I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 76: Sit in and watch the sky

Chapter 76 Sit in and watch the sky

Talking a few steps further, I finally saw large ships hidden between the island and the fjord, as well as small fishing boats surrounding it.

“Why can’t your ship stop?

 The king’s ships cannot stop? "

Lin Yi couldn't help but get angry thinking about how far he had traveled.

Tian Shiyou said hurriedly, "Your Majesty, you don't know. Our place is called Fangniao Island. There are only two places where the boat can be parked. One is the place where we disembarked yesterday, which is called Pingfeng Ao.

 One place is the Shangshui Bay in front of me. My ancestors have settled here.

There is only one disadvantage here, that is, there are many reefs, and if you are not sure of the way, you will get shipwrecked if you are not careful. You can only get in from the southwest by twists and turns.

We came from the northwest, and if we want to anchor here, we have to make a big circle from the southwest, which will delay us for an extra day.

 So, I took the prince and got off the ship directly from Ping Feng Ao. "

Lin Yi's face turned slightly, and he said angrily, "Whatever is bad, it is obviously a good thing for you, and outsiders can't get in easily."

Tian Shiyou smiled and said, "That's natural. No matter how good Du Sanhe is, he can't enter my Shangshui Bay."

Lin Yi glanced down the mountain again and asked curiously, "Where are the salt fields? Why aren't there any?"

 He only saw a few fishermen, a few sampans, and a group of children playing wildly.

 “Your Majesty, please come with the grassroots.”

Tian Shiyou took the lead and walked down the hillside along the already leveled mountain road, then along the long beach, and finally turned around a steep cliff.

A large salt field appeared in front of Lin Yi's eyes, like terraced fields, layer after layer, with no end in sight.

 It is generally lower than the sea level. If a gap is dug, the sea can flow into it.

More than twenty people were busy, including those carrying baskets and pushing wheelbarrows, each performing their duties.

Lin Yi pinched a little salt and tasted it in his mouth. His teeth chattered, but there was still a bitter taste.

Tian Shiyou said, "Your Majesty, official salt costs a lot, it costs ten coppers per catty, but our salt only costs two coppers per catty!"

 If you make third-grade salt and sell it, you can get twenty cash per catty! "

Lin Yidao, "You have seen the salt used in the palace, how do you think it compares to your salt?"

Tian Shiyou smiled and said, "What the prince eats is first-class salt. A pound of salt on the market costs at least thirty-five cents. How can ordinary people compare with this salt?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You are wrong, I also eat sea salt. The traffic in Baiyun City is not smooth, so there is no place for me to buy high-quality salt."

 “Your Majesty!”

Tian Shiyou said loudly, "The common people can tell the difference between fine salt and sea salt!"

 He felt insulted!

 He is a salt dealer, how could he not be able to tell the difference between third-grade salt and first-grade salt?

Lin Yi said, “Isn’t the salt from Yong’an and Wuzhou in the south of the Yangtze River and Qizhou in the north not sea salt?

 Why are people just first-class salt? "

Tian Shiyou argued, "Your Majesty, others use fried salt, but our Sanhe salt is sun-dried, so it's naturally different."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes at him and said, "That's because you are not good at it. Mingyue, teach them how to remove impurities from this salt."

 As a young online article writer, I have a wide range of interests and know everything, but I am not good at everything and am overall mediocre.

However, I barely know how to remove impurities from sea salt.

 He continued to do this after eating the refined salt he brought from the capital.

  It cannot be said to be successful, after all, there is no scientific instrument to detect how much chloride, magnesium, lead, arsenic and other impurities are left in it, but at least the taste is satisfactory.

 Very "ancient method".

 Unfortunately, the older you get, the more often you inadvertently kill people. For example, it is normal for home-brewed liquor, self-boiled sucrose, methanol, and bacterial colonies to exceed standards.

He is timid and afraid of death. He usually does not dare to drink too much wine unless it has been stored in the cellar for one or two years.

 There is nothing wrong with respecting science.

Ming Yue bowed and said, "Yes."

Lin Yi didn't give Tian Shiyou a chance to speak, and said directly, "Learn more from her and find a way to sell salt at a higher price. Don't just sit in a well and watch the sky all day long without making progress."

Tian Shiyou's face turned red after being told that, and he could only stare at Lin Yi's retreating figure.

Lin Yi looked at the coconut trees all over the mountains and plains, and suddenly wanted to eat coconuts.

Hong Ying fulfilled his mission. He swung the needle and a large number of coconuts fell from the coconut forest.

Lin Yi watched with his own eyes as guard Han Deqing smashed down every coconut with his own eyes. Every coconut was empty.

 “Is this a **** coconut?”

Lin Yi is a little doubtful about life, why is there no meat or juice?

 Is this world different?

Han Deqing cut down more than 20 people in succession, and Lin Yicai finally gave up!

The only comforting thing is that the sea I yearn for is real.

 For a person who has never seen the sea in his life, the sea at this time can satisfy all his fantasies.

He put on his big trousers and plunged into the sea. Surrounded by guards, he regretted it before he could swim very far.

 It’s not that comfortable to feel sticky all over.

The sun was very hot, so after swimming for a while, I simply went ashore and washed myself off in the mountain stream.

The only seafood that could meet his requirements was oysters, scallops, prawns, lobsters, geoducks, and oysters. During lunch, he unceremoniously asked the Tian family to prepare a full table.

After eating and drinking enough, before I could lie down for a while under the coconut tree, I was woken up by Tian Shiyou who ran over excitedly.

"Your Majesty," Tian Shiyou said happily, carrying a linen bag, "it's just as the prince expected, first-class salt, really first-class salt!"

Lin Yi yawned and said, "Then stop talking nonsense and just do it according to this."

Tian Shiyou laughed loudly and said, "Your Majesty, now the common people have confidence!

 Ship it to the north, even if it is only a penny cheaper than official salt, there are still a lot of people rushing to get it! "

Lin Yi burped loudly.

Hong Ying then glanced at Tian Shiyou. Tian Shiyou shrunk his neck and ran away.

After Lin Yi woke up, the first thing he did was take a bath in the mountain stream. As soon as he got dressed, he heard the cry of the child.

 “Damn, you’re losing money!”

A man in his forties showed his burnt teeth and cursed while slapping a little girl with withered hair in the face.

 The little girl only dared to cry, but she remained motionless.

As soon as Lin Yi frowned, the guard Han Deqing walked over and kicked the man far away.

 “Kill someone!”

 The man made a sound like a killing pig.

Han Deqing pulled out the knife suddenly, and the man immediately stopped crying and ran away without looking back.

Wen Zhaoyi walked towards the little girl, wiped away her tears, and comforted her, "Don't cry, your face will look ugly if you cry."

 In the evening, Lin Yi found that the man was tied to a tree, and Liu San beside Tian Shiyou kept swinging his whip.

 The man screamed and begged for mercy, "Master, I know I was wrong, please let me go."

Lin Yi snorted coldly.

Feel comfortable.

  ps: Guys, don’t breed free-range animals, you want milk.

 (End of this chapter)

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