I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 139 Want to kill me?

Harvey can play everywhere, but Tony is busy researching nanotechnology every day.

Previously, SHIELD's Coulson came to visit. Although Coulson's attitude was very friendly, Tony did not agree. Instead, he directly told SHIELD not to worry about the space fighter.

Regarding space fighters and various technologies, it is impossible for him to provide them.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. gets control of the Space Fighter, it will be equivalent to the United Nations Council getting the Space Fighter.

If countless talents are allowed to study the samples, they may not be able to perfectly produce an identical space fighter, but they will definitely produce a more advanced fighter.

A more advanced defense system will also be developed incidentally, which will disrupt the weak balance between the major powers of Blue Star and may cause another world war to break out in Blue Star.

His goal is to bring all mankind on Blue Star into the interstellar era. If it triggers a world war and returns to the Stone Age, wouldn't everything be over?

If a world war breaks out, he can seek refuge with Harvey, and he will indeed die.

But if Blue Star returns to the Stone Age during the battle, even if Harvey takes action to protect him and Pepper.

To save them, he had invited Rennoli and others to visit Blue Star in the future.

If Rennoli and others had really come as guests in recent years, the scene they saw would be different from what he said at the beginning.

Tony feels embarrassed just thinking about it, so no matter what SHIELD says, Tony can't possibly share all the advanced technologies he has mastered in the extraterrestrial bloodbath with SHIELD.

In addition to spending time with Pepper at night, Tony studies nanotechnology.

If nanotechnology is developed, the various functions of the steel armor can be further improved, and its strength can be comprehensively enhanced to deal with various enemies and situations.

Allowing him to reduce the chance of exposing his true body with a greater probability

Of course, Tony also knew that Harvey had been living an extremely carefree life in Blue Star these past few months, and he could pick up girls whenever he wanted.

As a well-known romantic figure in New York, Tony certainly wanted to be like Harvey.

But even if Pepper didn't agree with it, he didn't dare to reveal that he had become younger in Blue Star, so don't mention how depressed he was.

If he could, he wished he could go to Xandar Star to pick up girls right now.

This is all due to the guy who is planning to invade Blue Star at some point this year.

If there weren't those guys, he only had to stay in Blue Star for another two months, and if he stayed for half a year, he could convince Pepper to run to the universe and have a romantic relationship.

So Tony asked Jarvis to observe the skies of various countries 24 hours a day.

The opponent is an alien. Even if they have high-tech space fighters or warships, there will always be some clues if they want to invade Blue Star.

As long as he is discovered, he will attack immediately. He wants to see which guys are so stupid, and he wants to invade Blue Star without asking about the big shots in Blue Star.

In the two years since he joined Void, Tony has become much more low-key.

After leaving the Blue Stars for a year, Pepper covered the past perfectly.

However, Tony occasionally goes out when he lives in seclusion.

Also on this day, while Tony was flying at low altitude wearing a steel suit, he suddenly received a warning from Jarvis that someone was planning to attack him.

This caused Tony to fly directly into the air, and an electric whip was thrown directly over Tony's previous position.

Tony was floating in the air and saw a man wearing a strange device, with a reactor on his chest that looked like an Ark, holding an electric whip, and with disheveled hair that looked a little miserable, glaring at him.

"Jarvis, who is this guy?"

When Tony saw the other party attacking him for no reason, he did not fight back immediately, but asked Jarvis directly.

"Under scanning, Ivan Vanko, son of traitor Anton Vanko."

In less than ten seconds, Jarvis searched for countless information and found this person's identity.

"Traitor? He has a grudge against me?"

Tony was a little confused when he heard Jarvis's words.

"His father is Anton Vanko, a former Soviet nuclear physicist who worked for SHIELD and worked with your father, Howard Stark."

"Micro-arc reactors were studied together."

"This is the only information that can be found. As for whether this Ivan Vanke is your enemy, you need to make your own judgment."

After hearing this, Jarvis projected some pictures in front of Tony's eyes and reported.

Now as long as Jarvis thinks about it, anything on Blue Star that can be invaded through the Internet cannot escape its eyes.

"Tony Stark, get down here."

Ivan Vanko stood at the window of a building, looking at Tony Stark floating in the air, his eyes full of hatred and anger.

"Was the scene of him actively attacking me recorded?"

Tony ignored Ivan Vanko and asked Jarvis.

"Sir, all your actions are under surveillance."

Jarvis heard this question and knew what Mr. Tony was thinking.

"Show it to me."

Tony heard this and spoke.

Then Tony saw that Ivan Vanke was indeed aiming at his chest.

If he were hit by the charged electric whip, the steel armor might temporarily short-circuit, and he would fall directly into the downtown area below.

He is fine, but he will inevitably cause some casualties.

After learning all this and determining whether this person was friend or foe, Tony's eyes turned cold.

This person just attacked him, but he didn't fight back immediately because he couldn't determine the other person's identity and intentions.

Now it's certain that Tony won't talk nonsense.

He had known each other for so long, the bounty hunters from Renoli who had been involved in various battles all year round, and Tony had naturally learned a lot.

According to Rennolli, if someone attacks you, the first step is to confirm the identity of the other person. If it is found that they are really an enemy.

If killing him won't cause any trouble, then there's no need to show mercy.

There is a saying that has been circulating on the battlefield for a long time, being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself.

Only if the enemy has a high status and will cause countless troubles if killed, then you should consider letting the opponent go and retreat directly.

Ivan Vanke's identity naturally does not come from a strong background.

However, if we attack directly in New York, it is easy to cause some damage.

So the jet under Tony's feet erupted, instantly grabbing Ivan Vanko and flying directly into the sky, leaving the city.

"What do you want! Tony Stark."

Ivan Vanke was caught by the link of the simple armor he made, and was taken high into the sky, speaking loudly.

"Seeing as you wanted to kill me with that whip just now, I naturally have to treat you in the same way."

Tony took Ivan Vanke to fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters, which caused Ivan Vanke to be frozen by the cold at high altitude and frost began to form all over his body.

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