I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 126 Constraints brought by identity

Kyle, Lacey and the Predictor also came over at this time, wanting to gain some experience with Tony, and they walked towards the restaurant together.

"Lacie, Kyle, who of you two won just now?"

Tony asked casually on the way.

"It was originally 2-2 and it was hard to decide the winner."

"But Kyle was distracted in the fight just now, so I won."

"My current record with Kyle is six wins and five losses."

When Lacey heard this, she made a yes gesture and said with a smile.

"Kyle, can you lose so much?"

Tony looked at Kyle in confusion when he heard these words.

"Not just this volleyball competition, but also other sports competitions."

"A lot of competitive sports have a ceiling on strength."

"It makes me unable to exert my own strength."

"I had a chance to win this match, but your power of void attracted my attention."

Facing Tony's weird eyes, Kyle said with a depressed look on his face.

As long as there were no restrictions and it was a competition that completely compared strength and speed, Lacey couldn't beat him.

But once it comes to limiting his strength and testing his skills, he will lose easily.

After all, sometimes when competing with others, it is easy to lose control of one's strength and directly destroy the things needed for competition.

"Don't forget that the original intention of these competitions is not to simply win or lose, but to improve your control of strength."

"Our power will be strengthened almost every few days. If we don't control it well, it can easily cause big trouble."

The prophet glanced at Kyle and reminded him.

"By the way, Senior Tony, your physical fitness is very strong. It seems that the number of times you have evolved is no less than a hundred times, but it can be seen that your control of your own power is weak."

"Research is a good thing, but I suggest that you occasionally participate in various projects organized by the religion."

"And go to the gravity room regularly."

Lacey looked at Tony and gave some advice.

"Well, I just discovered it today. I will find time to play more in the future."

"But I went to see the gravity room."

"Otherwise, how do you think I developed the gravity device?"

Tony heard this suggestion and said directly.

"I'm not going to see the gravity chamber, but I want you to take a walk inside the gravity chamber."

"Renoli has never been able to burst out at top speed within a range of fifteen meters and still be able to perfectly control his speed before."

"This is all the result of hard practice."

"We are all members of the Void God Religion. The world we will come into contact with and the battles we will encounter in the future will definitely not be just ordinary people."

"But any enemy and any weird environment are likely to be encountered."

“Adapting to various special environments in advance will allow you to adapt immediately when you encounter them in the future.”

Lacey said slowly after hearing this.

In addition to various competitive events, they also go to the gravity room to practice.

Currently, she can withstand twenty times the force of gravity and carry out exercises with equipment.

Predictors can only withstand ten times the gravity at most, so they bring all kinds of equipment they usually use to exercise.

This is already very scary for the precog before joining the Void Cult.

The precog has become a second-level bounty hunter by virtue of his precognitive ability and his various skills.

Nowadays, the physical abilities of the prophets have been greatly enhanced. I am afraid only the prophets themselves know how strong they are.

Kyle can withstand forty times the force of gravity, bring equipment, and perform exercises.

Rennoli chose to exercise in a different direction than them, but to increase the gravity one by one while carrying his usual insights.

Now, after more than half a year in the world, Renault is able to break through to one speed of sound while withstanding five times the force of gravity.

Most of the other members of the Void Cult followed suit and continued to hone their own strength and skills.

"I see, then I have to find time to go for a walk."

Tony said thoughtfully after hearing this.

Renault just exploded instantly, and dozens of afterimages appeared, which looked cool.

But just now he only noticed the cool side, but failed to notice the terrifying control hidden under this coolness.

Not to mention catching up with Harvey, other people who also belong to the Void Cult are making rapid progress.

If I only focus on research and don't delve into the power of senior people, I don't necessarily know when I will be completely thrown away. A few people went to the restaurant talking and laughing.


And in Harvey's villa.

"Mr. Kassadin, do you also want to play that kind of competition?"

Sonia asked when she saw Mr. Kassadin standing on the balcony, looking in the direction of the beach.

"I think so, but it's not convenient for me to go."

Hearing this, Harvey did not hide his desire to join in the fun and spoke.

According to what Sonia said, everyone in the Void Cult now worships him extremely.

He needs to maintain his majesty in front of other members of the Void Cult.

In addition, if he goes, the members of the Void Cult will feel uncomfortable.

So even if he wanted to have some fun, there was nothing he could do.

"The same goes for me. I can only take a look nearby and cannot participate."

"Because I represent Mr. Kassadin's external image."

"If I go to participate, it will be fine if I win, but if I lose, it may make them think that I am not worthy of my reputation as a steward."

When Sonia heard that Mr. Kassadin did not hide anything, she also stood by the balcony, looked at the position on the beach in the distance, and said.

As Mr. Cassadine's housekeeper, she often needs to check various situations on the island and observe the actions of each member.

Naturally, I know that every competitive event held on the island is very lively.

As long as they don't have to go out to work or do errands, but are members of the Void Cult on the island, they will go and watch the excitement even if they don't participate.

She also wanted to go, but her status only allowed her to watch nearby, not participate.

"There's no way I can't participate, but you don't have to worry so much."

"Just because you are my butler does not mean that you are necessarily the strongest."

Harvey heard that Sonia also wanted to play, paused, and said.

He is the believer of the Void God Religion. As someone else's believer, he will naturally not do anything that undermines his majesty.

In Blue Star, he doesn't have to worry so much if he uses his original identity as Harvey.

However, when he used Kassadin's identity, there must be some areas where he needed to exercise self-restraint.

"It makes me very happy to know that Mr. Cassadine has agreed to let me go."

"But other members of the Void Cult don't think so."

"Their potential first impression must be that I am very powerful as your butler."

"And he knows a lot of knowledge about the void."

"In fact, I don't know much about Void. If I get too close to them, they will ask about it."

"I can't guarantee I'll be able to respond."

Sonia said with a smile when she heard Mr. Kassadin's words.

The second update is here. Chapter 126 is under review. I didn’t skip the chapter intentionally. It should be released tomorrow.

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