I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 129 Changes in Strength

Sonia now knows that the relationship between Mr. Tony and Mr. Cassadine is not like ordinary friends, but the kind of good friends.

Because as far as she knew, Mr. Tony was the second person besides her who also knew Mr. Cassadine's true nature.

However, Mr. Tony's confidentiality work was also very good, and no scandals about Mr. Cassadine were reported on the island.

"Will you take Miss Sonia there then?"

But although Tony didn't mean to expose himself, he asked a question that was gossipy in his mind.

As soon as this question came out, Sonia was a little shocked and looked at Mr. Kassadin.

"Tony, stop joking."

Harvey was speechless when he saw Tony's gossipy look.

"I'm not kidding, you let Miss Sonia wait on you for so long."

"There will be no one else waiting for you when you get back. Are you used to coming here?"

"I just came here, and you were the first to find a secretary for me."

"Otherwise, without Pepper taking care of me, I would definitely not be able to adapt to the environment here."

When Tony heard this, he spread his hands and said seriously.

"I know that you need someone to take care of you in your daily life, but can you please stop being so proud?"

Harvey felt a little helpless when he saw Tony's proud look on his face even though he couldn't take good care of himself.

"This is the truth, there is nothing I dare not say."

Tony didn't care at all when he heard this.

"Sonia needs to see the island."

"There are many things on the island that Sonia needs to deal with, so she can't come with me."

"Besides, I didn't have anyone to wait on me before. I didn't live well. At most, I just went there and stayed there. I was a little unaccustomed to it."

Harvey glanced at Sonia when he heard this, then looked at Tony and said.

"The lack of her on the island is indeed a problem."

After Tony heard this, he stopped trying to persuade her. He spread his hands towards Sonia and said that there was nothing he could do.

As a veteran in love, Tony had picked up countless girls, how could he not see that Sonia had thoughts about Harvey.

As long as Harvey gives a nod, Sonia will definitely be willing to throw herself into his arms.

But Harvey didn't know why, but he didn't cross that line.

If Harvey said it was because he was shy or worried about breaking the relationship or being restrained, he wouldn't believe it to death.

He wasn't afraid. Whenever he had the chance, he would go out and eat secretly. At most, he had to restrain himself a little and don't let Pepper find out.

And based on Harvey's ability to travel across tens of thousands of light years in a few seconds and his ability to change clothes at will, finding a wife on every planet wouldn't be a problem for Harvey.

And after observing her for the past ten months, Tony found that although Sonia did not fully meet Harvey's strong criteria for choosing a mate.

However, Sonia meets the other two advantages besides being strong. She is beautiful, smart enough, and capable of doing things.

Sonia smiled and shook her head when she saw Mr. Tony's actions towards her.

"I'm going back to work on intelligent AI, so I won't disturb your two-person world."

Tony was originally invited to talk about work matters when he came here. He only talked about returning to Blue Star when Sonia mentioned it just now.

Now that the matter was settled, Tony naturally said a few words and ran away.

"You don't need to take Tony's words seriously."

"He has a mean mouth, but there's nothing wrong with him."

After Harvey saw Tony flying away in steel armor, he looked at Sonia and said.

"Ok, I know."

Sonia felt a little shy when she heard about the world of two people, but she didn't show it on the surface. Instead, she smiled and nodded.

Harvey saw that Sonia neither blushed nor looked concerned. To be honest, it was sometimes difficult for him to see what Sonia was thinking.

"I'll go to Blue Star then, when I'm not here."

"If you feel you are too busy, you can reduce some orders."

"We all live long lives and have plenty of time, so it's not a problem to make less money."

"You should be optimistic about the situation of other members on the island, and it is more important to make your own strength stronger."

But since we just talked about returning to Blue Star, Harvey naturally gave a few instructions.

Sonia knew what Mr. Kassadin said, so she knew that Mr. Kassadin's departure would probably take longer than before.

"I will handle it according to my ability. Mr. Kassadin doesn't need to worry."

"Then I'm at work now and got an accurate answer from Mr. Tony. I haven't responded to those people yet."

However, Sonia still didn't say anything like she hoped Mr. Kassadin would come back soon, because she could tell because of her identity, so she just nodded slightly and said with a smile.

"Well, go ahead."

Harvey nodded upon hearing this.

Immediately, Sonia left, leaving Harvey alone in the living room.

Harvey picked up the drink Sonia had prepared for him and drank it.

There are other things on my mind as well.

Because there are no disaster-related monsters to eat in the universe, Harvey's evolution has slowed down a lot.

Now Harvey needs two million energy points to evolve once.

He spends a lot of money on eating five meals a day, and gets an average of 370,000 energy points every day.

So ten months have passed, and it has only evolved fifty-five times.

The number of evolutions now reaches 587.

The various skills of Kha'Zix, the Void Reaver, have also been greatly evolved.

[Invisible Threat Evolution Level 50. When there is only one target within five meters of the target you are fighting, you will be in an isolated and helpless state. Facing enemies in this state, your cutting and penetration abilities will be greatly enhanced. promote. 】

[Taste the Fear Evolution Level 80, instantly delivering forty silent stabs. If the enemy is in an isolated and helpless state, the power will be greatly increased. 】

[The evolution level of Void Thrust is eighty. It instantly releases explosive thrusts containing toxins around itself. The creature that hits will return its own life energy, which can accelerate the healing of all its own injuries. The current angle is 360 degrees, covering a range of 10,000 rice. 】

[If the target is in an isolated and helpless state, the power will be increased and the effect of absorbing life energy will be increased. 】

[Leap attack evolution level 80, an instant burst of terrifying power to jump and land, the jump is greatly improved, the power when landing is greatly increased, and the flying speed is greatly increased. 】

[Void Attack Level 80, escape into the darkness of the void, your own speed will be greatly increased, and you can ignore all matter and shuttle through the dark void. In the darkness, no living thing will be able to detect you. 】

The void skin has evolved one hundred and fifty times, the mental resistance has evolved sixty-five times, and the breath has evolved twice.

Now as long as he does not directly threaten Blue Star, Gu Yi will not take action against her.

Even if Gu Yi takes action, it will be difficult for him at most and he will run away.

This strength gave Harvey confidence and security. He already had enough ability to protect himself before the emergence of all the great gods.

Now as long as Thanos doesn't let Thanos collect all six Infinity Stones, or even capture the six Infinity Stones himself, he doesn't have to worry about being destroyed by a snap of his fingers.

The fifth update is here, please vote. Chapter 126 is under review. I didn’t skip the chapter intentionally. It should be released tomorrow.

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