I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 426 The Importance of Precepts

A member of the Cyan-skinned Void Cult, seeing Lacey present, Kyle said such harsh words.

He knew that Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predictor would restrain themselves in front of Lacey.

Kyle's attitude towards beautiful women is usually not violent, but more about money.

Therefore, it should be impossible for the woman Kyle caught to do anything disgusting.

But now that Kyle is still saying these things, it is obvious that there is a purpose for doing so.

"Okay, you can call me later."

"Although her skin color is not exactly what I like, I still try everything."

"I'll go and inform other compatriots."

"There are at least two hundred compatriots in the Land of Nothingness."

The cyan-skinned member of the Void Cult quickly understood the situation and looked at Madam Butterfly's legs with a somewhat moved look in his eyes.

"I will definitely cooperate. I will definitely cooperate. I will answer whatever you ask."

"Please let me go."

There were still two hundred members of the Void Divine Cult in Madam Butterfly's Land of Nothingness. They were also frightened to death, and they hurriedly said good things.

"Is it your turn to speak?"

"It's up to me whether you cooperate or not."

"If the people we capture are to be happy, we must be happy first."

"I'll call you later."

When Kyle heard Madam Butterfly's words, he scolded her directly.

"Well, just don't forget about brother."

The name of the cyan-skinned member of the Void Cult is Cang Yuan. Seeing Kyle's posture, his suspicions became more certain, and his face showed a look that you know.

"Well, see you later."

Kyle said with a smile when he saw Cang Yuan being so smart.

Renolly, Predictor, and Lacey have long been accustomed to intimidating Kyle.

Even if there is no need to deliberately explain how many people know how to cooperate.

"I'm not interested in seeing your bad taste."

"Find me after you finish playing."

So at this time, Lacey also spoke, with some disgust in her words, but she had no intention of stopping her.

Then Lacey walked away from this place of right and wrong.

Madame Butterfly saw Lacey go.

I originally thought that Kyle and the others were just suspicious of her and Nikrov, so they captured them for interrogation.

As long as there are no problems in the interrogation, they can leave alive.

But judging from the current situation, most of the corpses will be destroyed and all traces will be wiped out.

What Hercules Kyle said just now should be true. They were ordered to come to rectify the land of nothingness.

However, the God of the Void Sonia is not here. How they organize things is not up to Kyle and the others.

Thinking of the situation she was about to face, Madam Butterfly also felt a little despair in her heart.

Nikrov was held by Kyle on the other hand, and he had no thoughts of gloating in his heart at this time.

Because if this kind of thing spreads, the reputation of the Void God Religion will become extremely bad.

As an insider, it is most likely that he would not be able to leave alive.

He could only play it by ear and see if he could find a chance for himself.

"Although this Lady Butterfly looks disgraced, I see that she is quite beautiful."

"What will we do later?"

Kyle said as he grabbed Niklov and Madame Butterfly and walked towards the stairs to the underground.

"Just the same as usual."

"I just don't know if there are any props here. If not, I'll get them back to the battleship next time."

Rennoli said with a smile when he saw Kyle's vivid performance as a bully and lustful person.

"It doesn't matter," in this lawless place, Miss Sonia won't blame us for anything we do. "

"As long as the news doesn't get out."

"So just keep the toys casual. There are so many brothers waiting for you..."

The prophet heard this and spoke.

Because he can see into the future, he knows what words and actions can make Madam Butterfly even more desperate.

"There are brothers behind him, so we can't let him die so quickly."

Kyle was a little stunned when he heard that the prophet actually said such crazy words, but he immediately asked on the surface.

As soon as these words came out, Madam Butterfly knew that she would not survive, and the nails on her right hand turned into sharp blades and stabbed directly into her neck.

But just when the nails were very close to her neck, a finger directly touched her wrist.

A horrific wound appeared on Madam Butterfly's neck.

The severe pain made Madam Butterfly feel a lot more relieved, and she closed her eyes. At least she didn't have to face the upcoming desperate reality.

Blood continued to flow out, but gradually Madam Butterfly discovered that not only was her consciousness not blurry, but the severe pain was disappearing rapidly, and her mind became clearer and clearer.

This made Madam Butterfly open her eyes in confusion and found that Kyle was releasing a stream of purple energy that continued to pour into her body.

The wound on her neck had also healed and she felt more energetic.

Madam Butterfly found that her body was lifted up, and in front of her was Kyle's terrifying sight.

"Didn't I say that I have the final say on how to deal with you."

"Whether you die or not is up to me."

"Even if you are fatally injured, as long as you are alive, I can revive you at any time."

"Once it's in my hands, don't try to do any useless struggle."

