I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 136 Internal strife or external enemies?

In the following days, Tony completely put down all work and stayed with Pepper until January 1, 2011.

Tony called Harvey directly, knowing that Harvey was at home alone, so he wanted to come over for a big dinner.

Harvey didn't refuse after hearing this. He had been eating fast food every day these days, so he wanted to change the taste.

In the year that Harvey left, Stark Industries paid another 1.8 billion dividend to Harvey.

As Stark Industries has established a foothold in the energy industry, its share of profits is increasing every year.

Harvey's current liquidity has reached more than 2 billion, so it can be said that he can just lie down and collect money.

Harvey came directly to Tony's home, and Pepper just had someone prepare a sumptuous meal.

"Happy New Year Mr. Harvey, Tony will ask you to take more care of me in the new year.

When Pepper saw Mr. Harvey coming, he bowed slightly and said politely. ,

After the two had fun these days, Tony told her a lot about Xandar.

We also know that Tony received a lot of funding from Mr. Harvey, otherwise the development of the gravity device would not have been so fast.

And she also saw the video recorded by Jarvis, although it was not as real as seeing it live.

But she also saw hundreds of people paying homage to Mr. Harvey.

At the same time, Mr. Harvey's huge body of more than 200 meters high brought a great shock to Pepper's soul.

"You don't have to be so polite, Miss Pepper."

"Tony's abilities are very strong and he doesn't need much care from me. On the contrary, his talents have brought me a lot of money."

“You don’t have to worry about liquidity for the time being.”

Harvey said with a smile when he saw Pepper being so polite.

"Thank you no matter what, for giving Tony the opportunity to set foot in the universe."

When Pepper heard this, she knew that these were kind words from Mr. Harvey, so she said gratefully.

"Pepper, go get the other food first."

Tony saw Pepper like this and said directly.


When Pepper heard these words, she glanced at Tony and found that Tony's face was serious, so she nodded.

"Sorry, Harvey made you laugh."

"Pepper wouldn't be like this in the first place. It's all because I talked about the New Year's pilgrimage to Xandar before."

"After I showed her the video, she became like this."

"If I have offended you, please forgive me."

While Pepper was leaving, Tony came to Harvey and said a little embarrassedly.

"Miss Pepper has never been a fool, and she has never left Blue Star to see a broader world, so she can understand."

"You don't need to worry about me being angry. After all, I've experienced more troublesome situations than this."

Harvey didn't pay attention when he heard the words and spoke.

On Xandar, he could leave whenever he wanted, such as returning to Blue Star this time.

Sonia wouldn't make any comments at all. This time she would ask herself when she would come back, which was an exception.

But if Harvey wants to take a walk on the island, Sonia will take it very seriously and constantly remind him to pay attention to his behavior.

Even if Sonia is away for some time, even just for half a day, she will still feel worried.

"No wonder you said you wanted to go back to Blue Star to have some fun."

"It's free over there, but not completely free, right?"

Tony heard Harvey's words, thought for a moment, and understood.

On Void Island, he had a good relationship with many members of the Void Cult, but not many of them were lucky enough to meet Harvey.

Obviously Kassadin's identity requires Harvey to pay attention to his behavior.

"Yes, I eat well, drink well and sleep well on Xandar, but in terms of freedom, Harvey is more comfortable as a person."

Harvey was not polite at Tony's house and sat directly in the seat in front of the dining table.

"I feel more at home on Xandar."

"Because there you don't need to hide your younger identity, and you can still show your strength to your heart's content."

Tony said with some emotion after hearing this.

In Blue Star, he must wear steel armor before going out. He must not take it off outside. Once he takes it off, his clothes will be exposed.

"Tony, you just came back a few days ago. Even if you want to go to the universe, you will have to stay at home for at least half a year."

Pepper came up with the food at this time, heard Tony's words, and spoke.

"I know, you don't have to be so nervous. I may have to leave for a longer time."

Tony was not afraid when he heard this and spoke.

"Tony, if you want to see me for anything, just tell me."

"I don't like other people to twist around in front of me."

When Harvey saw Tony like this, he didn't stop moving his hands and said directly.

"Okay, I just wanted to ask what kind of trouble I'm going to have this year."

"I know the secret must not be revealed, but you can always tell me a general direction, right?"

"Otherwise I won't be able to sleep well."

Tony realized that Harvey was aware of his intentions and stopped beating around the bush, asking him what he had been thinking about and struggling with over the past few days.

"What's the general direction? It's related to the Avengers."

Harvey knew that Tony would look for him if nothing happened, but he looked up at Tony and gave him some direction.

"Is there an invasion from a foreign enemy?"

When Tony heard Harvey mention the Avengers, he frowned and said.

He is currently the only one in the Avengers, but he also knows the conditions for the Avengers to attack.

That is, there is a foreign enemy threatening Blue Star. As for the battle between countries, Nick Fury cannot ask him.

"Whether it counts as a foreign enemy depends on how you define it."

Harvey thought for a moment after hearing this, stopped what he was doing, thought for a moment, and spoke.

Blue Star is said to belong to Asgard's territory. Although Loki is adopted, he is also the prince of Asgard.

But after Loki, he will indeed come with Thanos' army.

So Harvey didn't know whether it was better to describe it as civil strife, or whether it was more appropriate to describe it as invasion by foreign enemies.

"Wouldn't God King Odin or Supreme Mage Ancient One take care of this matter?"

Tony's face became serious when he heard Harvey's words.


Harvey can give a positive answer to this question.

Odin was deceived by Loki, and Gu Yi saw that it was difficult to intervene even if Thor was willing to intervene, so he let Loki have so much fun.

"Then I can handle it."

When Tony heard that the two big shots would not be alarmed and knew that the foreign enemies were not that strong this time, his expression softened and he said with a relaxed look.

"If nothing else, you can solve it now."

Harvey did not deny it after hearing this.

Loki will become stronger only after he has delved into countless magics when he grows old.

However, the strength of Loki that we are about to see at this stage is relatively stronger physically.

You can play with some heroes, but when it comes to really strong ones, Loki's strength isn't enough.

But Thor is different. Normally, Thor's strength is okay, but once Thor turns on the father-missing mode, his strength will soar to a very ridiculous level.

The second update is sent.

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