I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 134 Return to Blue Star

On the first day of the new year, everyone brags about eating, drinking and having fun until the evening.

The members of the Void God Cult on Void Island all took it upon themselves to clean up all the garbage they made, and then went to find a place to sleep and rest.

"Sir, you haven't participated in such a lively event for a long time."

“And we saw something so spectacular.”

After Tony had eaten and drank enough, he heard Jarvis's voice when he returned to the laboratory.

"Well, luckily I didn't leave or I would have missed it."

"But now it's time to prepare for the return journey. Let's talk about the rest of the journey."

"Pepper is probably impatient to wait for me."

Tony said with a smile when he heard Jarvis's words.

"Miss Pepper is a strong woman. Although she complained to you, she did not stop your decision to stay here for a longer time."

Jarvis heard this and spoke.

"Of course I know, but that's why I want to go back and surprise her."

Tony was in a great mood. After returning to the laboratory, he stepped directly onto the space fighter outside the laboratory.

Then, driven by Jarvis, it soared through the clouds and into space, embarking on the return journey.

He didn't care about Harvey. If Harvey wanted to, he could keep going back and forth between Xandar and Blue Star.

But Tony wanted to see with his own eyes what kind of trouble Harvey told him would haunt him.


Harvey stayed here for two more days.

After Harvey said something to Sonia, and Sonia waved goodbye, Harvey left directly in one step and embarked on the road back to Blue Star.

Harvey also returned to his manor in Blue Star after a year.

After staying for a year on the Void Island where Xandar was extremely busy every day, Harvey, who had just returned, looked at the somewhat deserted home and felt a little unaccustomed to it.

"Turn on the lights."

But he had already made a decision before and couldn't be so lazy anymore, so Harvey said it directly, and the lights were brightly lit in the manor.

Afterwards, Harvey took off Kassadin's armor and changed into a new set of clothes.

Although it was a bit deserted in Blue Star's home, Harvey felt another kind of relaxation without having to maintain Kassadin's identity.

Harvey has been in the game for the first time in a long time. After it went online, Harvey also received a lot of emails, all from the official.

The official operator saw that he had not been online for too long, and mistakenly thought that some game features did not meet his wishes, so he gave up the game. He sent not only one email, but eight in total.

Harvey is quite Buddhist when it comes to playing games, not to mention that this is just a game about raising pets, so there is no reason to be dissatisfied.

However, gaming is one of Harvey's few pastimes in Blue Star, and it is normal to spend some money on this pastime.

So Harvey took a look at the updates, followed the version and learned what krypton gold items and mythical beast pets there were, and then started to earn gold directly.

I bought more than 90 copies of all the newly released useful krypton gold props, and also bought a lot of cultivation stones to start strengthening them. Then the IDs of Buddhist players began to make announcements all over the server.

"Didn't this big guy quit the trap?"

"Isn't it true? We haven't seen him for at least a year, right?"

"Who is this boss?"

"This game is truly a god."

"When he makes money, no one else has anything to do with him."

"Don't blink your eyes at krypton money? There is too much money and no place to spend it? Isn't it good to use it to pick up girls?"

"Is it possible that you just pick up too many girls, so you want to find some entertainment in the game?"

"Is it possible it's a trap?"

"Impossible, this ID is the strongest kryptonian in every game."

“Comparing people to each other really makes people mad.”

Tomorrow is Christmas, and except for restaurants and hotels, most people are at home for the holidays.

Plus the game has a Christmas event, so a lot of people are online on the game.

So many people are looking at this godly guy whose ID is a Buddhist player and constantly strengthening his skills.

Harvey's return even attracted the attention of game operators, because some achievements, such as advancing thirty times, were originally only the upper limit they set.

I never thought anyone could achieve it, but it turned out to be triggered by someone today.

It was proved that there was a krypton money boss, and after asking, I found out that the player ID was a Buddhist player, and I could say I was relieved.

This player, the Buddhist player, is known as a super boss who can run a game by himself.

When the big boss suddenly stopped going online for several months, they panicked and wanted to find out what caused the big boss's dissatisfaction.

But no matter how hard I contacted, I couldn't get in touch. I had given up all hope, thinking that the boss had really decided to quit. Unexpectedly, the boss suddenly returned and started making money.

"It looks like I can have a good year today."

The game operator expressed emotion as he watched the number of krypton gold keep rising.


When Harvey was strengthening his krypton gold, he also ordered a lot of fast food, and occasionally he wanted to try these fried things.

The menu he ate on Xandar was all decided by Sonia, informed by the chef and then made, so he didn't need to worry about it at all.

Life is comfortable, but there is no food like fried chicken and burgers.

Now that Harvey is back at Blue Star, how can he not enjoy himself and order a large amount of compost home happy water?

Harvey's enhancements were enhanced from morning to evening. He used money to directly ignore the problem of enhancement probability and made all his pets to the strongest level.

Harvey did his usual routine, then looked at the cute pets before going offline.

For various online games, krypton gold is equivalent to opening a physical plug-in. As long as krypton gold is used, one can reach the strongest level, sweep through various dungeons, and gain the highest income from completing various tasks.

And at ten o'clock in the evening on December 23.

A space fighter plane with anti-reconnaissance capabilities landed in Stark's manor.

The arrival of this space fighter attracted the attention of SHIELD.

The fact that Tony Stark has been missing for a whole year has long been recorded in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Asking Tony Stark's secretary Pepper, he got no response. He only knew that Tony Stark was not in any danger to his life.

So they paid close attention to the situation around Stark Manor.

They watched the arrival of this spaceship, which clearly surpassed Blue Star's technology by countless generations.

Nick Fury's eyes became profound.

"Where on earth did Mr. Tony Stark get this spaceship?"

Coulson looked at this spaceship that he had never seen before, his eyes full of shock.

Although I didn't see Tony Stark walking out of it, since I landed at Stark Manor as soon as I arrived at Blue Star, it must have something to do with Tony Stark.

That's why Coulson felt weird.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is also researching spaceships, we must know that S.H.I.E.L.D. has collected many materials and technologies on the Blue Star that are inaccessible to ordinary people, so that it can conduct research many years in advance.

And even if they are researching, they have spent countless money and manpower, and now there are still some problems that are bothering them.

As a result, after Tony Stark disappeared for a year, he suddenly returned and brought a high-tech gadget that looked particularly like a spaceship.

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