I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 240 He is not a guest


Seeing that Tony couldn't help, Thor quickly winked and shouted.

"The great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, is not only kind, he is great and tolerant."

"I came here just to meet Lord Kassadin."

Loki saw Thor's winks and felt that they were filled with murderous intent. He was ready to kill him at any time. Although he was very reluctant in his heart, he still said with a look of respect on his face.

He also knew that on Void Island, it was useless to take action or use any other tricks.

Not to mention the woman in front of him who seemed to be taking the lead, Renoli and Kyle were very difficult for him to deal with.

He had not forgotten that these people were killing Chitauri like chickens, and the only way he wanted to leave alive was by talking.

"Asgardian, you better remember what you said."

"This is not Asgard, let alone one of your nine realms of Asgard, but Void Island."

"If you come with respect, we will naturally welcome you, but if you dare to be disrespectful to Lord Kassadin."

"Then there is no place for you here."

Sonia looked at Loki with extremely sharp eyes and said.

"Mr. Tony, he is from the Nine Realms, and your hometown Blue Star is also one of the Nine Realms."

"You come and entertain him, tell him what the rules are, and then send him back."

Immediately, Sonia looked at Tony and said.

Tony heard Sonia asking him to entertain Loki, and wanted to say that he and Loki were not that familiar.

But when Tony saw Thor, he winked at him and bowed to him, and he almost knelt down, knowing that Thor cherished his stupid brother Loki very much.

"Okay, I'll send him back."

So Tony didn't refuse in the end and agreed.

"I'm sorry, my friend's brother has brought you trouble."

"In a few days, I will hold a big banquet as an apology. Please forgive me."

Afterwards, Tony grabbed Loki's collar and flew away directly to prevent Loki from saying something offensive again, which would make him unable to help Loki even if he wanted to.

"This is just a small matter. You don't need to pay too much attention to it, and there is no need to blame Mr. Tony."

"Everyone can disperse."

Sonia looked at the many members of the Void Cult who were still watching and said.

"We understand, this matter has nothing to do with Tony."

"Sorry, Miss Sonia."

After Renault heard this, he bowed slightly and said respectfully.

He knew that if no one took the lead, the members of the Void Cult might have a worse impression of Tony because of Loki.

As Tony's friend, he also knew that this matter was not Tony's fault at all.

It was completely caused by Loki not knowing the weight of his identity and sneaking over to take a look.

"Sorry, Miss Sonia."

When other members of the Void Cult saw what Renault said, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they still wanted to say hello to Miss Sonia first.

Sonia nodded slightly when she heard this, and then left directly.


"Don't even look at where this place is."

"This is Void Island, the headquarters of the Void God Sect."

"The identity of Kassadin, the God of the Void, is supreme here."

"Even if other members of the Void Cult dare to be disrespectful to Lord Kassadin, they must be taught a lesson."

"You're an Asgardian, where do you get the courage?"

Tony took Loki directly back to his laboratory, threw Loki, who couldn't open his eyes due to the rapid flight, directly to the ground, and said speechlessly.

"Tony, thank you very much this time."

Thor heard Tony's curse and saw that although Loki fell into the mud but was not injured, he said a little embarrassedly.

"We're all friends, so there's no need to say this."

"But instead of thanking me, what you should be more grateful to is Miss Sonia. She didn't argue with him just now and let me, a person from Blue Star, take him away."

"I wouldn't dare step in without her permission."

"Otherwise, if she had just calculated it, even if he had a hundred lives, it wouldn't be enough for him to die."

When Tony heard Sol's thanks, he waved his hand to say there was no need to be so polite, and then spoke.

"Well, if I have a chance in the future, I will express my gratitude."

"But who is that Miss Sonia?"

After hearing this, Thor thought for a moment and knew that Loki's permission to leave was indeed due to Sonia's permission. He nodded to make it clear, and then asked curiously.

"You are all gods, so I will use words that you can understand immediately."

"The god of the Void God Religion on Void Island is Lord Kassadin, and Sonia is the envoy of the God of the Void."

After hearing this, Tony thought for a moment and briefly explained Sonia's status on Void Island.

"The envoy of the Void God Religion?"

"Then why didn't I hear her name when I was investigating?"

Loki also got up from the ground at this time and spoke.

"How much information have you investigated on the Internet?"

Tony asked when he saw Loki getting up.

"I found out that the Void Cult currently has about four hundred members and has formed an organization in the bounty hunting world."

After hearing this, Loki also revealed some of the information he had investigated.

"Is this the only point of investigation?"

"Then how to pass the test of the Void Divine Religion and obtain the blessing of the Void."

"What is the strength of each member on the island?"

"Do you understand how most members of the Void Cult treat guests?"

Tony asked one after another after hearing this.


Loki shook his head at this.

"You don't even understand this, how could you have the courage to come here immediately?"

"Follow me into the laboratory, and I will explain the rules to you. Things you need to pay attention to when meeting members of the Void Cult outside in the future."

"Then Loki, tell me where to go and back."

Tony saw that Loki didn't know anything about it, so he dragged Loki directly to the laboratory.

"Mr. Tony, who is this guest?"

Lalatina asked with some confusion when she saw that Mr. Tony flew away in a hurry just now and came back with a guest he had never seen before.

"He is not a guest. You don't need to prepare anything to eat or drink for him. I will let him go later."

Tony saw that Lalatina had no idea what was going on, so he said a few words casually.

Thor was a little happy when he saw Tony teaching Loki a lesson.

He wanted him to teach Loki a lesson, but he couldn't do it. The most he could do was scold Loki.

But he couldn't tell how happy he was to see Tony teach Loki a lesson, because he knew Tony wouldn't kill Loki and his safety was guaranteed.

On the twenty-ninth day, the first update is here.

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