I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 416 Disposal of the Land of Nothingness

"It feels like you've changed a lot, Mr. Steve."

Pietro said thoughtfully when he saw Steve's appearance.

Pietro could sense before that Steve was extremely conceited about his own strength.

But this time after Mr. Steve came back from the universe, although he still had the confidence of a strong man, his mentality became more humble.

To put it simply, it means having the courage to admit that you are weaker than others.

"As you gain more knowledge, people will naturally change."

"When you go to the universe and see more in the future, you will also grow."

Steve heard Pietro say that he had changed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Go to the universe in the future?"

"Humanity's technology is still a long way from reaching the universe, right?"

"Can I wait until that day in my lifetime?"

Pietro also felt a little yearning for the upper universe when he heard about it, but considering that although Blue Star's technology is already very high, it is still a long way from the upper universe, so it is also a reality for a few people.

"If you just look at Blue Star's modern technology, you really don't know how long it will take."

"But with Tony and Banner here, it won't be too far before Blue Star connects with the universe."

"Although I don't know how long it will take to wait, I will definitely be able to bring Blue Star into the interstellar era and connect with the universe in your lifetime."

"Now the two of them are just one step away from being able to independently develop and produce space battleships."

"Just wait for that day."

Steve smiled and gave the assurance.

He didn't know whether Pietro and Wanda could join the Void Cult, but Blue Star would definitely be connected to the universe in the future, and then all humans would be able to go to the universe.

Even if Blue Star has just connected with the universe when it arrives, the civilization technology tree has not yet been completely lit up and it is in the early stages of the development of interstellar civilization.

Blue Star has Asgard and the protection of people like them, and Blue Star has a firm foothold in the universe.

"Independently make a space battleship?"

"Has the technology they mastered been so many years ahead of Blue Star?"

Pietro was also a little stunned when he heard Steve's words.

"Yeah, so they don't have time or energy to stay on Blue Star now."

"Only people like me, who don't have any special talents but have some strength, can guard Blue Star."

Steve said with a smile upon hearing this.

Tony and Banner are also super geniuses when they look at the universe.

Therefore, the talents possessed by these two people are unmatched by countless people.

"Going to the universe, it's really exciting."

When Pietro heard Steve's affirmation of the talents of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, his yearning for the universe arose in his heart.

The Blue Star is only as big as one Blue Star in total. For many people, they may not be able to travel around the world in their lifetime.

But for people like Pietro who have awakened their superpowers, it doesn't take much effort to travel around Blue Star.

After knowing that there are not only intelligent creatures like humans in the universe.

Of course, Pietro also hopes to see a wider world.

Unless a man's edges are smoothed by external factors, he will never lack the spirit of adventure and exploration in his life.

"Well, just look forward to it, that day won't be too far away."

"By the way, the month that Paige and I left."

"You and Wanda shouldn't be causing any trouble, right?"

Seeing Pietro's expectant look, Steve affirmed again and immediately asked

"No, my sister and I spent Christmas on the island."

"I went out a few times, just to buy some things I wanted to buy before."

"None of them have used their superpowers."

"We also visited our relatives who used to take care of us and gave them some small gifts..."

After hearing this, Pietro honestly explained his itinerary for this month.

Although when I went to give gifts, I was asked where the money for these gifts came from.

The two also directly stated that they currently earn money from working at Stark Industries.

Although Steve gave them the money, technically speaking, he and Wanda did work for Tony Stark.

He also lives on Tony Stark's private island.

"It's good that there's no trouble."

"You talked about working at Stark Industries."

"I will contact Miss Pepper for you and help you arrange your identity so that everything can be seamless."

After Steve heard that Pietro and Wanda's life was getting better, he did not forget his past relatives, and he became more and more appreciative of them.

However, the two of them still made some loopholes in doing so.

If their relatives went to check and found that Pietro and Wanda were not there, they might become suspicious and cause some trouble.

Of course, it is not difficult to fill in these small loopholes.

He just asked Pepper to help get Pietro and Wanda to have their names in a certain department of Stark Industries.

"Steve, it's time for dinner."

At this time, Paige called Steve directly.


Steve heard that he took Pietro directly to the villa.

Teach Pietro and Wanda how to behave and not abuse their power on Blue Star. All this must be done slowly.


A week has passed.

In the Void Divine Religion.

Sonia directed many members who were still on the island to move the collections from the Land of Nothingness back.

