I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 182 Don’t let people laugh

"Tony Stark, don't push me."

"It's not too late for you to stop now."

Banner heard Tony's words, looked at the surrounding environment, suppressed the anger in his heart, and spoke.

"Stop it, Tony."

"If Banner makes a fuss here, this battleship may sink."

Steve saw Tony beating Banner violently from the sidelines, and he was a little worried and tried to dissuade him.

"Evacuate the main control room first."

Nick Fury saw that Tony Stark was determined to call out the Hulk, so he gave the order directly.

Thor and Loki have been sitting and watching the show.

"Brother, do you know what the Hulk is?"

It's just that Thor doesn't know Banner very well, but he knows that Tony must have a reason for doing this, so he looked at his brother and asked.

"This Bruce Banner can transform into a big green guy."

"The power is quite good. If we transform here and cause a scene, we can directly dismantle this aviation battleship."

Loki had learned some information about the Avengers from Hawkeye Barton, so he spoke.

It's just that he can't laugh, because the behavior Tony Stark is showing now means that if he really dares to play Tony.

Then Tony might not just beat him up, but find a way to kill him.

"Banner, can I understand that you are threatening me?"

"You are relying on the power in your body and using it to threaten me."

"Why are you just unwilling to admit that you are different from others?"

"And accept the power within yourself to make your actions and thoughts more open-minded?"

Tony smiled when he heard Banner's words and asked.

"If you don't understand, don't tell me. My power is different from your technology. My power is uncontrollable."

When Banner heard Tony's words, he took a breath and relieved the pain everywhere in his body, and then spoke.

"Do you think I can completely control my technology and have the power I have now?"

"Don't be ridiculous! It took me many days and nights, repeated improvements and tests before I was able to fully control the power of technology."

"But according to the information I've seen, you don't want to control the power in your body, but instead think about how to eliminate the Hulk's power in your body."

"Even if you think about suicide, you don't think about how to control it."

"But although you can't control it, the power in your body gives you the arrogance of a strong man."

"You must be secretly pleased with your generosity for being able to endure anger and forgive others, right?"

Tony saw Banner's current situation and looked arrogant. He directly grabbed Banner's hair and lifted Banner up. His tone was full of contempt and ridicule.

If the war were not approaching, the Hulk in Banner's body would indeed be a reliable fighting force and could be put to great use.

A person like Banner, who thinks he is weak, is full of arrogance and twisted character deep inside, so he doesn't bother to deal with it.

"You're going too far!"

Banner felt even more unbearable pain. Looking at Tony Stark's golden mask in front of him, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Immediately, Banner's eyes completely turned green and his body began to grow larger.

"That's right, I'll show you what real power is.

"Jarvis, open the hatch and point me to the fastest route out of the battleship."

Tony saw Banner's change and shouted directly.


Jarvis's voice immediately came from the aviation battleship.

Before Tony even set foot on the aviation battleship, Tony had already asked Jarvis to crack all the permissions of the aviation battleship.

Then, a huge hatch of the aviation battleship opened directly.

Tony grabbed hold of Banner who hadn't completely transformed into the Hulk yet, and Banner's head instantly disappeared in place.

Nick Fury originally wanted to see if Tony Stark could really control the Hulk.

So while waiting, Tony Stark allowed himself to make the request to open the hatch.

But now Nick Fury discovered that his aviation battleship had been directly obtained by Tony's artificial intelligence Jarvis. His expression also changed suddenly, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Because this means that all the secrets of SHIELD may be under Tony's control

"Let's go and see together?"

Loki saw Tony leaving with Dr. Banner, who was about to transform, and said to his brother Thor.

"Of course, if the situation goes beyond expectations, I can still help."

Sol stood up after hearing this and said with a smile.

He just got a general idea from Loki's mouth, that is, Dr. Banner, a guy who looks like an ordinary person, has huge power hidden in his body, and he also wants to see how strong that power is.

"Then give me a ride."

Loki heard this and spoke.

Upon hearing this, Thor grabbed Loki's arm and flew up with the thunder hammer in his right hand. He quickly found the passage and flew out.

Now at an altitude of nine thousand meters, the cold brought by it is enough to freeze people directly, but Loki and Thor are gods and are not afraid at all.

Just as the two were chasing them out, they heard a roar that resounded through the sky, like a roaring beast.

In response to this roar, Tony fired a laser, which directly hit the Hulk and fell like a meteor.

And that's not all. When the Hulk fell, Tony rolled up a series of sonic booms visible to the naked eye in the air, turned into a phantom, and attacked the Hulk in succession.

Shock waves visible to the naked eye continued to appear in the sky, as well as the thundering roar of the propellers, but it was difficult to catch Tony's figure.

This scene made Loki shed a drop of cold sweat on his forehead. Not all humans on Blue Star are trash.

At least Tony Stark, a human being, does seem to be a bit fierce.

Seeing this scene, Thor knew that this was not Tony's full strength, so he watched with interest, wanting to see if the Hulk could force Tony's full strength.

The situation where he could only be beaten and unable to fight back made Hulk angrier and angrier. The muscles all over his body swelled and the injuries on his body also recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When Hulk finally fell to the sea, he splashed into huge waves.

Tony folded his arms and flew ten meters above the sea, overlooking the surging sea below.

"Search for any land or uninhabited islands around."

Tony gave Jarvis instructions.

"The nearest three nautical miles away from here is a tiny island of only more than ten square kilometers."

Jarvis responded immediately after hearing this.

"No matter how much the price is, help me buy it."

After Tony heard it, he spoke.

He plans to call Rennoli and the others to come over to help later, so he is confident in defeating the Chitauri army.

But at least they, the strong ones from Blue Star, can't be too weak, otherwise it would be a joke to Rennoli and the others.

The third update is sent

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