I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 121 A profitable industry

Lacey's words made Rennoli, Kyle, and the Predictor all gleam in their eyes.

I only considered the difference between personal strength and the strength of the steel armor, but did not consider that the weapons carried by this steel army would have the final say in some large-scale wars.

This made Rennoli, Kyle, and the Predicter immediately respect Tony.

It is inevitable that a mind like Tony will develop a lot of high technology in the future.

Not only can it bring a steady stream of funds to the Void Cult, but it can also build various facilities.

And Tony's technology will inevitably become a trump card of the Void God Religion in the future.

They can play a role in facing various battles, but when facing some large-scale wars, unless a person's strength directly exceeds the limit, the impact will be limited.

At that time, it was time for technology to come on the scene and directly cover it with firepower.

Considering that Tony's own strength is not strong yet, and he lacks combat experience, depending on the situation, they have to protect Tony to prevent Tony's trump card from encountering mishaps.

When several people are talking.

Tony has installed gravity devices on sixteen space fighters, allowing them to begin test flights to test their performance.

And in the process, Tony obtained a lot of useful information, which made Tony very happy.

A bunch of people around him admired Tony even more.

Because they saw a possibility. If Tony could get a set for the new members of the Void God Cult, it could perfectly help the new members of the Void God Cult to get through the weak period at the beginning.

It may not be possible now, but as the prophets say, it will be possible later.

People who came on behalf of sixteen large companies, after testing the performance, all signed orders worth 100 million with Tony.

I plan to try it on a small scale first. If I use it for a year without any problems, I will continue to place orders in the future.

And they also asked about the steel armor. Although they were a little disappointed when they learned that it would not be sold, it was expected.

Tony Stark must have a very good mind to be able to produce such a high-tech mechanical armor.

There will also be opportunities for them to work together in the future to purchase other technologies produced by Tony Stark.

After they each paid a deposit of 50 million to Tony Stark, they left first.

This time he got back 800 million, but Tony knew that he hadn't really earned the 800 million yet.

"Miss Sonia, tonight I will ask Jarvis to pass you the design drawings of the factory and the equipment that needs to be purchased."

"After the factory is built, I'll ask you to help recruit some people and start construction."

So Tony transferred 798,500,000 to Sonia and left 5 million for himself to spend, then he spoke.

"Okay, I will use this money to the maximum extent possible."

"Construction can start in a month at most."

Sonia nodded upon hearing this and gave a more specific time.

"I feel relieved to leave it to you."

"Then you go get busy first."

Tony smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, Tony flew into the sky and quickly headed to his laboratory.

He had just scanned a large amount of information on space fighters, allowing him to start learning in advance how to construct his own space fighter.

Sonia saw Mr. Tony Stark leaving, glanced at the members of the Void Cult who were still watching, and left too.

She wanted to report the good news to Mr. Cassadine, and she didn't care that Mr. Tony Stark left five million for herself.

Mr. Tony Stark had no choice before and couldn't make money, so he always had to apply for funds to do whatever he wanted to do.

Although no matter what you apply for, Mr. Kassadin will basically agree.

But when you want to use money, you must apply. This is definitely no secret for Mr. Tony Stark.

Now that we have finally come to 800 million, it is normal to leave 5 million for the time being.

"Eight hundred million? That's eight hundred million earned?"

"Is this money really so easy to make?"

"If you put 800 million in front of you, how high can it be piled up?"

"How do I know? I haven't even seen 100 million."

The other members of the Void Cult heard clearly the conversation between Tony Stark and those people.

Now that Tony Stark and Miss Sonia had left, they all started talking immediately.

“Sure enough, if you want to make big money, you have to start a business.

"A large part of the reason why Tony Stark was able to succeed in starting a business so quickly is because Tony Stark has a good mind.

"So Lord Kassadin is willing to provide funds for him to study."

"How good is your mind? Starting a business requires ability."


"That's fine then."

Some people from the Void Cult were extremely envious and dispersed while chatting.

Although they did not hear it with their own ears, they saw that Lord Cassadine's housekeeper, Miss Sonia, would occasionally come out to talk to Tony Stark.

They also appeared together this time. Obviously, those who are willing to come over to investigate are probably Miss Sonia who helped find them.

Therefore, it is not difficult for them to see that Lord Kassadin supported Tony Stark's research and development of gravity devices in this transaction.

However, Tony Stark does not use his physical strength. His technology alone is so powerful that it inspired the fighting spirit of some members of the Void Cult.

If you don’t have such a good mind, then try to evolve yourself more.


On the other hand, Sonia returned to the villa and reported the transaction process to Harvey.

"After the factory production is completed, how long will it take to get the first batch of orders?"

After hearing this, Harvey spoke.

"With these 795 million, we need to buy a small island."

"Then building the factory and training workers to operate the instruments can be done simultaneously."

"According to Mr. Tony Stark's instructions, the first batch of orders is expected to be completed in four months."

"The other party will then pay the full amount."

"As long as Mr. Tony Stark's name is publicized, there should be more orders in the future, so we need to increase the number of factories."

"According to estimates, after one year at most, after deducting taxes and dividends from Mr. Tony Stark, there will be at least 3 billion in revenue every year. This is still a conservative estimate."

After hearing this, Sonia also told the time when the official profit-making will start, as well as the follow-up matters that require additional investment.

High technology is a hugely profitable industry, especially Mr. Tony Stark's research on common devices suitable for various space fighters and space battleships.

However, it is not something that ordinary people can do if they want to participate in the high-tech industry.

Don't you think Tony Stark is such a genius? It only took five months to develop, but the development funds spent more than 800 million to purchase various equipment and materials.

If it were to hire an elite team for development, it would cost even more money.

But now Mr. Tony Stark has succeeded. As long as Mr. Tony Stark updates and iterates from time to time, the gravity device can maintain a high-performance and low-cost core.

In this interstellar age, there is no need to worry about not having a buyer for hundreds of years.

A few hundred years later, even if a certain planet suddenly produces a space navigation vehicle that spans the ages.

The space battleships of the old era will not be phased out so quickly for the time being, after all, the universe is so big.

Not every civilization can completely eliminate the space battleships of the old era in the first time.

The second update is sent

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