I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 214 One year of trial training

"So what exactly should I do?"

Sarah asked thoughtfully when she saw Senior Sonia directly admitting that this was a chance for her.

"I've already told you what you're going to do."

"Build a good relationship with them, record the entry and exit of other people on Void Island, and know where they plan to go when they plan to travel far away."

"The most important thing is to ensure the authenticity of the information."

"There will be no additional work beyond that."

"You can rest assured of this."

"I can pay you 600,000 yuan in advance, if there is anything beyond the scope of this job during this period."

"I can directly pay you the remaining 600,000 yuan that you will need in the future, and let you leave at the same time."

Sonia also knew Sarah’s concerns and spoke.

She trusted Mr. Kassadin in the first place solely because it was really easy to serve him.

And Mr. Cassadine also paid her very well.

Although the things she has to do every day have long exceeded what a housekeeper should do.

However, Sonia will not complain. On the contrary, she is very grateful to Mr. Kassadin for giving her this opportunity, and she is also happy to see the Void Island develop step by step.

"You have already mentioned this. If I still refuse, then I will be distrusting you, Senior Sonia."

Sarah heard a smile on her sexy and charming face and said.

She knew that Senior Sonia’s current life should have changed drastically from the past.

Moreover, Senior Sonia had never tricked or deceived her before, so she wanted to give it a try.

"Okay, then you can come back to Void Island with me later."

Sonia saw Sarah agreeing, smiled, nodded and said.

"Okay, I'll pack some clothes and go with you later."

"But Senior Sonia, can you secretly tell me how you managed to defeat Mr. Kassadin?"

"Let him choose to keep you?"

When Sarah heard that they were about to leave later, she did not refuse, but instead asked in a low voice with some curiosity.

"It's said in celebrity hotels that Mr. Cassadine has taken care of me."

"But in fact, I am just working for Mr. Kassadin and the Void Cult conscientiously."

When Sonia heard Sarah's words, a helpless smile appeared on her face and she spoke.

"Not a nurturing one? Didn't you and Mr. Kassadin do that kind of thing?"

Sarah's eyes widened when she heard this, and she asked with a look of disbelief.


Sonia shook her head after hearing this.

If Mr. Kassadin mentioned it, she would definitely be willing to agree, but the problem is that Mr. Kassadin didn't mention it, so even if she wanted to sleep with him, she would have no chance.

"Then how can we get Mr. Kassadin's approval?"

Sarah saw Senior Sonia shaking her head immediately and didn't know what to do.

She originally thought that it was Sonia-senpai who was so beautiful that made Mr. Kassadin a little moved, and then he recognized Sonia-senpai.

But the answer was not what she thought, which made her feel unsure.

"You don't have to think about that."

"As long as you do your part well, you have a chance of getting Mr. Kassadin's approval."

Sonia was a little speechless when she saw that Sarah was directly concerned about Mr. Cassadine, and spoke.

"Okay, I promise to complete the task."

"And aren't you watching?"

"How dare I be lazy."

When Sarah heard that she had done her duty, she hugged Sonia and played with her, smiling.

"Sarah, I can't give you much guidance this time, let alone teach you personally."

"But you don't have to worry about any problems or dangers."

"No matter what happens, you can still get 1.2 million and leave."

"But I hope you can also get Mr. Kassadin's approval."

Sonia saw Sarah hugging her coquettishly, reached out and gently stroked Sarah's red hair and said softly.

"...Well, I will try my best."

Sarah was in Sonia's arms. When she heard these words and felt the gentle movements, she felt like she was back to the time seven years ago, her eyes twinkling and she nodded.

After Sonia-senpai taught her a lot, she found it too difficult to cry because she was too strict.

Senior Sonia hugged her gently and said that he was so strict because he hoped that she could pass the assessment and continue to stay in the celebrity hotel.

It was also because of her initial harshness that she has been working at the Celebrity Hotel for eight years.

In eight years, I don’t know how many newcomers are eager to join, and how many seniors are directly eliminated.

Although this time was different from the past, she did not cry or feel aggrieved, but she could still feel the kind heart of Senior Sonia.

"You go ahead and pack some clothes."

"After I take you to Void Island to check out the situation, it won't be too late for you to decide whether you want to take this job."

Sonia patted Sarah's back gently and said.


Hearing this, Sarah loosened her hands and got out of Sonia's arms.

Afterwards, Sarah immediately returned to her room and packed ten sets of clothes of different styles.

"Senior Sonia, is this your space fighter?"

Sarah followed Sonia downstairs. She originally thought she was leaving by car, but she didn't expect to go to the tarmac. She saw an extremely cool space fighter and her eyes widened.

"Mr. Kassadin gave this to me for occasional transportation."

"But you don't have to be surprised. There are many things that will surprise you when you arrive on Void Island."

Sonia said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Senior Sonia, are you really just working for Mr. Kassadin?"

Hearing tens of millions of space fighters being sent away at will, Sarah was a little suspicious of life and asked in a low voice.

"Of course there's nothing wrong with lying to you about these things."

"But you can just say these things here."

“Be careful what you say when you get to the island.”

Hearing this, Sonia rolled her eyes helplessly and warned seriously.

"Well, I'll pay attention.

Seeing the serious expression on Senior Sonia's face, Sarah stopped joking and agreed obediently.

Later, Sonia took Sarah to Void Island.

When overlooking this void island from the air.

"Senior Sonia, why are so many people able to fly?"

Sarah saw some figures on the island, the nimble figures and the people flying directly, pointed at some people below, rubbed her eyes, and asked.

"Most of the people on Void Island can be understood as superpowers."

"So it's not that surprising that you can fly."

Sonia said with a smile when she saw Sarah's shocked look.

For members of the Void Cult on the island, there are relatively few women who are eager to gain power.

Therefore, allowing Sarah to come here for a year of trial training will also allow other members of the Void Cult to feel the feeling of being worshiped and awed.

Let them take better care of Sarah.

The fifth update is sent

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