I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 154 The God of Thunder Returns

"Tony, can you introduce me to the person you're talking about?"

"Please, I want to see him."

After Thor heard this, he realized that the person Tony was talking about might know more about the universe than he did.

"I can't make that decision for that person."

"But since that person hasn't come out to see you now, it means that he doesn't want to care about this matter."

Tony shook his head when he heard this and said.

Although he is not like other members of the Void Cult, he has an almost fanatical worship of Harvey.

However, as Tony, who had been blessed by the void, he had an attitude of respect for Harvey.

"You mean that he knew that I was demoted to earth long ago."

"Even my every move in Blue Star is under his sight?"

When Thor heard Tony's words, his eyes flashed, thinking that Tony found him immediately, and said.

"I don't know about this, but he told me that you will look for your Mjolnir."

"So I found you and asked you to quickly take away your Mjolnir."

"I just didn't expect you to be unable to pick it up now."

Tony shook his head when he heard this and said.


Thor felt a little creepy when he heard that the person in Tony's mouth seemed to know him well.

Because this means that the other party knows about Asgard, and may even have expected that he will be demoted to the mortal world, so he allows Tony to contact him.

"Okay, I've finished talking about my psychological changes and even my journey."

"Do you have any insights to share?"

Tony saw that Sol was silent and didn't care. He looked at Jane and Daisy and said.

"It's pretty much what I guessed. The heart of justice is the willingness to help countless weak people and the willingness to fight for the weak."

"Of course it's not just words, it's something that comes from the heart."

"If Thor, you can have this idea, you should also be recognized by Thor's Hammer."

Jane heard Tony's words, looked at Sol, and expressed her thoughts.

"I am willing to fight for the people of Asgard, and even give my life for the people of Asgard."

"How is this different from the heart of justice Tony said?"

When Thor heard this, he clenched his fists and spoke.

"Of course you are different from Mr. Tony Stark."

"Mr. Tony Stark is a Blue Star man. He is willing to contribute to Blue Star and is willing to protect and benefit Blue Star. This is justice enough."

"And you are Thor, the God of Thunder, if the legends are true."

"As the son of God King Odin, you are the future legitimate heir of Asgard."

"You have to do more than just protect the peace of Asgard."

"You also have to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the worlds under the rule and protection of God King Odin."

"Now I can understand why your father was so angry that he demoted you to the mortal world."

"Because as the prince of Asgard and the legitimate heir to the future throne, instead of protecting the worlds, you acted impulsively and started a war."

"That's why your father gave you such a severe punishment."

"Until you realize the responsibilities you bear and are recognized by Thor's Hammer again, I think that's when you can return to Asgard."

When Jane heard Sol's words, she immediately shook her head and said seriously.

She knew that Tony must have many things that he had not said, but if the conditions for getting Quake's approval were true.

That means that even if Tony doesn't say it out loud, he must be willing to protect and benefit Blue Star, which is why he can be recognized by Thor's Hammer.

Jane didn't doubt that Thor was willing to sacrifice his life for Asgard, but if that wasn't enough, it meant that Thor wasn't shouldering the burden of his identity.

"A heavy responsibility?"

When Sol heard Jane's words, he felt a storm in his heart.

He couldn't understand at first why his father basically only punished him lightly when he made mistakes in the past, but he had never been punished so seriously.

But after what Jane said, he understood.

Originally, he was preparing to take over his father's throne, which proved that his father recognized his abilities.

As a result, before taking over the throne, he took the initiative to provoke an ancient war.

Putting himself in his own shoes, Thor could understand why his father was so angry, and could even imagine his father's disappointment after learning that he had committed such an act.

"I understand, I understand everything."

After Thor pondered, he realized how stupid and arrogant his previous behavior was, and said loudly

As Thor stood up, Mjolnir, which Tony had placed on the table, suddenly reacted. A flash of lightning flashed, and Mjolnir flew directly in front of Thor.

Thor saw the shaking of Mjolnir, and reached out to hold Mjolnir, and the power of Mjolnir surged into his body again.

Originally, this test was to test whether Sol could understand everything in his heart. After the information provided by Tony, as well as Jane's reminder and analysis.

Thor realized all this and was recognized by Thor's hammer again.

"Welcome back, mate."

Thor felt it, and the power that had disappeared in his body returned again, with a smile on his face.

Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed, and Thor returned the Thor armor directly, with the bright red cloak hanging behind him. The frustration on his face disappeared, replaced by a high-spirited and confident smile.

"Oh My God."

Although Jane and Daisy had believed that Sol's identity was true through Tony, they still exclaimed in shock after seeing Sol's changes.

"This is what the God of Thunder looks like."

Tony saw Thor getting the hammer back and a smile appeared on his face.

"Tony, Jane, Daisy thank you, if not you."

"I should still be immersed in regret and disappointment, and cannot understand my father's good intentions."

"I can't even understand what the King of Asgard is carrying."

"Having great strength does not mean being able to be a good king."

"You also need kindness and justice, and a heart that is willing to benefit countless people."

When Thor saw Jane and Daisy's reactions and heard Tony's words, he showed a grateful smile on his face and said sincerely.

"Instead of thanking me, you should thank Miss Jane Foster you brought."

"I just told you the conditions, but the person who helps you get Thor's Hammer back is Jane Foster through my experience."

"See what a righteous heart is."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

If you want to ask why Tony is so happy, it is of course because Blue Star's future is guaranteed.

Thor will leave soon, and he won't need to hide in his steel armor at home, afraid to see people.

"Well, I know, and I will fulfill what I promised her."

"Help her answer everything she wants to know."

Sol nodded when he heard this, looked at Jane and said.

Immediately, Thor's Thor armor disappeared and changed back to its original appearance.

Now that he has regained the power of the God of Thunder, he can return to Asgard anytime he wants.

So now, without any worries, he decided to stay in the world for a while to repay Jane.

As for Tony Stark, let’s find an opportunity later.

The fifth update is here, please vote.

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