I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 105 People Cursed by Knowledge

"The cosmic communicator you brought back last time is really a good thing."

"It has raised Jarvis's information transmission speed to a new level. Now it doesn't matter where I am on Blue Star."

"You can ask Jarvis to send the steel armor to me directly remotely."

"It's a pity that I forgot to ask you for your cosmic communication number last time."

"Otherwise I could have contacted you long ago."

When Tony and Harvey walked down to the underground research room together, Tony seemed to start a conversation and took the initiative to talk.

"I can exchange it with you if you need it."

When Harvey heard Tony's words, he clicked on the wrist of his right hand, and a projection popped up.

"Okay, but is your place in the universe far from Blue Star?"

"If it's too far away, the signal might not be very good."

"Although I have researched it, it is still insufficient due to the limitations of materials."

"So let's just use the one you gave me."

After hearing this, Tony picked up the cosmic communicator that Harvey had given him previously on the table and said.

He is very confident in his own mind, but the cosmic communicator is the crystallization of alien technology after all.

The gap between Blue Star's technology and that of aliens is still very obvious. It is already very good to be able to reproduce a few versions in just a few months. It is impossible to completely catch up or even improve in a short time.

"It will be all right."

Harvey didn't mind after hearing this, and connected to Tony's cosmic communicator with a few clicks, leaving signals to each other.

"By the way, Harvey, I have something I need to ask your opinion on."

"The cosmic communicator I researched and produced, although the cosmic device is so advanced, once it is popularized, it will be countless wealth."

"It will also drive the development of Blue Star's various technologies. Do you think I should promote it?"

Tony's eyes flashed when he saw that the name on the communication signal was not Harvey but Kassadin, but he didn't ask any more questions and instead talked about another matter.

"Cosmic Translator you can promote."

"But the cosmic communicator, unless Blue Star has already planned to connect with the universe, it is best not to promote it for the time being."

After Harvey finished exchanging signals, he sat down somewhere and said.

"Blue Star is not protected by the God King Odin and the Supreme Mage. Aren't there people from the alien world who dare not mess around?"

When Tony heard Harvey's words, he had some questions in his mind.

"Tony, I know you want to drive the technological development of the entire Blue Star so that humans can have more power to protect themselves."

"But you have to know that once Blue Star starts to use cosmic communicators extensively, it means releasing a signal to aliens."

"Blue Star is ready to meet with various civilizations on various planets, and they will also increase the probability of visiting Blue Star."

"Once this signal is released, it will be irreversible."

"Although Blue Star is protected by Odin and Ancient One and is not afraid of the arrival of alien races, they do not have many years to live."

"Can you guarantee that Blue Star's technology can develop rapidly in just a few decades and enter the interstellar era to catch up with the starting point of other aliens?"

Harvey saw Tony's appearance and understood Tony's thoughts, so he said slowly.

"Although I would like to assure you that it is possible, due to the various material materials that Blue Star has, it is unlikely to be possible within ten years."

Tony had a wry smile on his face when he heard these words.

Blue Star's technological development can be said to be very fast. From the steam age to the current modern society, it only took more than a hundred years.

Human science and technology has developed rapidly over the past hundred years, which can be said to be the result of countless replacements of geniuses and countless human efforts.

More than a hundred years can allow past human beings to update and iterate for several eras, but for a civilization, more than a hundred years may only be the beginning.

Tony learned from the books that Harvey brought back that the civilizations of many alien planets would not formally integrate with other planets until they entered the interstellar era.

The most that Blue Star can do at present is to launch rockets and satellites to survey several planets around Blue Star, which is still a long way from the interstellar era.

This is why he researched and reproduced a low-end version of the cosmic communicator, but did not rush to publish it immediately, but planned to talk to Harvey before talking about it.

To be honest in his heart, Tony was a bit lucky, because it was impossible for Blue Star's technology to catch up in a short time.

However, there are two big figures in Blue Star who can buy enough development time for mankind.

However, although Harvey did not clearly say how many years the Supreme Mage Ancient One and God King Odin have left.

But Tony estimated that it was only within these decades.

In a few decades, it is hard to say whether humans can bring back some rare materials from the universe that are not available on Blue Star.

Even if Harvey helps bring it back, research and production will still take a lot of time, so catching up with the starting point of alien technology cannot be achieved in a short time.

"Tony, you don't have to be too anxious."

"Although I understand that you want to connect with the universe and crazily absorb knowledge from various civilizations, so that you can invent more things to benefit mankind."

"But you don't need to be too anxious, as long as you don't encounter any accidents or die in battle."

"You have a long life and can study it step by step,"

Harvey saw the wry smile on Tony's face and spoke to comfort him.

"I have a lot of time, but Blue Star and humans may not have that much time."

Hearing this, Tony crossed his chest with one hand and touched his chin with the other, with a tangled look on his face.

Ever since Harvey brought him the alien technology, apart from eating and exercising for three hours a day and spending time with Pepper after twelve o'clock at night, Tony basically spent the rest of his time in the research room.

It was a good thing that he joined the Void, otherwise his body would have collapsed long ago after only resting for two to four hours a day for several months.

Harvey saw Tony like this and knew that people like Tony who were cursed by knowledge would find it difficult to feel at ease the more they knew.

People cursed by knowledge will feel anxious because of insufficient firepower and anxious because of hidden dangers to safety.

If you want to completely eradicate this anxiety, you can only truly feel at ease by solving Tony's concerns.

Otherwise, no matter what words he said, it would be difficult for Tony to relax, slowly do the things he was interested in, and then spend every day lazily and comfortably.

But this is not a bad thing for Harvey, because he knows that the more Tony behaves like this, the easier it will be for his plan to be implemented.

But before talking about that plan, Harvey felt that he still had to wait for the right time.

"Time will bring everything you want, let's not talk about it for now."

"How's your steel armor doing?"

So Harvey watched Tony take the initiative to change the direction of the topic.

"I studied the things you brought me last time for more than two months."

"The materials brought back are more suitable for improving intelligence than improving the power or hardness of the steel armor."

"So in just over a month, the performance of the steel armor has only been slightly improved, and the greater improvement is mainly reflected in the intelligence aspect."

Tony saw that Harvey had taken the initiative to change the topic, so he temporarily put aside his worries and spoke.

If Jarvis's intelligence is improved, the steel armor is equivalent to improved intelligence and can execute all instructions issued by him faster.

Thanks to Yi Ah Sheng Yi for the reward. The next day it will be thousands. This is the first chapter. Please subscribe.

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