I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 132 The God of Void Arrives

Everyone heard the sound and looked over. Sonia, who was wearing a long black dress and had an angelic face, was walking out of the temple.

Normally, they would take a closer look at Miss Sonia and then give her a few heartfelt compliments.

But at this moment, all their attention was focused on what Miss Sonia said just now.

Lord Kassadin is coming soon, will they be lucky enough to meet him?

Thinking of this, everyone did not dare to say anything and looked at Miss Sonia quietly.

When Tony saw this rescue, he was extremely grateful to Harvey and took the opportunity to sneak back.

Just when everyone was guessing where the great Lord Kassadin would appear from.

A huge purple black hole appeared in the sky above Void Island, filled with the power of deep purple void. This was supposed to be a scene that symbolized terror.

But as the purple black hole reflected the starlight in the sky, it attracted the admiration of all members of the Void Cult.

A body of more than two hundred meters, with purple starlight as its body, wearing a white robe, golden armor, and a golden mask. The specific appearance cannot be seen clearly, but its eyes are like a pair of golden wheels, emitting bright golden light. A huge figure over two hundred meters tall.

Holding a gleaming void blade made of stars in his right hand, he stepped out of the purple black hole, as if he had reached out from a distant galaxy and landed here.

With the appearance of this figure, everyone held their breath.

Even Sonia, who had met Mr. Kassadin countless times and was used to the lazy Mr. Kassadin, held her breath when she saw this mysterious, majestic and powerful figure.

Even Tony, who knew that this was just an incarnation of Harvey, looked in disbelief when he saw this scene.

"The great God of the Void has arrived!"

As the divine shadow descended and purple void energy was released, the entire island was bathed in purple starlight, creating a stunning scene.


Many people on Xandar saw that amazing vision from a long distance away.

Hundreds of soldiers of the Nova Legion erupted into an unconcealable purple light in the southeast direction of Xandar City with horrified faces.

Several generals of the Nova Corps also had solemn expressions on their faces.

"Norman, when you asked for a meeting last time, there was really nothing wrong with your wording, right?"

A dignified and luxurious woman looked at Norman Halls and asked.

"Following your instructions, I have definitely shown enough kindness to pay a billion to talk to him."

"But this Kassadin doesn't want to meet us."

Norman Halls, a burly blond man, said with a serious face when he heard this question.

"I originally planned to estimate how difficult this guy would be, but I didn't expect it to reach this level."

"If so much energy were to explode at this distance, the impact would be directly radiated to Sandar City."

"The protective shield has been activated. Let's check the opponent's movements first."

"If he wants to fight with us, it shouldn't be possible to break out on his island. Instead, he will come directly to Xandar City."

Several centurions were exchanging opinions.

They are all elite generals, wearing Samsung's new star uniforms. They are strong enough to fly quickly in the vacuum of space, and have seen many powerful enemies.

But none of them have ever seen a being like Kassadin, the God of the Void.

Kassadin cannot be described as a human being, but as a monster, demon, or god to describe the threat that Kassadin symbolizes.

Facing an unknown and powerful existence, when the other party does not release hostility.

Their Nova Corps also wanted to communicate with Kassadin to see what Kassadin planned to do.

But Kassadin didn't give him a chance to ask for a meeting before, so it was hard for them to come directly to him.

If it is believed that he intends to force the other party to obey and a fight breaks out, there will be a large number of casualties on Xandar.

So it has been postponed until now, but their surveillance and observation of Void Island has never weakened, and has even been strengthened a lot.

Therefore, even during this New Year, when everyone planned to spend time with their families, a vision appeared on Void Island.

An alarm was immediately launched, notifying all centurions and soldiers of the Nova Corps.

A meeting was started as soon as possible to discuss how to deal with this situation. As for the results of the current discussion, we still have to wait and see.

"I hope the other party has some morals. Even if they want to fight, they won't start a fight on New Year's Day, when thousands of families are celebrating."

"I am deeply sorry that your holiday has been interrupted, but please centurions be prepared to attack at any time."

The supreme commander of Xandar, Irani Rael, stood in the command room, looking at the projections all around, and gave instructions.


Several centurions responded in unison.


In the Void Island, after the arrival of the great Void God, Lord Kassadin.

"Welcome to the great God of the Void."

Hundreds of people didn't need anyone to direct them. With a swishing sound, they all knelt down on one knee and lowered their heads. Their uniform voices shook the sky. The respect and admiration in their words made people moved when they heard them.

Tony heard these words, saw this scene, felt this infectious energy, and felt that the atmosphere had reached this point, and it seemed inappropriate for him not to follow along.

So Tony couldn't help but landed from the sky and joined the crowd.

"The Void God Religion does not have many rules except for its doctrine and three commandments."

"I have seen and heard your sincere prayers, devout faith, and growth."

"So keep your head up."

"Today is the New Year of Xandar, a day of reunion, celebration and liveliness."

"Whether you are from Xandar or not, follow the local customs and celebrate to your heart's content."

After Harvey used Kassadin's true form to descend, he stood in the air, looked down at the hundreds of people below, and spoke words that resounded throughout the world, with some appreciation in his words.


When everyone heard these words, they responded in unison.

It is precisely because the Void God Religion does not have many rules and regulations, so most of them subconsciously follow the only three commandments.

Even though many people have never seen Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, on the island, they still maintain their devout faith.

Now the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, has arrived, letting them know that what they saw and heard is true, and they are even more in awe of the void in their hearts.

When everyone looks up.

Kassadin, the God of the Void, stepped down with one step, and his body seemed to have escaped into the void, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

This scene made the eyes of the members of the Void Cult present become even more fanatical.

This is exactly what they saw when they first believed in the void, the ability to reach the sky and the earth in one step across the galaxy.

After the God of the Void left, the starlight covering the sky of the entire Void Island slowly faded, turning into a strange scene.

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