I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 8: Angry and unwilling to fight

 Chapter 8: Being angry and refusing to fight

Having a distinguished family background, and having his own father and elder brother as his support, his own son is fully qualified to compete for the supreme position!

 Why should we give it to others?

 She refuses to accept it!

Lin Yi actually feels quite guilty sometimes when it comes to his biological mother.

 It is not that pleasant to disappoint someone who loves you deeply.

After Hong Ying heard this, he laughed and said nothing.

No matter what the answer is, it's wrong. No matter how the prince arranges Concubine Yuan, it's just a couple, so it doesn't matter.

As a chamberlain, if he messes around, his shoes will be worn to the end.

 He knows his prince very well.

Lin Yi shook off the clogs that were used as slippers on his feet and said angrily, "What are you doing here? Find your boots, prepare your donkey and carriage, and enter the palace!"

 He actually refused in his heart, but he dared not not go.

He was not afraid of heaven or earth, but he was afraid that my mother would cry to him afterwards.

 It makes him uncomfortable!

Who made him value family affection so much!

Although I sometimes dislike seeing him, I have to say that she loves and protects him wholeheartedly.

 It’s just that sometimes, this approach may not be the right one.

Flood emergency response is.

However, he was still relieved that the prince did not press him about his attitude towards Concubine Yuan Gui in the end.

The prince rarely uses a carriage when he goes out. Suddenly, the groom was very busy.

Looking at Mr. Hong standing in front of him with a cold face, the sweat on his face was like water, and it kept coming.

“Sun Yi, if you can’t do it, we will replace you with someone else.”

“Little one, I’m guilty. I don’t know why this horse was frightened today. Little one”

Hearing the gloomy tone of the manager, Sun Yi knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

 From a position perspective, he should definitely listen to Manager Hong.

 In terms of relationship, he is half of the steward's apprentice.

From the day they entered the mansion, Manager Hong required those who traveled with the prince to have the ability to ensure that outsiders would not be able to approach the prince easily.

He is already twenty-one years old. He has just inherited the riding whip from his father less than two years ago. He does not know a word of Chinese characters and only knows how to raise horses.

But Manager Hong also forced him to learn moves every day.

It was painful and tiring, and he really couldn't bear it, but the look in Manager Hong's eyes gave him no courage to say no!

After all, even the former commander of the palace guards, a third-level master who was unattainable in his eyes, had his legs broken by the steward and was kicked out of the palace!

An ant like him only deserves to beg!

“If we weren’t afraid of delaying the prince today, our family would definitely kill you with one blow!”

After Hong Ying finished speaking, he walked to the stable with his hands behind his back.

Sun Yi found that with the horse-raising experience he had learned from his father, he could not take care of the fierce horse. As soon as Manager Hong approached, he immediately became quiet and lowered his head. He only dared to rub his front hooves on the ground, but his body did not move. Don't dare to move.

 He finally understood the meaning of what his father once said: All animals bully the weak and fear the strong! Let the whip in your hand convince them, and then develop feelings for them.

Lin Yi was leaning against the gate, unable to even yawn.

 “My life is so miserable”

“Your Majesty, thank you for your hard work.” Mingyue thought, and she would never go wrong if she learned to speak with Manager Hong.

Lin Yi shook his head and was too lazy to answer. Mingyue was more interesting when she was a child.

 Once you grow up, you will understand the so-called rules and the difference between superiority and inferiority.

  Every time I make a random joke, they will be so scared that they fall to their knees.

 As agreed, there will be a group of concubines!


 Use power to oppress others?

 Can't do these beastly things!

The higher education you received in your previous life was wasted!

 He felt even more lonely!

 The towering palace gate is getting closer and closer, and the sun is getting stronger and stronger.

As a prince, the only privilege is that after stopping the carriage, you can take a ride into the palace.

But he was not willing to do this. Under the scorching sun, eight young eunuchs aged fourteen or fifteen were carrying him, which made him look even more useless.

