I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 189 The importance of backing

The time now is afternoon and evening.

After Tony left the aviation battleship, he returned to his Stark Manor.

Before contacting Renolly and the others, Tony called Harvey's number, and the call was quickly connected.

"Harvey, I want to ask for help from Lennoli, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey."

Tony said after seeing Harvey's projection.

"Renolly and the others, you can look for them if you want."

"Other members of the Void Cult, please don't involve them."

"The technology of the Chitauri army is still not low, which may lead to the death of some members who have improved but are still insufficient."

"This will lead to a series of unpredictable things happening."

Harvey knew Tony's plan well and said slowly.

"I know, I'm willing to owe a favor but not a life."

Tony was not surprised when he heard this. His own plan was to find Renault and the others.

Now that more than a year has passed, their strength must have improved greatly, and they should all be strong men who can fight one against ten thousand.

It can ensure that they can participate in the war and then escape intact.

If all the hundreds of members of the Void Cult came to join the battle, they would definitely be able to push back the Chitauri, but there would definitely be casualties.

It's not a problem for him to ask others to come to Blue Star for help. After he owes a favor, he can just find a way to repay it.

But if someone died, it would be hard for Tony to explain to others, let alone to Harvey.

If he found these four strong men, Blue Star would still be unable to win the war.

Even if Harvey is unwilling to take action and Odin cannot take action, then he believes that the Supreme Mage Ancient One will definitely take action.

Although this is an invasion in the material realm, if the damage to the material realm is too great, the Supreme Mage Ancient One will definitely not sit idly by.

"Since you understand, just do it."

When Harvey heard Tony's words, he nodded slightly and said.

"Thank you very much."

Tony heard Harvey's words and a smile appeared on his face.

"I've seen everything you did."

"You just guided Banner well. In the future, maybe he will become a member of the Void Cult and become a companion from Blue Star like you."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"I haven't specifically thought about whether there will be other companions of the Void Cult on Blue Star."

"I just found that Banner had a mentality problem before. He is a strong man but thinks he is weak. This makes me very unhappy."

"But after correcting his thoughts, I found that Banner is still a very good person with an honest and friendly personality."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"He said he didn't want to, but he praised him in front of me intentionally or unintentionally for his good character."

"There's no need to talk about this. I'll see what he's like myself later."

"Go and do your business."

Harvey said a little speechlessly when he heard Tony's words.

"Hahaha, I still can't hide it from you."

"I'm looking for someone. I'm afraid I'm going to have to sell a favor this time."

Tony saw Harvey roll his eyes, knowing that it was probably done, and said with a smile.

Then, before Tony could hang up the communication, Harvey had already hung up first.

Tony also took out the cosmic contact device and dialed a number. After about two minutes, the contact was established.

"No contact for more than a year."

"Tony, what are you busy with in your hometown? You haven't returned to Void Island for so long."

The person who answered the call was Kyle. His round bald head directly occupied the screen and he let out a hearty laugh.

"I would like to go back to Void Island for a visit."

"But I ran into some trouble in my hometown and I can't get over it for the time being."

Tony originally called Rennoli, but he didn't expect Kyle to answer the call, but he didn't care and said with a smile.

"I only called you when I encountered trouble. It seems that I didn't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing."

"Tell me what trouble you encountered."

The image changed from Kyle's face to Rennoli's handsome face, and he spoke.

"The Chitauri are attacking my homeland."

"So I wanted to ask you, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey to come over and help."

Tony was also an old friend with them, so he told them the purpose of looking for them this time without any nonsense.

"I remember that your hometown is not the territory of God King Odin?"

"How dare the Chitauri target your hometown?"

After hearing this, Renoli thought about it for a moment and asked.

"The situation is a bit complicated. God King Odin couldn't show up, so he sent his two sons over."

"Although they are very strong, I think they are still not safe enough, so I want to ask you to help."

"End the war as soon as possible so that I can feel freer."

After hearing this, Tony briefly explained the situation.

"I asked Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey for their opinions."

"They said they wanted to go to Blue Star to visit you and have some fun."

"But do we need to bring more people there?"

"There are many people in the Void Cult talking about you, and I hope you will treat them to a feast."

"If they knew you were in trouble, they would definitely help."

"As long as you treat me to rub it for dozens or hundreds of times afterwards, it will be fine."

Rennoli didn't think about it for too long after hearing this. After asking Kyle and others for their opinions, he readily agreed and said with a smile.

Before they joined the Void Cult, they had already participated in large and small wars when they relied on their superpowers to become bounty hunters.

Although the Chitauri are a famous madman race in the universe, their Void Cult is backed by the great Lord Kassadin.

Not at all afraid if the Chitauri would come looking for trouble.

If they didn't bother the Chitauri, it would be time for the Chitauri to burn incense.

"No need, it's enough for you to come."

"As for the banquet and entertainment, you will definitely be included."

Tony heard Renoli ask himself if he wanted more reinforcements, and felt the confidence and warmth of having the Void Cult behind him, and said with a smile.

"Okay, see you in a few days."

Rennoli said with a smile when he heard Tony's promise, and then hung up the communication.

In the Xandar Star Void Island, Renault and others packed their luggage and weapons.

It is said that a group of people are taking care of it, but it is mainly the prophets who are taking care of it.

The prophets are now physically stronger, but the prophets still like to use technological weapons.

Because technological weapons coupled with the ability of a prophet, it is simply possible to kill someone hundreds of miles away.

Afterwards, several people began to walk towards a medium-sized space battleship docked on the beach.

"C53 Blue Star, I don't know what it's like there."

Lacey, who was wearing white short-sleeves and hot pants, showing off her tall and hot figure, was a little curious.

"Tony said we haven't entered the interstellar era yet, so don't put too much hope in technology."

The prophet heard the words and made a low voice.

"It doesn't matter what he does, as long as he has something to eat."

"And if the people of the Void God Religion are in trouble, they must help no matter what."

Kyle, who was tall and strong, laughed and didn't care at all.

"You'll know when you get there."

Rennolli said with a smile.

The four of them walked onto the space battleship while talking.

Then a medium-sized space battleship took off and set off.

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