I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 173 Each other’s concerns

The moment Loki's words were spoken, General Chitauri crossed dozens of meters and came to Loki. The claws of his right hand almost pierced Loki's eyes.

"I didn't mean to threaten you."

"But as long as the portal isn't open."

"Your army is not commanded by me, so everything you say is just talk on paper."

Seeing that General Chitauri was in a hurry, Loki immediately gave up and spoke.

"Asgardians, go and start a war."

"But if you fail, let the Rubik's Cube fall into the hands of others."

"No matter where you hide, we will find you."

"Do you think you know what pain feels like?"

"Compared to him, pain is as sweet as honey."

General Chitauri retracted his hand after hearing these words, slowly walked around Loki, came to Loki's back, leaned on Loki's shoulder and whispered into his ear.

Then he slapped Loki's face with his hand, and Loki's consciousness was instantly transferred back to his body.

After Loki's consciousness returned to his original body, his eyes kept flickering.

If he hadn't met Thanos, a big man who resounded throughout the universe, he wouldn't have dared to return to Blue Star to cause trouble.

Because the monster that can completely destroy the Destroyer is on Blue Star.

However, through Harvey's conversation with Tony Stark, Loki was able to determine that Harvey was not entirely devoted to Blue Star.

The previous attack was entirely due to Tony Stark's intervention.

But if Blue Star is destroyed too much, Harvey may be attracted.

Now let him take a good look at whether the power of the Chitauri army is really as powerful as they say.

As for the threat from General Chitauri, Loki didn't take it seriously at all.

Because Loki had already thought of his retreat before the plan was implemented. It has always been his rule to think of his retreat before fighting.

Only when you ensure your own safety can you implement all the strategies you have in mind, otherwise everything will be empty talk if you die.


On the other side, Steve took a fighter plane to a large aircraft carrier.

"Go get the captain's equipment."

Coulson gave the order as soon as he got off the plane.

Although his agent level is not the highest, he still has high authority.

"Yes, sir."

A soldier nodded immediately after hearing the instructions.

Just when Steve got off the plane, a beautiful and seductive red-haired woman also came to the plane.

"Agent Romanoff, this is Captain Rogers."

Coulson said with a smile when he saw the woman's arrival.

Although Steve had read the information, he was still a little surprised when he looked at this beautiful and charming woman wearing a red top and tight trousers, showing off her proud career line.

"Hello ma'am."

But Steve had met countless women, so he didn't show anything strange on the surface, but said hello in a friendly manner.

"Hey, there's someone over there on the Coulson bridge looking for you."

"They've already started facial recognition tracking."

Natasha felt Steve looking at her appearance and figure casually, but she didn't care. After responding to Steve casually, she looked at Colson and relayed the instructions.

"You guys need to get to know each other first and see you later."

Coulson looked at Steve and Natasha after hearing this, said something, and then left first.

"Natasha Romanoff."

"One of the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a member of the Avengers."

After Colson left, Natasha also turned her eyes to Steve, with a charming smile on her face and stretched out her hand.

"Captain America Steve Rogers."

When Steve saw this, he also stretched out his hand, shook Natasha's hand gently, and then let go of his hand with a gentleman's initiative.

"When we discovered you from the ice, it caused quite a stir."

“It made a lot of people happy.”

Natasha saw Steve's movements, her eyes flashed, she started walking, and said casually.

"Many people are happy about it. I wonder if you are among so many people?"

Steve smiled and said


When Natasha heard these slightly provocative words, she was unmoved in her heart, but she still nodded with a smile on her face.

No matter what, Captain America's awakening also gives the Avengers a reliable member.

With reliable members, it will be easier for her to perform tasks in the future.

"Dr. Banner."

Steve saw Natasha's appearance and knew that she was not interested in him, so he did not force her to flirt with her. When he saw a middle-aged man with curly hair walking towards him, he called out.


"I heard you were coming."

Bruce Banner heard someone calling him, looked over and found that it was Steve, and walked over, and the two shook hands.

"I heard you could find the Rubik's Cube."

Steve smiled and nodded, then said.

"Didn't you hear anything else?"

When Banner heard this question, he rubbed his hands and said nervously.

"As long as you don't let him show up, there's no problem, right?"

Steve said with a smile upon hearing this.

"...You must think all this is strange, right?"

"After all, you are from decades ago."

Banner felt a little uncomfortable when he heard Steve letting himself leave the Hulk alone. He looked around and changed the topic.

"To be honest, except for a few special circumstances, everything else feels quite familiar to me."

Steve's heart sank when he saw Banner change the topic, but he did not continue the topic, but followed Banner's words.

Then the two started walking while chatting.

"Gentlemen, you'd better go in first and talk later. It's going to be hard to breathe in here after a while."

Seeing that the two men were worried about each other and chatting here and there, Natasha became impatient and stepped forward to give a kind reminder.

As these words fell, the sound of the deck being cleared came from all around.

And there were some mechanical roars throughout the aircraft carrier.

"Is this a submarine?"

In addition to the roar of machinery, Steve also heard the sound of some drainage and said.


"Do they want me to stay in a sealed, pressurized metal tank underwater?"

After hearing this, Banner rubbed his palms to relieve the tension in his heart and said jokingly.

As they spoke, the two came to the edge of the deck.

An astonishing whirlpool appeared in the sea below, and a huge object slowly emerged from the whirlpool, making both of their eyes full of surprise.

The fourth update is sent

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