I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 142 The world is still moving

"I can learn about the world by spending some time on my own."

"If you are willing to take the initiative to help me, there must be conditions. Tell me the conditions first."

When Steve saw this friendly signal from Nick Fury, he didn't appreciate it, but said straight to the point.

“Everyone is a sensible person and it’s easy to talk.”

"But my conditions are not difficult. I want you to join the Avengers team I established."

Upon hearing this, Nick Fury took out a document and threw it directly on a table two meters away from Steve.

When Steve heard the name of the second-tier team, he came to the table, picked up the file, and read it.

"The most powerful superhero team in history?"

"The main operation is the strongest team to deal with supernatural events?"

Steve frowned as he looked at the main source of the Avengers plan.

"You have been frozen for decades. Now the world has completely changed. The war that affected the world is completely over."

"The world has become more peaceful and developed, but this peace is just peace within Blue Star."

"Compared to wars caused by civil unrest, we now have an additional crisis that we need to deal with."

"That's the threat from cosmic aliens."

Nick Fury heard this and said.

"Alien threat?"

"Humanity's current technology is so advanced that it can discover the planet where aliens live?"

"Are you going to tell me next that humans are going to the universe to fight aliens?"

When Steve heard these unrealistic words, he put down the document in his hand, looked at Nick Fury and sneered.

"I'm not kidding you Steve."

“It wasn’t Blue Star’s technology that discovered the alien planet, but the aliens discovered our planet.”

"And they have already come to Blue Star before, and I don't know when they will come in the future."

"Compared to the alien technology, Blue Star's technology seems too backward."

"Normal people's abilities are also limited, so I have to gather a team of heroes similar to superhumans."

"When aliens arrive, humans have the ability to take revenge, instead of just watching them do whatever they want on Blue Star."

Nick Fury said with a serious face when he saw Steve didn't believe it.

"Fury, suppose I believe you, but I don't believe in the military or those politicians who only see profits and no human lives."

Seeing Nick Fury's serious look, Steve did not hide anything but directly stated his impressions of the military and politicians.

Sometimes, the American military and political leaders may issue some disgusting instructions just to cover up scandals and save their own face.

"You probably don't know the origin of SHIELD. Among the founders of SHIELD are your friends Howard Stark and Peggy Carter."

"The purpose has always been to deal with supernatural events."

"And the Avengers take orders from S.H.I.E.L.D."

"As the giant palm of SHIELD, although I cannot give you an absolute guarantee, I can assure you that I will not ignore your will."

Nick Fury knew that it was normal for Steve, who had seen the dirty tricks of soldiers and politicians, not to have a good impression of politicians and the military.


Steve fell silent when he heard that the founder of SHIELD was actually someone he knew.

"If you join the Avengers, as long as there is no alien invasion."

"Usually, the most your opponents can do is fight some terrorists to avoid causing too many sacrifices of innocent people."

"For this reason, our SHIELD can arrange accommodation for you and provide you with the money you need for daily life."

"According to your abilities, these tasks are not difficult for you."

Nick Fury saw Steve wavering and said while the iron was hot. ,

"Who are the Avengers now?"

When Steve heard Nick Fury's conditions, he really had no reason to refuse.

"The number of Avengers is currently small. If you include you, there will be a total of four people."

"The list is on the file and you can see their information with your own eyes."

"Although we won't meet each other yet, we want to know some of each other's origins and abilities in advance."

"It will help your cooperation in future cooperation."

When Nick Fury saw Steve asking this, he knew that Steve had already agreed.

After hearing this, Steve flipped through the file again and found that it did contain some general information about the Avengers.

Although this information is not comprehensive, nor can it fully represent their respective abilities, it shows some of the abilities they mainly rely on in battle.

Iron Man Tony Stark is also on the list. The combat ability he relies on mainly comes from the super technological steel armor he invented.

In addition to Tony Stark, there are also super agents codenamed Hawkeye and Black Widow, whose strength is indeed far beyond that of ordinary people.

"Captain America Steve Rogers, as the initiator of the Avengers project, I sincerely welcome you to join."

At this time, Nick Fury stood up and came to Steve, with a smile on his face and stretched out his hand.

"Can I ask who the captain of the Avengers is?"

Steve also stretched out his hand, shook it with Nick Fury, and asked.

"My original intention is not to completely influence your will."

"Because you are all powerful heroes, and your strength allows you to have more strategies to deal with various crises. "

"So in addition to giving general direction instructions, I also provide assistance with technology and so on."

"You can complete the task according to your own ideas and abilities."

"So there is no captain now. Maybe when we gather in the future, you can discuss who will be the captain."

When Nick Fury heard this, he immediately knew that Steve wanted to be the captain, but he did not give an accurate answer, but let Steve and the others make their own decision.

"Okay, I hope you keep your word."

"You can leave. Just send any low-level agent to help me understand the current world."

Steve was not surprised when he heard Nick Fury's words. The words just now were just a test. ,

"I believe that after you understand modern times, the entertainment you have will not let you down."

"And Peggy Carter, after all these years, although she has grown old, she is not dead yet."

"If you want to see her, you can go to this address and have a look."

"As for how to get in, you don't need my help, right?"

Nick Fury reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a piece of paper with an address written on it.

"Of course not."

Steve was shocked when he heard that Paige was not dead. He reached out and took the note directly and said.

"I'll give you a piece of advice."

"You have been frozen for decades, and your age has stopped at that moment, but the world is still spinning."

"Some people and things have long since changed."

After Nick Fury saw Steve taking the note, he patted Steve on the shoulder and said sincerely before leaving.

The third update is here, please vote.

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