I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 268 Thor asks for help

As time passed day by day, more than a month passed quietly.

this day.

Tony and Banner are studying various thrusters in the universe and discussing how to make such thrusters from scratch.

Although Tony is also very rich in the universe, things like thrusters must be thoroughly studied.

Because not only do you need to be able to make it, you also need to learn how to repair it.

Otherwise, we can only rely on other people's words, and then Blue Star will not be considered to have entered the interstellar era.

But at noon on this day.

A beam of light fell from the sky and came directly to Stark Manor.

"Tony, something big happened, please help."

Thor came to Stark Manor, brought some wine, found Tony, and the first thing he said was to ask for help.

This made Tony and Banner look at each other, knowing that something unusual should have happened.

"Go up first and talk about what happened."

Tony heard this and spoke.


After hearing this, Thor realized that Banner was also there, and was a little surprised, and then nodded.

Thor didn't come empty-handed this time for help, he also brought wine from Asgard.

After everyone filled a glass of wine, the three of them sat around a table and sat in their respective seats.

"What happened?"

Tony looked at Thor and asked.

"Dark Elf Malekith has awakened."

Thor heard this and spoke.

"Who is the dark elf Malekith?"

When Tony and Banner heard this name, they had no impression at all and looked at Thor.

"The strong man who fought against my grandfather Bor in the past, the lord of the dark world, is very strong."

After hearing this, Sol took out a book, spread it on the table, and explained.

"Involving the powerful men of your grandfather Bol's generation?"

"Then the old thing isn't dead yet?"

Tony was a little surprised when he heard it and asked.

The enemies involved with Asgard are not good friends.

One is the Destroyer, the second is the attack of the Chitauri army, and now it is fortunate that it is directly related to an old monster that has lived for at least several thousand years.

"My grandfather's generation was involved, and I thought he was dead."

"But they seem to have some secret technique to put themselves into a deep sleep and extend their lifespan."

"Now with the resurgence of the power of ether, they have also awakened, and are now planning..."

When Sol heard this, his face was extremely solemn and he spoke.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

"Thor, shouldn't the level of enemies you mentioned be dealt with by God King Odin?"

"If this old monster, which has lived for at least thousands of years, wants to harm Blue Star."

"We don't mind helping, but the question is, can we really fight?"

"And what the hell is the power of ether?"

Tony heard what Sol said, stretched out his hand to interrupt Sol's words, and asked several questions in succession.

He knew that since Harvey specifically reminded him that there was a big treasure in the world, he would definitely attract strong enemies, but he didn't expect them to be so strong.

And with an enemy of this level, it’s time for God King Odin to take action, right?

The previous time I heard Thor say that Odin was unable to take action because he could not stabilize the power in his body, so he sent Thor.

It was eventually worked out so Tony could understand.

But now it's been more than a year since the New York War, and another powerful enemy has appeared. Has God King Odin not stabilized the power in his body?

"I don't know my father's situation either. He seems to be very cautious about Malekith."

"As for whether we can defeat Malekith, we must fight if we can beat him, and if we can't beat him, we must fight."

"As for the power of ether, I don't know much about it. It's probably a mysterious force that can distort the physical laws of reality at will."

When Thor heard Tony's question, he clenched his fists and said.

"All physical laws can be distorted?"

"How come you have such perverted power?"

Banner felt a little weird when he heard this kind of power.

"I'm not sure, that's what the book says."

"And if the power of ether is controlled by Malekith, it may threaten the entire universe."

Thor also knew what Banner meant and said.

"So where is the power of ether now?"

When Tony heard this, he sighed in his heart that Asgard had so many treasures. At the same time, he also knew the most critical issue now.

"It's in Jane's body, and now Jane is in Asgard."

"Dark Elf Malekith has revived and may invade Asgard at any time."

"If Malekith succeeds, Blue Star will not be spared."

When Thor heard this, he immediately told where the power of ether was.

"So how can we help you?"

Tony was confused when he heard that the power of ether was actually in Jane Foster's body, so he asked.

"I want to put on your armor and go to Asgard with me."

"The power of ether is born. After Malekith wakes up, he will never give up the opportunity to regain the power of ether."

"So Asgard has now entered a state of preparation for war."

"There may be a battle with Malekith at any time, and now I'm here to ask for help."

"If you don't agree, I will return to Asgard soon and be on standby."

"Would you like to help?

Upon hearing this, Thor quickly explained the situation, and looked at Tony and Banner, his tone a little anxious but extremely sincere.

He knew that Tony, who had joined the Void Cult and received the blessing of the Void, was already very powerful.

Although the Hulk transformed by Dr. Banner is not completely under control, if he can contribute, he will be a very powerful reinforcement.

"I have long been interested in visiting the rumored Asgard."

When Tony heard that he was going to Asgard, he didn't refuse and said with a smile.

"If Malekith is not organized, Blue Star will not be immune."

"Then I definitely have no reason to refuse."

After listening to Thor's words and Tony's reply, Banner understood it well and spoke.

"Are you all willing to help?"

"Very good!"

Thor saw that both Tony and Banner agreed, and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Just wait for me for an hour at most."

"I'm going to get something. If I want to use my full strength, I need Jarvis's help, so I have to bring Jarvis with me.

"I'm going to Asgard this time. I don't know how long it will take."

"So I have to talk to Pepper as well."

Tony saw Thor's happy look. Although he felt a little heavy because he had to fight a powerful enemy, there was nothing strange on the surface.

But he thought that all this seemed to be within Harvey's expectation, and he secretly sighed at how terrible Harvey was.

The second update is sent.

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