The ideas and concepts formed in the previous life cannot be changed in this life.

 He wants to be a man.

Concubine Yuan Guifei was canonized as Concubine Ning, but she preferred to be called Concubine Yuan. Her surname was Yuan, and she was even more proud of her family.

At this moment, her grandmother and mother, whom she had not seen for many years, gathered together, which made her even more excited.

However, when he suddenly saw Lin Yi being introduced by the maid, his originally relaxed brows suddenly knitted together.

 “Greetings to my mother and concubine!”

Lin Yi knelt down directly. As for the old lady beside him - his mother's grandmother, and his grandmother, he simply ignored them.

It’s not that you don’t respect, it’s that you don’t dare to respect.

 It is a big taboo to make no distinction between ruler and minister.

 Blood relations have to give way!

If Lin Yi really acted according to his own temperament, no matter who he was, he would guess that there must be something up his sleeve with such disregard for dignity!

 “Greetings to Prince He!”

 Lao Taijun Xue, the mother of Duke Zhu, and Mrs. Dong, who was married to his wife, stood up and took the female relatives of Duke Zhu's house to salute Lin Yi.

 “Old lady, I’m sorry for you.” Lin Yi bowed in return, which was reasonable.

 No matter who it is, there is nothing that can be said.

"Grandma, why is my mother so polite?" Concubine Yuan stood up from the chair in the middle and helped the old lady and her mother sit down. "This wild boy, my granddaughter really can't be disciplined. If my brother is willing to discipline him more, Maybe I’ll calm down a little bit in the future.”

Ms. Dong lowered her head and said nothing. This was her biological daughter, but how should she answer the question?

Her daughter is her heart and soul, so she naturally cares for her deeply. However, the matter involves the royal family, and if she is not careful, the whole family will be in trouble!

He also has a son, a daughter-in-law, a grandson, and a granddaughter. He cannot let the Yuan family suffer for the sake of a daughter!

 “Your Majesty, you are too worried,” the old lady smiled and stood up again, “The Ninth Prince is smart and will be blessed.

His Majesty has shown mercy today and is able to see the beauty of the sky. I am extremely grateful.

 Having been bothering me for such a long time, I think it’s time for the empress to take a rest, so I’ll take my leave first. "

After speaking, he bowed to Lin Yi again.

 “Old lady, walk slowly.” Lin Yi naturally didn’t want her to stay any longer.

The figures of the Yuan family members became increasingly faint, and Concubine Yuan shed more and more tears.

Princess Lin Ning Huaiyang, who never said a word from beginning to end, took the handkerchief from the maid and handed it to her mother, and said cautiously, "Mother concubine."

“What evil have I done in my life?”

 While Concubine Yuan was crying bitterly, she waved her hands to the maids on the left and right.

 The left and right people retreated, and for a while, only the mother and son were left in the huge palace.

Concubine Yuan Guifei wiped her tears, glanced at Lin Ning, then stared at Lin Yi, and said in a lost voice, "If you were as good as your sister, I can still close my eyes even if I die."

Lin Ning’s natural talent and reputation as the most talented woman in the world are naturally not exaggerated. Everyone who has read her poems applauds!

 The most important thing is that her daughter inherited her Yuan family’s martial arts and is already a seventh-level master at a young age!

The most hateful thing is the disgustingly smiling son in front of her. She once gave her the greatest hope and relied on him for the rest of his life, but he couldn't do anything in literature or martial arts!

 So far I have only dared to ride a donkey!

  Has become the biggest joke in the capital!

 As a mother, how could she have such a bright face?

Lin Yi said bravely, "This is not my son's fault."

 My mother cried with pear blossoms in the rain. Although she was already thirty-six years old, the years had not left many traces on that beautiful face.

 The emperor dotes on his biological mother, not only because of the Yuan family, but also because his biological mother is really good-looking. If placed in modern society, she would at least be a top traffic star.

 (End of this chapter)

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