I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 191 Mutual Introduction

Then a figure wearing steel armor flew out of the transport spacecraft Kyle said.

In just a few seconds, he appeared in front of Kyle and others.

"Tony, your armor is as useful as ever."

Rennoli said with a smile as he saw Tony's extreme speed.

"This is just one of my armors, there are others."

"I'll let you see it later when I have the opportunity."

Tony also smiled when he heard this.

"Tony, long time no see."

After Kyle saw Tony arriving, he opened his arms and hugged him directly.

"Long time no see, I'd like to trouble you to come over this time."

Tony returned the hug and patted Kyle gently on the back. After the two separated, Tony said.

"You saw us, why didn't you take off your helmet?"

After Lacey saw Tony, she found it strange that Tony didn't take off his helmet directly as usual.

"This is Blue Star, my hometown. Not many people know my true background."

"So please be careful and don't expose your secrets to me."

Tony said after hearing this.

"That's it, don't worry."

Lacey turned her eyes when she heard this, thought for a moment, and immediately understood.

"That medium-sized transport spacecraft is one of the weapons you plan to use to fight the Chitauri army?"

"To be honest, that thing would probably be destroyed by a single volley from the Chitauri army. It looks good but is useless."

The prophet looked at the aviation battleship that had already shown its specific appearance and said.

"That one is used for transporting people and conveying information. It will definitely not be able to turn around in a real fight."

"Let's go, come up with me first."

"There are a few people I want to introduce to you."

"I want to drag one of them into the Void Cult."

Tony also looked back when he heard this, and then spoke.

"Now the Void God Religion's review is becoming more and more stringent, and it is becoming more and more difficult to join the Void God Religion."

"So even if you want to drag him into the Void Cult, you can't break the rules."

"Whether he can pass Lord Kassadin's test depends entirely on that person's ability."

Rennoli said seriously after hearing Tony's words.

"Who do you think I am? Of course I know the rules."

Of course, Tony would not say that Banner was specifically mentioned by Harvey as someone who might join the Void Cult, but he nodded seriously.

"I asked them to come down."

Immediately, Tony spoke.

"No, we can just fly up."

Kyle heard this and said.

Then purple void power appeared on several people, and their bodies flew up.

"Can you fly directly?"

Tony's eyes widened when he saw this.

"The fee has already been remitted."

"This is just a technique for using the power of the void called [Void Sweeping] that Miss Sonia taught us."

"As long as you join the Void Cult for a year, you will evolve into a member of the Power of the Void."

"You can learn if you haven't made any mistakes in a year."

"But you've been away for a while, so it's normal that you don't know about this. I'll find a chance to teach you later."

Renoli said with a smile upon hearing this.

Tony's contribution to the Void God Cult is very great, so that the Void God Cult is currently not short of money at all.

Various facilities have also been built on Void Island one after another.


Tony nodded when he heard that it was Sonia who taught him.

Although he can fly directly in the steel armor, it is definitely better if he can fly with his own body, which can reduce his own weakness.

But Tony was also thoughtful in his heart. Could it be that Harvey was giving Sonia a little trouble?

Afterwards, several people flew towards the aviation battleship together.

Although the Avengers and SHIELD people in the aviation battleship couldn't hear what Tony said to them.

However, when I saw that the people Tony had found were all able to fly directly up, I felt a little shaken in my heart.

Tony brought several people to the main control room.

When the men in the control room saw Lacey, a tall and hot blonde woman with a charming and seductive face, she exuded invisible charm.

Every look in their eyes couldn't help but show some shock.

Natasha couldn't help but have some comparative thoughts in her mind, but the charming temperament of this woman, who seemed to be naturally charming, made her feel a little discouraged.

Natasha could tell at a glance that this woman definitely understood men very well.

If the other party wants to flirt, I'm afraid not many men can handle it.

"Let me introduce it to you."

"This silver-haired handsome guy is called Rennoli. He is a supersonic user and is very powerful."

Tony led them to Saul and said.

"Hello, my name is Thor."

When Thor heard that it was Sonic's superpower, he smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Thor, the God of Thunder, the prince of Asgard, has a long-respected name."

After Rennoli heard the name of Thor, the God of Thunder, his eyes flashed with surprise, but he quickly said politely.

"Thank you for coming to help."

When Thor saw that the other party had heard his name, the smile on his face became even brighter.

"This big guy over two meters tall is called Kyle. He is born with supernatural powers."

After seeing the two of them shaking hands, Tony continued the introduction.

"How powerful is the innate divine power?"

After hearing this, Thor looked over and found that Kyle was as tall as a little giant. He stretched out his hand and shook Kyle's hand and said with a smile.

"I have heard about the gods of Asgard for a long time."

"Maybe we can compete if we have a chance."

When Kyle heard this, he didn't deliberately shake Sol's hand hard, but made an appointment next time.

"There are not many people who can compete with me."

Thor said confidently after hearing Kyle's words.

"There are not many people who can compete with me in terms of pure strength."

Kyle touched his smooth head and said with a smile.

"Then it seems I can look forward to it."

Thor heard this and spoke.


Kyle nodded upon hearing this.

"This is a prophet. As the name suggests, he can directly predict everything that happens."

Tony continued the introduction.

These were his friends, not Blue Star people, nor Asgardians who had the obligation to protect Blue Star.

So it’s enough to briefly explain our abilities and introduce each other.

As for more specific abilities, to be honest, even Tony himself doesn't know.

Because most of the competitions on Void Island are about exercising one's power control in point-and-click entertainment.

So Tony doesn't know their full strength, let alone not seeing each other for more than a year now.


When Thor heard this, he looked over and saw that the prophet was wearing a gray cloak and his whole body was covered with bandages. He looked a little strange, but he also extended his hand.


The Predicter also stretched out his hand and shook Thor's hand.

"Can I ask a question?"

"Your whole body is covered with bandages imprinted with magic marks. What will happen if you take them off?"

At this time Loki looked at the prophet with some curiosity.

The prophet glanced at Loki when he heard this, but said nothing.

The second update is sent.

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