I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 102 Waiting and Joining

In the planet Mowgli.

A tall, handsome red-haired man exuding explosive power also received this message.

"The Void Cult established directly on Xandar by the great Mr. Kassadin?"

"It seems that I also need to start applying to spread teachings."

Alex's eyes were full of piety and admiration.

Five months have passed since Mr. Cassadine gave him his blessing.

His appearance has completely returned to what it was like when he was young.

Not only did his appearance change back to when he was young, but his strength was several times stronger than when he was at his strongest when he was young.

Therefore, Alex extremely worships the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, who can bless him.

King Orb Mowgli said he would observe him for a year before considering any large-scale propaganda.

Alex himself felt that there was no need to worry, but now Lord Kassadin had personally established the Temple of the Void, and directly spread the news to the galaxy, intending to personally spread the teachings of the Void.

As one of the believers of the Void Cult, he naturally had to respond, otherwise he would not be able to see Lord Kassadin.

And he doesn't want to see Lord Kassadin summon the followers of the Void Cult scattered across the universe in the future.

The people he brought over joined the Void too late, resulting in too low strength.

"The great God of the Void, Kassadin, your disciple Lix will never let you down."

Alex knelt down before a statue in the temple and spoke extremely pious words.

Immediately, Alex stood up and took out the communicator to contact the king, hoping that the king could start spreading the teachings of the void.

Let the entire people of Mowgli receive the gift of the great void, and let the entire race join in the glorious evolution.


Most of the people in the universe who are connected to the stars and can use network communicators have heard about this news.

However, although they admired Kassadin's strength, most of them couldn't believe that pie in the sky would fall.

I just believe that if you want to join the Void God Religion, you must pay some price.

Therefore, everyone plans to wait and see what happens. Anyway, the location of the power of Kassadin, the God of the Void, has been determined.

It must be said that this is a very bold act to directly advertise your power base to the public.

It can also be seen that Kassadin, the God of the Void, is absolutely very confident in his own strength.

But despite admiration, I still let others take the lead.


A few days passed.

Renoli, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey, who were the first to take the lead and hoped to join the Void Cult, were kneeling before the statue in front of the temple, their hearts filled with gratitude, admiration, and fear.

"You have been blessed by the great Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"Therefore, I am here to explain to you some of the abilities you will get after joining the Void Cult and receiving the blessing of the Void."

Five meters away from where they were kneeling, Sonia looked at them and said softly.

"First of all, I want to congratulate everyone. From now on, as long as you don't die in danger, you will have at least hundreds or thousands of years of life."

"This means that you are freed from some constraints of lifespan and become a long-lived existence."

Sonia's words were pleasant to the ears, but they were thunderous in the ears of Renoli and others, and they stirred up turmoil in their hearts.

They expected to gain power by joining the Void Cult, but they did not expect that they could directly change their life span.

In the universe, as long as civilizations are highly technologically advanced, their life spans will mostly be extended and they will live longer.

But there are limits to this extension. For example, the longest-lived person on Xandar is over three hundred years old, and most people can only live to about two hundred years old.

Belief in the void can actually extend one's lifespan. If the news of this benefit were spread, even the big shots on Xandar would probably go crazy about it.

"Now you may feel that your strength has not increased much, but it doesn't matter."

"As long as you receive the blessing of the void, it means that you have joined the glorious evolution."

"In the future, you can absorb various substances to allow yourself to evolve again and again and gain unparalleled power."

"I think after hearing this, everyone should have understood the meaning of the commandments."

"I hope you will not violate the precepts and become the subject of trial in the trial hall."

"The great Lord Kassadin is watching your actions all the time."

Sonia's body shook slightly when she saw them, and she explained with a smile on her face while also giving a sincere warning.

Sonia finally understood why Kassadin was willing to give the power of the void to countless people.

However, she knew very well that Mr. Kassadin gave anyone a chance to join the void. There seemed to be no price, but the biggest price was to resist the desire from hunger.

If you can experience the feeling of becoming stronger and still be able to control your behavior without losing your true intentions, then you can live longer and become stronger.

Otherwise, let alone live for hundreds or thousands of years, you may have just joined, and once you become a monster with no sense and only knows how to eat, you will be judged.

"Thank you Miss Sonia, we will remember the commandments of the Void God Cult."

Renoli, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey all nodded when they heard this and responded respectfully.

"The great Lord Kassadin said that he will not restrict any of your freedom."

"But the great and kind Lord Kassadin has prepared a gravity chamber."

"You have just joined the Void. You can choose to stay on the island for a while to feel and practice how to master your own power and desires."

"As for food, you can pay the chef on the island to buy it, or you can go to the sea to salvage it yourself."

"I have applied for salvage application. If you want to eat it, you can do it yourself."

"You have become a member of the Void Cult. The great Mr. Kassadin looks forward to seeing you remain sane and clear-headed, now and in the future."

Sonia continued to add some words after hearing this.

After saying that, Sonia left.

Although the first batch of visitors came quickly, the second batch did not come in the past few days.

Sonia knew that people from the outside world must still be watching the situation of the Void God Religion.

After Renault and the others return safely, people will know that faith in the void will indeed gain strength.

There will be more and more people hoping to gain strength through faith in the void, and she will be busy by then.

But this kind of busyness is much easier than my previous job at a celebrity hotel.

And after Sonia left.

Renolly, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey all stood up from kneeling on one knee and looked at each other with eyes filled with wonder.

Fourth update

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