In the next month, Sonia had to greet visitors and discuss various matters outside.

So basically I have to run around the island and outside every day.

Fortunately, after a few days, Harvey asked Sonia to buy a space fighter plane, otherwise he would waste a lot of time running back and forth.

Of course, this space fighter is not only for Sonia to travel. It can be thrown to Tony for research when it is not used.

Originally, Harvey planned to buy a large space battleship directly, but was persuaded by Sonia.

Not only did Sonia think it was too wasteful, but it was also inconvenient to use such a large space battleship for her own travel.

Even if the space battleship is purchased, Mr. Tony does not have enough funds for research and development.

Therefore, it is best to proceed in a circular manner and let Mr. Tony start researching the space fighter first.

When Mr. Tony has thoroughly researched the space fighter and started making profits from its production, he will definitely have accumulated a lot of technology and knowledge, and he will naturally have funds for research and development.

A month later, Sonia spent 370 million to buy a small island with an area of ​​only 200 square kilometers, located fifty nautical miles away from Void Island.

We also built a factory, purchased facilities, and trained a group of technicians to work together to make the fine accessories needed for gravity devices.

After the final production and assembly, it will be sent to Tony's laboratory on the Void Island. After Jarvis inputs some programs, a gravity device will be completed.

An order of 800 million requires the production of 800 gravity devices.

Generally speaking, the purchase cost of a gravity device suitable for small and medium-sized space battleships is at least five million.

Tony Stark only made one million copies, and he cut off four million.

Normally, this is indeed a loss, but the production cost is only more than 300,000 yuan, and including labor, it is only 420,000 yuan.

And as Tony Stark, who has just joined the arms industry, he wants to bite some meat from the mouths of various leaders in the arms industry.

From the beginning, we must take the path of higher performance and cheaper price. Once we start to become famous, the selling price of the technology produced by Tony can be raised.


Knowing that things are on the right track, he will have enough money to buy a space fighter in a few months at most.

So Tony also decided to relax for himself.

It is June 2010, which is the hot summer season on Xandar.

Many people gathered on the beach of Void Island, most of them were men, with only three women among them.

There have never been many women who dared to come to Void Island and insisted on their faith to be blessed.

However, these three were also a little bit popular among the thousands of grasses. They showed off their hot figures in bikinis, which dazzled all the men around them.

When Tony came to the beach, he suddenly heard a "Boom!", a loud noise like thunder.

A ball-shaped object flew toward him like a cannonball. Tony's eyes narrowed, and he stretched out his palms forward.

With a sound of "Bang!", when the ball-shaped object fell into Tony's hand, it kept spinning and rubbing, causing smoke. The burst of force caused Tony's feet to slide back two meters, leaving an obvious ravine on the beach.

Tony's hand was a little painful from the heat of friction, but he didn't care because the pain was disappearing very quickly.

Tony took a closer look at his hand and saw that it was a volleyball.

"Tony, it's rare for you to come here and have some fun?"

At this time, a voice came from the side and issued an invitation.

Tony heard the sound and looked around to find that it was Rennoli, who invited him to spar.

"It doesn't seem fair to compare me to you."

After hearing this, Tony turned the volleyball in his hand, walked over, and said with a smile.

"It's just for fun. Of course, you can't use your real skills. You need to control your own strength to play."

"Otherwise, who would dare to play with that guy Kyle?"

Renoli pointed his thumb back after hearing this and said.

When Tony heard these words, he looked over and saw Kyle, who was as tall as a mountain, leaping more than ten meters high in a thirty-meter beach volleyball court.

The thick arm suddenly clapped, and with a "Boom!", the muffled thunder sounded again.

This kind of sound can make people feel an amazing sense of power, but the volleyball that was slapped did not break.

It was like an exploding meteor falling directly to the opposite side.

Kyle's opponent is Lacey, who is wearing a black bikini and showing off her hot figure.

At this time, Lacey's eyes were full of sharpness, and her body appeared at the landing point as soon as she moved. There was some impact on the beach under her feet, and the sand splashed, and she caught the volleyball.

After the volleyball bounced, Lacey stared at the ground with both feet, jumped up high, and with a sudden "Bang!" sound, the volleyball flew past at high speed like a bullet coming out of the barrel.

Kyle had just landed on the ground, like a running giant bear. Every time he stepped on the ground, he made a real low roar. He quickly caught it and slapped it again.

Lacey and Kyle were playing volleyball, and they were playing fiercely, but the volleyball just wouldn't explode. It can be seen that the two of them control their power very exquisitely.

"Okay, what are the rules?"

After hearing this, Tony turned the volleyball in his hands, came to the opposite side of Renoli's volleyball court, and said.

"One point will be deducted if you can't catch it, one point will be deducted if it goes out of bounds, one point will be deducted if the ball explodes, whoever loses gets a treat."

Renolly saw some interest in Tony's eyes and explained the rules.

Because the physical fitness of the members of the Void God Cult has exceeded that of ordinary people.

Therefore, even if they play common sports in the world of ordinary people, they will play extremely intensely.

However, various sports are also the most popular events among the members of Void Island.

Because not only is there a chance of winning, but you can also exercise your control over power, and the most important thing is that if you win, it will prove that you have better control over power.

The damn desire to win makes no one want to lose, so every time various competitive sports are held, everyone's interest is extremely high.

Now that it's summer, you can see beauties, play in the water, and enjoy the summer beach, so more people have gathered, and there's even an opening for everyone to place bets on who will win.

Of course the stakes are not big, just a few guests.

Now everyone in the Void God Sect is a foodie, so how could they be willing to gamble so much that they would have no money to eat for a period of time in the future.

“It was my first time playing and I needed to test the hardness of the ball.”

When Tony heard these rules and saw the lively atmosphere around him, he felt motivated to fight.

I wonder which man doesn’t want to show his absolute style in the same competition and receive cheers and applause.

"You can do whatever you want. You can serve first later."

Renoli heard this and said with an indifferent expression.


The fourth update is sent

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