"Thank you for the compliment."

Thor didn't feel anything about Lex's words about being a trash god whose moral character was not worthy of his place, and said with a smile.


However, Loki felt as if he was scolding himself and did not dare to speak out, because the stupid things he had done in the past were indeed a bit unbearable to look back on.

It's just that Alex's words have awakened them. How to gain higher trust is of course to reflect their own value.

When he returns to Asgard, he needs to have a good chat with his mother and study void magic.

Asgard still has many things that can bring development to the Void Cult.

As long as the development is in place, their Asgard soldiers will be able to gradually integrate into the Void God Religion.

After Loki witnessed the power of Kassadin, the God of the Void, who personally suppressed Gao Tianzun.

He already knew that although the Void Divine Sect was still in its infancy, its backers were not as strong as usual, so it was crucial to be able to board this ship.

It's different from Thor and Banner.

The things Tony and Banner were talking about with Steve, Pepper, and Paige were all about things on Blue Star and future plans.

Because Steve, Paige, and Pepper have been away from Blue Star for nearly a month. After this banquet is over, they will almost go back to Blue Star.

However, after hearing some of Tony's plans, several people knew that within a few years at most, they would be able to leave Blue Star and stay on Void Island together.

Everyone is yearning for that kind of future.

On Void Island, not only can I see new things that I have never known before, but my life is also extremely fulfilling.

Because there are compatriots who are also members of the Void God Cult, there is no need to worry about no one who can communicate with each other and supervise progress.

However, they also know that it is not suitable for them to stay here right now. After all, Blue Star has not yet reached the point where it is impregnable and needs people to watch over it.

Although the strength of God King Odin has gradually recovered, Odin will definitely not care about enemies of Pietro's level, so you have to watch.

And just when the members of the Void Cult were enjoying the celebration banquet.

All the cosmic communicators popped up and received a transfer of 100 million cosmic coins from Sonia of the Void God Cult, with some notes.

"To thank all members for their contributions to the Void Cult."

"I hope this reward can help you heal some of the unpleasantness and psychological pressure caused by the war."

This astonishing transfer of money made many members of the Void Cult even happier.

Because for many members of the Void Cult, 100 million Cosmic Coins takes a lot of time to earn, and some even fail to earn so much money in a year.

Tony and Alex didn't feel anything like this, because both of them were wealthy owners who were not short of money.

But Banner, Steve, Paige, Pepper, and even Thor, Loki, Kyle, Lacey and others all had smiles on their faces.

Pepper knew that Tony was very rich, and she was directly in charge of the financial power of Stark Industries on Blue Star.

But this is the universe, and Tony doesn't have enough money to just spend it on her.

Now with this money, she can directly buy some things she wants without having to be generous and use Tony's money to buy gifts for Tony.

"Tony, regarding the money I owe you, I will pay you back later."

After Steve and Peggy got the money, Steve also planned to pay off the debt immediately.

It can be said that everyone knows that it is not difficult to borrow something again and again.

However, some people borrow money and have money in their pockets, but they just don’t pay it back and instead act like a deadbeat.

Of course, Steve was not a deadbeat, so he planned to settle these debts with Tony as soon as he got the money.

Moreover, the two of them add up to 200 million, and even if they pay it back, they still have a deposit of 190 million, which is enough for them to not be unable to move due to lack of money when they come to Void Island again in the future.


Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

Sarah and Lalatina have already used their money to invest in other things, and they can collect money just by lying down every day.

But the money sent by Senior Sonia made the two people's savings richer again.

But if you have money, you still have to work, but the two of them also started to plan what to invest in.

Renoli, Kyle, Lacey, and the Predictor knew that even if they did not go out to take on tasks within the next year, they would not be afraid of running out of money to eat.

The four of them also started planning their evolution plan for the next year.

The strength of the four of them has never really fought to the death, so no one knows who is stronger and who is lower. However, they all have a consensus, that is, they cannot be thrown away. Once they are thrown away, it will be difficult to catch up.

Alex didn't feel anything, but some members of the Void Cult on Mowgli Planet were thinking about what they would do after returning to Mowgli Planet.

