I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 256 Leaving the Island One after another

Harvey's ideas weren't that complicated either.

Sarah has been on the island for several months and has been doing her job conscientiously.

And there seemed to be no problem getting along with the various members on the island, so I let them pass and let Sarah continue to be the recorder in the future.

As for Lalatina's application, it came in more than two months ago.

Let her pass today, mainly because she felt Lalatina's yearning for Void Island.

Most importantly, Harvey felt that there were too few women on Void Island.

He didn't know why, but the reputation of the Void Divine Cult had spread widely.

There are many men who come to pray for strength, but there are very few women.

Now counting Sonia, Lacey, Claudia, Sarah, Lalatina.

Including Pepper and Peggy in Blue Star, there are now only seven female members among the more than 500 members of the entire Void Cult.

So Harvey will naturally consider increasing the number of women appropriately.

This will allow some of the male members on the island to restrain themselves. If there are more women, it will also allow them to explore more evolutionary paths.


A lively banquet began on Void Island.

Many members also sent blessings to the recorders Sarah and Lalatina.

This enthusiasm made both Sarah and Lalatina a little flattered.

They had already felt before that the atmosphere on the island was already very good for ordinary people like them.

But after officially joining the Void Cult, they found that their friendliness was still reserved.

Now one and two of them are talking about news that they want to spread the void to them.

And he also said that you can have as much power as you evolve as many times as you want, and then you can make a lot of money by doing targeted training.

Sarah also responded politely, thanking the other party for teaching her, but she would not change jobs.

What a great record-keeper. You are said to work twelve hours a day, but in fact you can take a break at any time.

And she also knew that she must cherish this opportunity that Senior Sonia gave her.

To put it in popular terms outside, now that she has a formal position, working for the Void Cult is equivalent to being a member of the system.

As long as you don't make mistakes, you will always be paid.

Lalatina, on the other hand, heard their words and did not immediately think of setting sail.

For her to be recognized by Lord Cassadine, in her heart, she was inseparable from Mr. Tony.

Mr. Tony said at the beginning that others who wanted to work for Mr. Tony would have no chance. Now we can see that that sentence is indeed very reasonable.

If she didn't have to work for Mr. Tony, she might not dare to come to Void Island. Even if she came, she might be scared away soon.

After all, she was treated kindly and kindly by other members of the Void Cult on the island because she was brought back by Mr. Tony, so it was still necessary to work for Mr. Tony.

But hearing about the many paths of evolution was an eye-opener for Sarah and Lalatina.

The New Year's day passed quickly.

Lalatina knew that she only had one day off, so she returned to work as normal the next day.

Tony took a few days off for himself, but he was able to take off because of the agreement he had with Alex.

After the New Year, Alex would arrange for scientists from Mowgli to come and meet with him within a few days.

Sarah knew that after the New Year's pilgrimage, many members of the island were about to leave the island, so Sarah returned to work the next day.

Just when Sarah arrived at the Temple of Records on time, she saw a three-meter-tall red giant waiting at the entrance of the temple.

"Lord Alex, it's so early."

After Sarah saw it, she took the initiative to say hello.

"Return to work immediately after the holiday."

"It seems you were on time when recording."

When Alex heard the greeting, he turned around and looked at Sarah below. Although Sarah was as weak as a chick in his eyes, the initial dissatisfaction in Alex's eyes was no longer there.

"After all, many people will leave the island today, so they must go to work."

"But you are first."

"The New Year's pilgrimage has just passed, are you planning to leave so soon?"

"Why not stay on the island for a few more days."

"Master Kyle and the others should also want to talk to you more."

Sarah heard the praise in Alex's words and said with a smile.

"I also have a lot of things to do on Mowgli, and I have also made an appointment with Tony to have someone come over as soon as possible to assist him in his research."

"Of course I have to go back."

“So let’s talk to Kyle and the others for next time.

Alex spoke after hearing this.

"Master Alex is really serious."

When Sarah heard these words, she responded with a smile and started taking notes directly.

Although he knew that Alex was returning to Mowgli, he still needed to make records.

"I am fortunate enough to receive a gift from the great God of the Void, Mr. Kassadin, so naturally I dare not slack off."

"Miss Sarah, see you next year during the pilgrimage."

Alex's eyes showed appreciation after seeing Sarah carefully record the date, place and time of departure that she planned to leave.

"Well, see you next year."

When Sarah heard this, she waved her hand and said goodbye with a smile.

Alex nodded, then strode straight to the parking lot.

Only a few minutes after Sarah walked into the Temple of Records, other members of the Void Cult also came over one after another to record, indicating which planet they were going to and how long it would take.

With the name of the recorder Sarah, she is known to all members of the island.

Although Sarah's appearance is not completely in line with the aesthetics of all members of the Void Cult, everyone has developed the habit of saying hello to Sarah before setting off.

Sarah's registration was also busy from eight in the morning to about three in the afternoon. After seeing that no one came for half an hour.

After Sarah looked at the records, she saw that there were as many as 346 people who were leaving, and each of them left the next day after worshiping on the island.

I also feel a little emotional that everyone is really free.

Immediately, Sarah also wrote a notice board, explaining that she was going to the canteen, planning to take a rest and go out to find food.

"Senior Sonia."

"I have Lord Kassadin's approval."

"Does this mean I can stay on the island in the future?"

But at this moment, a figure walked in, and Sarah's face showed a look of surprise. She rushed over, hugged her and said with a smile.

"Sarah, congratulations on being recognized by Mr. Kassadin."

"Yes, you can stay on the island from now on."

"This also means your salary can also be increased."

Sonia said with a smile upon hearing this.

Since this was the original agreement, it was natural after Sarah got approval.

Sonia came over to meet Sarah immediately and offered to raise her salary.

After all, after joining the Void Cult, her appetite increased greatly. According to Sarah's original salary of 1.2 million, it would not be enough to eat and drink well on the island.

The second update is sent

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