I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 420 Star-Lord’s Wish

Sonia stood in front of the gate of the Void Cult, quietly watching the people present.

After discovering Star-Lord among the group of people, Sonia's eyes also showed some surprise.

However, this surprise quickly disappeared because of the thought of Mr. Kassadin's majesty.

After the Void God Cult occupied the Land of Nothingness, the current name of the Void God Cult has been widely spread in the universe.

Star-Lord is now no longer a member of the Reaver Legion, but a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

After you are not afraid of being caught to collect the bounty, it is normal to want to come and see if you can get the blessing of the void.

"Miss Sonia, the God of the Void."

"My name is Mayalos and I am a level two bounty hunter."

"I've been here for more than three months."

"It is enough to prove my sincerity in wanting to join the Void God Cult."

"I'm very clear about what you said."

"But can you explain the test more clearly?"

At this time, a voice came out from the crowd, and there was already some impatience in the words.

Star-Lord heard this voice and looked over, and saw a tall figure at least three meters tall, a giant with a square face.

He has also heard a lot about the name of this gargoyle Mayalos, who has the superpower of turning into a huge stone statue.

It can directly transform into a stone giant more than thirty meters high, and its strength is quite astonishing.

"Mr. Mayalos, I have already explained the rules very thoroughly."

"All the tests are on the stone tablet."

Sonia often faced people who were impatient, so she didn't panic at all when faced with Mayalos' inquiry and said with a smile.

"When I came three months ago, there were only a hundred people here. Now there are a thousand."

"No one passed the test."

"Is this test too difficult for us?"

When Mayalos heard this formulaic answer, he could no longer bear the frustration he had endured for several months, and said with an ugly look on his face.

"Yes, Miss Sonia, can you explain it more clearly to us?"

"Although a few months is not a long time, it is distressing to stay here without progress."

Others couldn't help but feel aggrieved when they heard Mayalos' words.

"The test on the stone tablet was set by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void himself."

"The Void Cult already has more than 500 members."

"This is a testament to the fact that more than five hundred people passed the test."

“If someone succeeds, someone will fail.”

"What you have to do is think about the meaning on the stone tablet and think about how to pass the test, rather than questioning the content of the test."

"If you have any doubts about the test, you can go back and forth wherever you want."

Sonia saw Mayalos stirring up the emotions of the people around her, and said with a smile without changing her expression.

A person like Mayalos, who was born with super powers, was used to being arrogant and extremely proud outside.

She has seen a lot in the past few years. When Kyle and others came together, it was because she had super powers.

Thinking that it would be easier to join the Void Cult, after discovering that it could not bring them special powers.

Although they didn't know where to start at the beginning, they didn't dare to yell in front of the Void Temple no matter what.

But because Miss Lacey took the lead.

Even though Miss Lacey's original behavior seemed a bit stupid and unreliable to the three of them, the three of them still followed it.

This kind of mentality is crucial, even if you know it may be stupid, but you will take action for hope.

Because sincere belief is a stupid thing in the eyes of many people.

Now the outside world knows that the blessing of the void can open the way to the strong, but this kind of gift is not so easy to obtain.

Therefore, whether one can firmly believe without being disturbed by external factors is the fundamental test.

"Okay, let me go."

"I'm here to seek greater strength, not to be oppressed."

"Staying here for months is a waste of time."

When Mayalos heard these rude words, his face turned red and white.

He wanted to curse a few words to express his anger, but considering that this was the headquarters of the Void God Cult.

If he said that, he would die, so Mayalos waved his hand and walked directly down the steps.

Following Mayalos' words, the more than a thousand people who were still here were all moved.

But as they left one by one, they were extremely slow, hoping that Sonia, as the God of the Void, would relax and reveal more information.

But facing their departure, Sonia's expression never changed.

There are too many people who are eager to join the Void Cult, but not one of them can skip the test.

Those left behind are often those who have deeper obsessions in their hearts.

It is just a naive obsession to hope to be blessed by the Void Divine Religion and reach the sky in one step.

Under the influence of the surroundings, it is difficult to persist enough to be recognized by Mr. Kassadin.

So after more than ten minutes, there were only about two hundred people left.