Nowadays, tens of billions are nothing to the Void God Cult, but 100 million per person falling on many members of the Void God Cult is enough to make them rich on the spot and change their original plans for the future.

This is the case for Damm, Barnett, Primo, and Philip, who are officers in the Nova Corps.

Their original annual salary is now only a few million.

With this 100 million issued, their plan to save for a few years before they could improve their lives was immediately advanced many years.

And there is a truth that almost everyone knows, that is, it is easier to do things if you have money.

Even Odin and Frigga, who are far away in the Nine Realms of Asgard, have received money from the group community.

The two of them also knew that this time the Void God Cult captured the Land of Nothingness, the value of what they harvested was probably unimaginably huge.

However, as the Void Cult grows stronger, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for Asgard.

It’s just that Odin and Frigga saw some of the practices of the Void Cult, and there is now an extremely lively community expressing gratitude.

The two discussed it and decided to wait until Thor succeeded to the throne and took over Asgard.

Let Thor directly improve some welfare for the soldiers and people of Asgard.

Respecting honor and faith is a must for the theocratic Asgard.

However, sometimes it is simpler and more direct to send money directly than to promote honor and belief.

Now Odin has decided to start trade with the outside world.

In the future, the money Asgard can earn every year will be far greater than before.

So it's time to improve the overall standard of living in Asgard.

The reason why we wait to improve the welfare after Thor comes to power is not to be improved by him and Frigga.

The main reason is to allow Thor to build momentum and quickly convince the people of Asgard as Thor, the new king.

Just when the Void Divine Religion was holding a celebration banquet, huge turmoil had already occurred in the outside world.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, the founder of the Void Cult, came to the land of void to fight Gao Tianzun.

The result of the battle was that Gao Tianzun was defeated by Kassadin, the God of the Void, and had to retreat and no longer care about the affairs of the Void Land.

This resulted in the death of Gao Tianzun's younger brother Tanariel Tiffon, a member of the Council of Elders of the Universe and a famous wealthy collector in the universe who had lived for billions of years.

The land of void that the Collector has been in charge of for hundreds of thousands of years changed hands and now became the territory of the Void Cult. Every event can be said to be a major event that can shock the galaxy.

Within the Nova Corps of Xandar, the supreme commander Irani Rael is also listening to Dana Thrall's intelligence report.

"The God of the Void, Kassadin, personally suppressed Gao Tianzun and made him a slave?"

"But the rumors from the outside world are that Gao Tianzun lost the battle and retreated to Saka Star."

Irani Rael said in disbelief when she heard what Dana Sal said.

"Because the Void Divine Cult did not expel me, I witnessed that unprecedented battle."

"Gao Tianzun was like clay in front of the God of the Void, and he was almost killed."

"Even the oath sworn to eternity has been made, but the God of the Void Kassadin is dissatisfied with it being just a contract."

"So I forcibly planted the brand of slave on Gao Tianzun."

"The God of the Void has also told the Void God Religion that Gao Tianzun has surrendered as a slave instead of joining the Void God Religion."

"I can guarantee that every word I said is true, if there is a thunderstorm."

When Dana Sal heard this, he also guaranteed what he said.

"It's not that I don't believe you, it's just that if these things are true, then things will be troublesome."

Irani Rael's face became extremely solemn when she saw the way Dana Sal promised her.

Although in the past she had always had an attitude towards Kassadin, the Void God, the founder of the Void Cult, she would rather overestimate than underestimate him, so she has always maintained the friendliest attitude towards the Void Cult.

Her prediction was not wrong. The strength of the Void God Kassadin has indeed reached the top of the universe, surpassing the technology of the Xandar Star Empire.

If the Void Cult of the Void God Kassadin was established in the Kree Empire.

Then Irani Lell is not worried at all, but the base camp of the Void Cult is built on the home planet of the Xandar Empire.

She had always been worried that the Void Cult would begin to expand its territory.

The Void God Religion's first battle in conquering the Land of Nothingness now will be the beginning of conquest in the future.