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't it a good thing to have so many trophies?"

Harvey saw Sonia frowning as she looked at the many data in front of her.

"More loot is definitely a good thing. What I'm worried about now is who will take over the Land of Nothingness."

"The Land of Nothingness is not far from Xandar, but it is a chaotic area."

“How you manage that place is a question, and who is going to run it is a question.”

"If the members of the Void Cult are allowed to go, they must be strong-willed and loyal enough."

"It's easy to be influenced and fall into the abyss of desire."

"Although Mr. Ricks meets this condition, Mr. Ricks has already made up his mind to go to the monster planet."

"I hope to further improve my strength."

"There isn't that much free time to manage the void."

Hearing this, Sonia also told what was worrying her at the moment.

Because the Void God Religion has been established for too short a time, there are currently not enough talented people who can be trusted.

That’s why Sonia didn’t want to expand her territory so quickly.

Because of you, she already has a lot of work to do.

She wants to develop and build things.

Although the Void God Cult is very rich now, how to use money rationally is something that needs to be thought about deeply.

And she also needs Mr. Odin to complete the handover work so that some of Asgard's technologies can be used in the Void Cult.

Originally, these tasks were within the scope of her ability to deal with them. After all, she only had to take care of Void Island.

But now there is a rich but chaotic area like the Land of Nothingness.

Although the distance is not very far, she currently has too many resources to manage the Void Land.

So Sonia wanted to find someone to help share her work.

"The Void is one of the chaotic regions of the universe that has existed for many years."

"If it is completely changed, many helpless people will have nowhere to go."

"So after adding the prohibition of human trafficking in the Land of Nothingness, it would be good to keep the existing rules."

"As for who should manage it, since members of the Void Cult are not suitable to stay in that kind of place for too long."

"Support a puppet, and then find someone you can trust to connect with him and understand everything about the Land of Nothingness."

"If you only need to connect with one person, it will add some work but it won't be that troublesome."

When Harvey heard what Sonia was worried about, he immediately understood and said

"So there is still such a way. My thinking went astray."

"As expected of Mr. Kassadin."

When Sonia heard these words, her troubled thoughts were immediately relieved.

She had always been thinking about who else besides Alex could she trust completely and trust with that person to manage the land of nothingness.

But there is only one person like Alex in the Void Cult.

Although the people on Mowgli are some fanatical believers, if they don't know how to manage, leaving it to them will only cause endless trouble.

The abilities and loyalty of other members of the Void Cult, Kyle and others are also guaranteed.

But being in the chaotic zone of the Land of Nothingness is also susceptible to some influences.

The ability to make Sonia feel at ease is insufficient, and the ability to make Sonia feel at ease is insufficient.

This was what troubled Sonia, but after Mr. Kassadin said this, everything suddenly became clear.

"Well, as long as it can solve your troubles..."

Harvey saw Sonia's sudden admiration for him and said.

In fact, this method is not what he thought.

Previously, Odin, Tony, Lacey and others discussed who should be sent to manage the Void Land after occupying it.

Harvey felt that the way they said it was indeed good, so he said it at this time.

"Yeah, that helps a lot."

"Let me see who qualifies as a candidate."

"Then Mr. Kassadin, you decide who should be in charge."

Sonia smiled and nodded after hearing this.

It's too easy to just support a puppet and find someone you can trust and connect with.

So Sonia quickly came up with a suitable candidate.

"Mr. Cassadine, what do you think of Miss Lacey's words?"

"She has enough knowledge to know the darkness of the black market, and her abilities and loyalty are guaranteed."

Sonia thought for a moment and asked.

"Why don't you let Sarah and Lalatina go this time?"

"Although they both have jobs, with their abilities, it should be more familiar and convenient to complete the docking with you, right?"

Harvey heard that Sonia wanted Lacey to complete the docking. After thinking about it, he thought it was okay, but he also asked a little strangely.

"Sarah and Lalatina are capable and knowledgeable, and the handover will be easier."

"But the two of them have seen more things under the light."

“Everything you see is light until you see darkness.”

"Sarah and Lalatina joined the Void Cult, but they have never really fought, let alone seen the real darkness."

"The land of nothingness is a lawless zone that is relatively chaotic and belongs to the dark zone."

"It must be better managed by people who have seen darkness and have more experience."

"So just let people go who have seen the darkness."

"Taken together, Miss Lacey best meets this condition."

After hearing this, Sonia also expressed her thoughts.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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