Kyle looked at Madam Butterfly with indifferent eyes, as if he were looking at an ant.

Nikrov watched very clearly from the side, and his heart was also covered with despair at this time.

Because they simply can't compete with these demons.

And who can tell him why Kyle, who is known as the Hercules and is known for his strength at first glance, has such terrifying healing abilities as if he was able to bring the dead back to life?

This was not reasonable at all, but no matter how unreasonable he felt in his heart, this was what happened to the water in front of him.

Whether they are willing to accept it or not, when they are caught by Rennoli, their life and death are no longer in their control.

"You devils!"

"If you want to kill me, I'll give you a good execution!"

Seeing that she could not control her own life and death, Mrs. Butterfly couldn't bear it anymore and started to curse fiercely.

I hope to make these people angry and kill me directly.

"The louder you scream, the more I like it."

"I just like your unruly look."

Kyle had a playful smile on his face when he heard this.


As soon as these words came out, Madam Butterfly didn't know what to do.

"What exactly do you want us to cooperate with you for?"

"You have to tell us so that we can cooperate with you, right?"

Nikrov asked loudly to the prophet beside him.

He knew his chance of survival lay in what Kyle and the others wanted him to do.

Otherwise, Kyle and others would just talk about cooperation, but they don’t know what is going on, so there would be no possibility of cooperation.

"We haven't talked about you yet, do you have the right to speak?"

"Let's talk about it after we finish playing."

When Kyle saw that the prophet didn't speak, he knew it wasn't time yet and directly increased the strength of his grip.

This grip directly caused Nikrov's internal organs to be squeezed out with blood, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"I know I shouldn't take the initiative to speak, but please, please tell me why others arrested us instead of arresting us?"

Nikrov knew that death would be better than being interrogated, but he also wanted to survive, so he asked in a weak voice.

"I will definitely cooperate with you in whatever you want us to do. I just hope you can give me death in the end and don't treat me like that."

Madam Butterfly's eyes were full of despair at this time, and her words contained prayer.

In the midst of suffering and death in hell on earth, sometimes even death is a luxury.

"Lacie come out."

After seeing the future, the prophet spoke.

As soon as these words came out, Lacey instantly appeared in front of several people.

"Niklov is a telepathic manipulator and a user of Lady Butterfly's charm ability."

"I want you two to serve me and manage the land of nothingness on my behalf."

"Every once in a while, you need to hand over to me to convey the revenue of the Void Land and a series of other detailed data."

After Lacey appeared, she looked at the two of them and said.

"I haven't made a move in eighty years. How did you know?"

"How did you know our capabilities..."

"I see... is all this under the foreknowledge of the prophet..."

Niklov was deeply hurt at this time, and he was a little disbelieving when he heard Lacey's purpose of looking for them. However, when he asked, he saw the prophet in his peripheral vision, and he completely understood in his heart.

Whether they struggle or not, the precogs will find a future that forces them to finally accept their fate and agree to serve.

When locking them, the precog should have tried countless futures.

Directly penetrate into their details, including the future they are finally willing to agree to.

"As long as I'm not subjected to that kind of cruel treatment, I agree to everything you say."

Madam Butterfly was desperate at this time, and after hearing Lacey's words, she hurriedly said.

"And you?"

Kyle glanced down at Nikrov.

"My life or death is not up to me, and whether I agree or not is not up to me, right?"

After hearing this, Nikrov coughed up a mouthful of blood again and whispered.

"Smart, I like people who appreciate praise."

When Kyle heard these words, a smile appeared on his face. His right hand directly released the power of the void to treat Nikrov, and his left hand directly put down Madame Butterfly.

"Kyle, please stay on the island honestly from now on and examine your heart."

Rennoli looked at Kyle and reminded him.

"Special times require special measures. I understand this."

"Just don't tell Miss Sarah and Miss Lalatina these things."

"They are people who live under the light."

"I don't want to give them a bad impression."

Kyle nodded and said with a smile.


Renault heard this and knew it well.

The four of them have been fighting side by side for more than five years. Their hands have long been stained with blood, so they are well aware of the horror of darkness.

Once you accept this darkness, you can do whatever it takes to achieve certain goals.

The stronger Kyle becomes, the more he can appreciate the horror of desire, and the more he can understand the meaning of the Void God Cult's commandments and how important they are.

This is why they do not want to escape from the Void Island, and escape from the surveillance range of the Void God, Mr. Kassadin, and Miss Sonia.

As long as they remain under surveillance, the desires in their hearts will be suppressed and they will not be swallowed up by the increasing desires in their hearts and turn into monsters.

The third update contains 3,000 words, and 10,000 words have been completed.

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