They stayed because they expected so many people to leave, but if they stayed, they might be able to get some response from Sonia.

"I am Sonia, the envoy of the Void God Cult."

"I think you all have a lot of questions about how to test it."

"But those who have joined the test of the Void God Religion have already been written on the stone tablets."

"So please believe everything you know with your own eyes and show your piety."

But Sonia only repeated what she had just said to those who stayed, without any intention of revealing other information.

As soon as this situation came out, the more than 200 people who originally stayed, those who were angry, disappointed, regretful, and lamented that they had wasted their time, all left directly.

In less than half an hour, there were only two people left.

"Everyone, please help yourself. If you want to stay on the island, you can stay on the island. You can leave at any time if you want."

Seeing that there were only two people left, Sonia glanced at the time and left a few words before disappearing from the spot.

One of the remaining two people also planned to leave.

When Star-Lord saw this scene and listened to some of the emotions of those who left, he was also secretly frightened.

There are quite a few people who have stayed here for a month or two, but they have never received any response, and there is no test progress bar or even other prompts.

This made Star-Lord look at the teachings and precepts on the stone tablet.

Just by everything on the stone tablet, there is only one doctrine and a few commandments on the stone tablet.

"Do you sincerely believe everything you see..."

Star-Lord stood in front of the stone tablet and murmured thoughtfully.

"Brother, stop pretending when she's gone."

"Do you think others haven't tried this in front of her?"

"Pretentiousness, bribery and massive spending on the island are of no use."

"Piety is a fictitious thing."

"What's more, piety is now defined by others, and she is unwilling to say how to show piety."

"Staying longer means spending more money."

"Someone told me that the piety test was just a trick used by the Void God Religion to deliberately make money."

"I didn't believe it before, but now I kind of believe it."

The man who was about to leave sneered when he saw Star-Lord like this.

"Thank you for reminding."

When Star-Lord heard these words, he had no intention of arguing with the man, but responded politely.

Seeing that Star-Lord was still pretending, the man didn't bother to continue to remind him and walked down the stairs.

He was also thinking about whether to continue playing here for a while or whether to go home directly.

Star-Lord personally disagrees with the idea of ​​money trapping.

If the Void God Sect really intends to let outsiders stay here for a long time to drive consumption, then the cost of accommodation will not be so cheap.

Not to mention people like them who can directly make a lot of money through bounties.

For people who were just working as workers, although two hundred cosmic coins a day is not low, it is not unaffordable.

Xandar Star has 354 days a year, and the total cost of living here is only about 70,000.

Uncle Mike also said that as long as he prepares a few hundred thousand, he can live here comfortably for a year.

As long as ordinary workers are willing to save hundreds of thousands, it is not difficult to save.

Moreover, Star-Lord has witnessed with his own eyes the terrifying power displayed by Kassadin, the God of the Void, and the members of the Cult of the Void.

It is almost a consensus in the universe that collectors in the land of nothingness should not be offended.

But the Void God Sect will fight whenever they want, and even Gao Tianzun has directly become a slave.

How much money the collector and Gao Tianzun have together is a figure that countless people never even think about.

Therefore, for the Void God Cult, money can be used to make a lot of money by any means.

This already means that the Void God Religion's doctrine of giving everyone a chance is true or false, and there is absolutely no need to doubt it.

Star-Lord had already predicted that bribes would be useless, because if bribes were useful.

Then the members of the Void Cult will not be eager to join when a large number of people are eager to join. The number of members so far is less than 600.

How to show his piety, Star-Lord honestly doesn't know.

But what Star-Lord can be sure of is that he never wants to wait until an unknown time to receive news of the death of his bastard father.

He had only one idea, and that was that whenever he had the chance, he would kill Egg himself.

And this opportunity is that he must pass the test of the Void God Religion, obtain the blessing of the Void God Religion, and then awaken the power in his body, so that he can have hope of revenge.

Gamora, Rocket, Nebula, Groot, and Drax believed in him and directly lent him a large amount of money.

Faced with this only hope and the support of his companions, Star-Lord doesn't care what others say.

No matter how difficult the test is, he will not leave Void Island easily.

The third update contains 3,000 words, and 10,000 words have been collected.

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