Then Xandar Star will inevitably be conquered and occupied.

The Void God Cult is so powerful that joining the Void God Cult is not a problem.

The problem is that if they join the Void Cult, whether the Xandar Empire can continue to protect the galaxy in the future is a big question.

The Kree Empire has destroyed many civilizations in the past.

The Xandar Empire just couldn't stand this kind of mindless conquest and destruction of various civilizations.

That's why Xandar started a tens of thousands of years of war with the Kree Empire.

It wasn't until the Kree Empire signed a peace agreement in the past few hundred years that the cosmic wars in the galaxy stopped a lot.

Although the Nova Empire still cannot affect the entire universe, being able to protect the Milky Way is the limit of the Nova Legion's capabilities.

The progress of civilization and technology requires the accumulation of countless intelligent beings.

If there is only one race left in the entire universe, then technological progress will stagnate when it reaches a certain limit, and then that race will perish in a long time.

This is the bloody reality left over from history since the birth of the universe.

In addition to the few ancient gods in the universe and the few powerful men in the Universe Presbyterian Church.

Most civilizations and forces can only last tens of thousands of years, and there are very few civilizations and forces that can last for hundreds of thousands of years.

Not to mention civilizations and powers that have survived half a million years.

Some civilizations in the universe are destroyed due to external factors, and some are self-destructed due to internal factors of the race. "

But what's more, after civilization has advanced for countless years, technology has reached a bottleneck and stagnated, causing destruction.

Once a civilization dies, it means that a race is completely wiped out in the long river of time in the universe.

The destruction of civilization due to internal factors is uncontrollable, but the destruction of civilization due to external factors is controllable.

Therefore, the Xandar Empire's proposition is to prevent more civilizations and intelligent beings from being destroyed due to external factors.

The Xandar Empire protects weak civilizations and allows them time to grow.

Not only to get spiritual comfort, but also to help his own race last longer by absorbing the technology and culture of other civilizations.

"Whether this is the beginning of trouble depends on how the Void God Religion handles the Land of Nothingness in the future."

"What if the Void Cult took over the Land of Void but didn't forcibly change some of the rules of the Land of Void."

"Then it means that the Void God Religion will expand its territory in the future, and it will not affect some civilizations and the original ecology of the planet."

"This way, even if the Nova Corps is forced to join the Void Cult in the future, we may still have some autonomy."

"What if the ecology of the Land of Nothingness has completely changed."

"If we are unable to change, we can either adapt to the environment and join the Void God Religion, or we can directly move to the stars."

"Just change to a more distant galaxy to survive."

Danner Sal also knew what Irani Rael was worried about, so he opened his mouth to analyze it.

The Xandar Empire naturally has the ability to move to stars.

It's just that Xandar is the origin of the Xandar Empire. Unless forced to do so, it is impossible to move to the star.

"Now we can only continue to wait and see."

"How many people know about Gao Tianzun's surrender to the Void Divine Religion?"

Irani Reel, the top commander of the Nova Corps, also knows that this matter is not something they can control, and they can only take it one step at a time.

"The people from the Void Cult must know."

"Our Nova Corps, as well as the Star-Lords of the Guardians of the Galaxy who reported to us before, also know this."

"They were also witnesses to the battle between the Void Cult and the Land of Nothingness. Is there any problem?"

Dana Sal heard the report and then asked with some doubts.

"Now that someone else knows."

"If the Void Divine Religion doesn't take the initiative to spread the word."

"Then don't let the news spread from the Nova Corps."

"Although there may be trouble in the future, the trouble has not come yet."

"Just keep doing the job you were doing in the past."

Irani Rael's eyes flickered when he heard this and he spoke.

The outside world is now rumoring that Gao Tianzun was repulsed, which means that the Void Divine Sect has not taken the initiative to completely spread the specific matters.

Gao Tianzun was repulsed and Gao Tianzun has surrendered to the Void God Religion, which are two completely different concepts.

If the news of Gao Tianzun's subjugation spread, the sensation would only be much greater than it is now.

The top powerhouses in the universe will also be alarmed.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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