Chapter 97 Changes

"I understand," Wang Qingbang straightened his robes, knelt down and said, "I am willing to devote my whole life to the prince!"

Lin Yi said expressionlessly, "I only care about the result?"

Wang Qingbang smiled without saying a word and stepped back cautiously.

Lin Yi looked at his retreating back, then turned to look at Hong Ying, "Where's Wen Zhaoyi, why haven't we been seen for another month?"

Hong Ying bowed and said, "Wen Zhaoyi is practicing in seclusion, and I don't know what the specific skills are.

Your Majesty, would you like to call me over? "

“There’s no need to disturb her,” Lin Yi sighed, “I thought that if she had time, she would go to Ankang City for me.

 Since it’s a retreat, forget it. "

 My mother and sister will definitely be much safer if they have a great master by their side.

Hong Ying immediately knelt down and said, "I am willing to go back to Ankang City."

Lin Yi waved his hand and sighed, "Just forget it."

 When he was bored, he resumed writing the novel he had stopped writing for more than two months.

“A general who doesn’t want to be an emperor is never a good soldier”

“I will one day have my face printed on the imperial banknotes.”

 “The powerful and powerful man is sitting on the dragon’s plate, and the rich and powerful family is approaching fiercely.

 In the midst of talking and laughing, the boats and oars disappeared into ashes! "

 “A generation of war gods, with a fierce reputation and great achievements in the world”

 In the novel, he punches hard.

 In reality, he is still submissive.

 He has a wife and a younger sister. Regardless of himself, he has to think about them.

 It is not really good to be carefree by yourself!

 If you are too willful, needless to say, you will definitely leave them in trouble.

 The Xijiang River is widening its channel.

Lin Yi stood on the shore and looked at where nearly ten thousand people were working hard.

  The harsh sun has caused them to shed a layer of their skin, with patches of white and patches of black on their bodies.

There were even many children of fifteen or sixteen years old carrying baskets.

Shanqi stepped forward, knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, please don't be kind to women!"

Lin Yi counted with his fingers.

Du Sanhe's filial piety of one million taels is gone.

People are poor but have short ambitions, and horses are thin and hairy. I can't say anything harsh, but I just sighed and said, "You have to take care of people's food. If they don't have enough to eat, then let them go as soon as possible."

 “Respect the king’s order!”

Shan Qi and Xie Zan said in unison.

 In the evening, Lin Yi passed by the front yard and saw Qi Peng's servants coming and going in a hurry, feeling something was wrong.

 Haunted without hesitation, he went to Qi Peng's house.

 Qi Peng was lying on the bed, sweating on his forehead, and moaning softly.

Lin Yi quickly opened his trousers, his lower limbs were ulcerated, and there was a foul smell.

 “It’s infested with maggots.”

Lin Yi sighed and said, "The carrion must be cut off. Someone, let the gourd come over."

 After a long illness, there is no one more experienced in dealing with this kind of thing than him.

 However, he did not have the courage to use the knife, so he could only let Hu Shilu come over.

Qi Peng's servants were just in a daze, not knowing whether to listen or not.

Qi Peng said feebly, "Listen to the prince, ordinary people are just untouchables."

Lin Yi asked someone to arrange hot water, put his stump into the water, and sighed, "Are you going to take it this time?"

 If you don’t have the ability, don’t try to do it.

 As a human being, perseverance is important, but respecting science is even more important.

 I have told you that you must revitalize your blood regularly, but you still don’t listen. "

After a while, Hu Shilu came in.

Lin Yi then exited the room.

How could he feel comfortable listening to the screams coming from inside?

This is how he went through it in his last life, and he can feel it more deeply than anyone else.

  When summer was about to pass, the news that Yuezhou and Chuzhou were conquered by thieves spread throughout the world.

 Cao Datong and Han Hui combined their troops to attack Ankang.

 Sanhe is still Sanhe. Except for the increasing number of refugees and Lin Yi’s pocket becoming increasingly dry, everything is calm.

He Jixiang, who suppressed bandits, is back.

   How many people go, how many people come back.

However, we lost money again.

 Can't beat the big one, just follow behind and pick up the leftovers.

 The younger ones were beaten, and at most they brought back some cattle and sheep.

 “Hey, Mr. He, Master He, what should we do if things continue like this?”

Lin Yi was heartbroken!

 Spent one hundred thousand taels before and after the expedition!

 Until now, I haven’t even made a small change back!

He Jixiang said in shame, "The thieves are powerful, I hope the prince will calm down!"

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and didn't say a word.

No matter what luck they say later, he is not willing to fight lightly.

The militia-turned-guardhouse moved around casually, and the money went out.

 With this money, it is better to improve the children’s food.

 As the roads were gradually opened, more and more children were sent from the inland and coastal areas of Sanhe.

 Every classroom in every school is crowded with children, ranging from three to fifteen or sixteen years old.

They spend money and food excessively, but they are seen jumping around and chattering.

 Lin Yi has an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

 Delong thirty-one years.

 Sanhe sent grain to Ankang City for the first time in history.

 After a fierce auction, Liang Gen was finally responsible for grain transportation.

 Ship it to Ankang City openly and openly, and you can also bring your own "private goods" with you. Needless to say, there are benefits.

What is the one hundred thousand taels of silver worth at the auction?

Hundreds of large ships and countless small fishing boats docked at Ping Feng O on Bird Island, their sails raised covering the sky and the sun.

Lin Yi simply didn’t recognize this place.

How long has it been since there were so many more ships just because there was one more shipping company?

Tian Shiyou came over and whispered, "Your Majesty, I don't know. Du Sanhe, an old thief, has docked more than fifty ships. The rest, except for Sanhe, are from Nanzhou and Jiangnan. They are on the spot." After replenishing, go ahead.”

Lin Yi said, "Grandma is such a bear, there is nothing wrong with her!

 Where are the Dusanhe people? "

 After speaking, I looked around at the bustling commercial street that had long since replaced the shacks. They were all shops built with red bricks and stones.

Tian Shiyou chuckled and said, "Your Majesty, Du Sanhe is not here, but his daughter is."

 “Du Yinniang?”

"Exactly." Tian Shiyou said with a smile, "Your Majesty, this woman is really smart, but her temper is something that ordinary people can't stand."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "A needle in the tail of a wasp is more poisonous than a woman's heart."

 He actually didn’t have a good impression of Du Yinniang.

 With the help of Hong Ying, he carefully stepped ashore from the springboard.

 Du Yinniang suddenly appeared in front of him, which surprised him.

 If you really say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there.

“Your Majesty, you have been working hard all the way, please go and rest with your daughter.”

Du Yinniang bowed slightly.

“Okay, now that you’re here, I won’t be polite.”

Lin Yi mounted the donkey and followed behind them.

The streets are bustling with people.

 It was a completely different scene from the last time he came.

Sailors had a fight in the tavern and it was a mess.

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Isn't this king's Sanhe without the king's law?"

Just as Hong Ying was about to respond, Wen Qian, who was behind Du Yinniang, had already strode into the restaurant.

 The restaurant suddenly fell silent.

ps: Sanjiang has been rising very fast in the past two days, with a collection of 45,400 today.

 If one person has one ticket

 What do you dare to bring?

 (End of this chapter)

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