Cult. If they have a higher foundation, it is definitely a good thing.

I just don’t know if Mr. Tony is interested in this anymore.

If you are not interested, everything will turn into ashes and will not be sold.

Her main responsibility now, in addition to managing Void Island, is to discuss the general direction of development with Mr. Kassadin, and then she will find a way to implement it after it is determined.

There are so many things involved in the development of a force, and it cannot be accomplished overnight.

Although I have to admit that direct occupation can quickly grow, but because the Void God Cult has too few people, it cannot quickly take over after occupying it.

Therefore, Sonia will not consider the matter of territorial expansion for the time being.

After the various responsibilities within the Void God Religion are distributed and the overall strength increases by several levels.

Let those who join later can quickly get started under the leadership of their seniors and be directly responsible for certain areas, and then they can start thinking about expanding their territory.

Sonia began to sort the collected items that had been appraised, which ones were to be kept and which ones were expected to be sold.

After all these collections are sold, the Void God Cult can be said to have completely gotten rid of the situation of lack of money.

After Lacey, Tony and others celebrated, it was already late at night and they went back to rest.


The next month passed in the blink of an eye, and it was March.

The members of the Void Cult also completely emptied the lifetime collection of the collectors in the Land of Void.

All of them sank into the sorted storage warehouse on the seabed below Void Island.

This large area of ​​​​sea near Void Island is all the territory of Void Island, so it doesn’t matter where it is placed, as long as it is sorted and sorted for easy processing later.

During this month, apart from eating and sleeping normally, Star-Lord spent the rest of his time in front of the Void Temple.

After a month, there are no obvious results. For ordinary people, it is inevitable that they will become impatient.

However, Star-Lord has decided to play a protracted war, if Tony hadn't reminded him that he could leave if he didn't achieve anything in two years.

He could even stay here for dozens or hundreds of years.

Because if he can awaken within tens to hundreds of years, it will definitely be much faster than his natural awakening.

Harvey was also observing Star-Lord's situation and still had no intention of letting Star-Lord pass.

He wanted to see how determined Star-Lord was for revenge. For now, Star-Lord was not respectful on the outside but complaining secretly.

I cheer myself up every night before going to bed and when I wake up, and then start a new day of worship.

Other people who came to seek blessings had already looked at Star-Lord strangely, feeling that Star-Lord's behavior was a bit stupid.

This is also the biggest test besides the test of time, which is the opinions of others.

Harvey will not test the humanity of those who have joined the Void Cult, but he will definitely test the humanity of those who have not joined.

Only by seeing through the essence of a person's character can we determine whether it is beneficial to the Void God Religion.

As far as Harvey knew Star-Lord.

Although Star-Lord's strength is not high, he is also a hero with principles and bottom lines and is willing to help the weak.

But Harvey has no idea how patient Star-Lord is.

What's more, Star-Lord's life trajectory has obviously changed now.

If he had the ability of the Void Prophet, he wouldn't have to keep staring.

Just observe Star-Lord's future directly and wait for the opportunity to make a decision.

The problem now is that Harvey doesn't have the ability to be a void prophet, so he has to observe it himself.

However, Star-Lord, who realizes the heavy responsibility he has on his shoulders, has to say that the gangster atmosphere in the past has been completely wiped out, replaced by a smooth and mature way of dealing with the world.

And through Sarah’s reminder, even though I knew I was weak on Void Island, I didn’t feel inferior, I just learned not to have too much contact with the members of Void Island.

He could obviously go and talk to Tony and the others, but after a month, Star-Lord just didn't go.

This change still surprised Harvey.

But it's too early to bring Star-Lord on board because humanity is just beginning now.

Not to mention that the test of time gets harder with every day of delay.

Star-Lord is a human-god hybrid. His lifespan is naturally countless times longer than that of other people, and his potential is countless times that of ordinary people.

Once Star-Lord receives the blessing of the void and awakens early, he will gain extremely powerful power and his life will reach its peak countless years ahead of schedule.

The true nature hidden in Star-Lord's heart will surely emerge.

Therefore, Harvey still has many concerns about whether to let Star-Lord join the Void.

Either Star-Lord's potential is not good, or it's because Star-Lord's potential is so good that he is even more perverted than Thor.

Thor is the son of Odin, and there is no doubt about the potential of his bloodline.

But even if Thor follows his original trajectory, he will not be able to reach the pinnacle of the universe until he is middle-aged or close to old age.

And because of Asgard's past characteristics, Thor could not take action casually when he was at his peak, otherwise he would not be able to control the power within his body.

And there is no doubt about Sol's character, it is an absolute innocent heart.

So Harvey decided to observe Star-Lord for at least two years before making any further decisions.

Since Star-Lord told others that he would rendezvous with his partners in two years, even if it didn't happen this time, he would still come to ask for a favor in the future.

However, it is said that everyone can do it and it is easy, but it is difficult to actually implement it.

If two years have passed and Star-Lord has really endured it, then he will have to admit Star-Lord's awakening.

Star-Lord didn't know that Kassadin, the God of the Void, was observing him.

But Star-Lord has also felt the strange looks from others around him.

This made Star-Lord sigh in his heart, no wonder the test of the Void God Cult is getting more and more difficult.

These people's piercing strange looks and words that easily shake their minds are also a kind of test.

"Please ask the great God of the Void, Mr. Kassadin, to grant me the blessing of the void and change my future."

While Star-Lord continued to worship Kassadin's statue, he kept repeating the words over and over again.

Even though he doesn't know how long such a test will last, Star-Lord knows that only with consistent belief can he be recognized.

"This guy does look like he has something."

Kyle was sitting on a tree three kilometers away from the Temple of the Void, watching and talking about Star-Lord all the time.

"Do you think he can pass?"

Renoli said with a smile upon hearing this.

"I didn't say that, but I didn't expect that the guy who knew how to adapt to the situation would turn out like this."

"People can still grow."

Naturally, Kyle also heard something about Star-Lord.

He also recognized Star-Lord as the little gangster who had begged him for mercy for others during the battle on Xandar.

"His father has an extraordinary background and will become a top powerhouse once he awakens."

"Master Kassadin should also consider whether to let him join."

"Even if Lord Kassadin agrees, his test should be more difficult than everyone else."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

The biological bloodline of a strong person at the pinnacle level of the universe, the human-god hybrid can reach the pinnacle below the pinnacle of the universe once it awakens.

This is only the potential contained in Star-Lord himself. If he is crowned by the blessing of the void, it can be said that Star-Lord will join the ranks of the top powerhouses in the universe.

They have all experienced the surge of desire brought about by powerful power.

For a person like Star-Lord, whose strength increases explosively once he awakens, his desires will only expand faster.

The mind cannot control the power it possesses. As long as the road goes a little crooked, it will rely on power to do whatever it wants, gradually reducing its lower limit and finally becoming a monster.

This kind of existence is nothing to Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, but it will be a big disaster for the universe.

According to his understanding, Odin, the powerful God-King at the pinnacle of the universe, also went through formal talks.

Master Kassadin agreed to Odin's joining.

This was despite the fact that God King Odin was famous and had grown up over countless years and had the self-esteem of a strong man.

Therefore, if Star-Lord's character had not been determined, it would not have evolved into what he imagined.

Otherwise, it would be absolutely impossible for Lord Kassadin to agree to let Star-Lord join the Void Cult.

After all, the Void Cult has no shortage of strong men, and it is not that troublesome for Master Kassadin to subdue his subordinates. Gao Tianzun has been directly branded as a slave.

The Void God Religion needs strong men who have a clear bottom line, can control their own desires, and are loyal enough to the Void God Religion.

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