I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 156 Is this a big shot?

"As long as you realize your mistakes and improve on them in the future."

"I wasn't exactly a jerk, but I definitely wasn't a good person."

"It was absolutely impossible for me to contribute to others at that time."

Tony said slowly to comfort Thor.

After a day of contact and interaction, Tony knew why he had a good impression after meeting Sol.

Except that he had a good impression that Thor was the patron saint of Blue Star.

The reason why Tony felt more important was that he saw something similar to his past self in Sol.

As the saying goes, a prodigal son never pays for his return, even though Sol did some stupid things.

But Sol's father helped wipe his butt, so it won't cause any trouble for the time being.

As long as Thor can personally make up for the mistakes he made in the future, then Thor will definitely become a qualified king of Asgard.

"Tony, thank you."

"To be honest, you really helped me a lot."

"I don't even know how to repay you."

"Are you interested in technology?"

"Would you like to visit Asgard?"

"I can find an opportunity to take you to have a look."

When Thor heard about Tony's safety, he smiled and nodded, and took the initiative to invite.

"No need, I already have a clear plan for my direction."

“The most important thing is that if I, a mortal, go to Asgard in Asgard, I will most likely not be welcomed.

"You may also violate some of Asgard's rules."

"If I make your father unhappy, I'll make you miserable again."

Faced with this great opportunity, Tony refused without hesitation.

Now his strength can be said to be invincible in Blue Star, but he can still walk sideways.

But the strength of Blue Star walking sideways should still be equivalent to that of a minion in front of God King Odin.

He didn't want to get along with someone who could take his life at any time.

"It seems so. Let me think about if there is anything else I can do to help you."

"Repay the favor I owe you."

When Thor heard that he might be violating Asgard's rules, he reacted and spoke.

"You don't have to worry so much."

"In the future, if you are willing to protect Blue Star when Blue Star is in danger, it will be the greatest help to me."

Tony heard this and spoke.

"If there is an invasion in the Nine Realms, it is my duty to help."

"Don't worry, I will definitely repay this kindness."

Sol nodded when he heard this and said seriously.

"Then I'll remember it first. Anyway, there is still a lot of time, and there are plenty of opportunities."

When Tony heard these words, he didn't shirk anymore.

"With all due respect, I can't see your face, Tony, how old are you?"

When Thor heard that there was a lot of time, he glanced at Tony curiously and asked.

"I am 41 years old today."

After hearing this, Tony thought for a moment and said.

"Are you 41 years old? The age of human beings is only a short hundred years. According to the current level of civilization and your superior family background."

"You should live to be at least ninety and over."

"There are still fifty years, which is almost enough."

When Thor heard that Tony was forty-one, he thought about it and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm still young."

Tony said with a smile after hearing Sol's murmur of calculations.

If he had not joined the Void and encountered any unexpected events, he would have lived to be ninety years old, which would be considered a long life.

But after joining the Void, he may live longer than Thor.

Because Harvey said that the gods of Asgard belong to advanced life forms, but they are by no means immortal gods.

"By the way, if Thor didn't mention it, I wouldn't have noticed it."

"Mr. Tony Stark, why do you wear steel armor at home?"

Daisy heard the conversation between Thor and Tony, looked at Tony in the steel armor, and asked curiously.

"When you meet Thor, the God of Thunder, you have to feel a little safe."

"Okay, Thor, you've got your hammer, so I won't keep you."

"I'll entertain you when I get the chance in the future."

Tony faced this question and said with a smile without any hesitation.

"I'm going to stay in Blue Star for a while. Suddenly I came down with nothing and no money in my pocket."

"Can you help me temporarily?"

When Thor heard Tony's words, he didn't feel embarrassed at all and spoke.

Through Daisy, he knew that Tony Stark was one of the richest men in Blue Star, and it was nothing to just give him that little money.

He already owed Tony a favor anyway, so this was no less.


Tony readily agreed upon hearing this.

Because Sol was here, he hadn't eaten for a whole day and was starving to death.

Although it doesn't make him feel weak, it is still uncomfortable to endure hunger.

As long as Sol is given money, Sol will leave. How could he not be willing?

"You don't have a bank account, so I'll transfer the money to Miss Jane."

"Jarvis, transfer five million US dollars to Miss Jane's account."

Immediately, Tony gave the instructions directly without waiting for Thor's response.

"Okay, transfer is in progress."

Jarvis heard the instructions and knew that Mr. Tony wanted Saul to leave quickly, so he immediately responded.

"Five million dollars?"

Jane Foster's eyes widened when she heard Tony's words.

She knew that Tony Stark was rich, but she didn't expect that Thor would just ask Tony Stark to fund a little bit, and Tony Stark would be as generous as five million.

"Miss Jane, Miss Daisy, come with me. I didn't entertain you well."

"Let Sol take you to have fun in New York instead of me."

Tony heard this and spoke.


When Thor saw Tony being so happy, a smile appeared on his face and he thanked him directly.

Soon a message was sent to Jane Foster's mobile phone. She looked at the number of five million and seven thousand on the account, and was even more shocked than knowing that Sol was real.

Because she had never had so much money in her hands, even if the money was actually given to Sol by Tony, she was only keeping it temporarily.

But this was already worthy of her taking a screenshot as a souvenir.

"It's okay. I hope you have a good time in New York."

Tony waved his hand casually after hearing this.

Upon hearing this, Thor turned the hammer into an umbrella that could be seen everywhere, and left with Jane and Daisy who were still in shock.

The three of them had just left the Stark Manor villa on the mountain road.

"One, ten, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, hundreds of thousands, millions"

"Is this a real rich person?"

Daisy couldn't help but move closer to Jane. She was extremely shocked when she looked at the messages uploaded on Jane's phone.

This is five million. Not to mention that she is now in the internship stage. Even if she becomes a full-time employee, she will have to work for at least ten years before she can earn so much money.

As a result, Tony Stark gave it to Thor casually, which made Daisy feel a little emotional. Is this the friendship between big shots?

The second update is sent.

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