Chapter 72 Big Ship

Moreover, this kind of people are not good people, otherwise they would not be able to achieve great success, and they would have to guard against backlash from others.

 In this life, what I hate the most is intrigues and intrigues with others.

 What he pursues is real freedom.

"He Jin's evil deeds will endanger the country. If the prince takes care of the king, the world will respond!"

Due to Du Sanhe again.

"You do think highly of me, but it's a pity that I don't have the ability. You'd better find someone else to do such earth-shattering things."

After Lin Yi figured it out, he wasn't so surprised anymore.

 It is not a new species to oppose the world but not the emperor.

Everyone who has watched Water Margin knows that the heroes only fought against corrupt officials and never said a word against the officials.

 “Your Majesty!”

Du Sanhe suddenly raised his head and said, "I said, as long as there is a slight chance.

   I will do whatever it takes! "

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You are not a child, so don't say such childish words."

Du Sanhe said loudly, "I am willing to donate one million taels of silver to share the prince's worries!"

 “Then I, the king, are not polite?”

Lin Yi raised his hand and said, "General Nie, please drink tea, you are welcome.

After this king’s road to Nanzhou is repaired, as long as you obey my regulations, you can ride on it as you wish. "

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

After Du Sanhe glanced at Hong Ying, he gently picked up the teacup and took a sip, then slowly put it down.

Lin Yi continued, “It is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. Does General Nie understand?

 Teaching a man to fish can only relieve a temporary emergency, but teaching a man to fish can relieve a lifetime of needs. "

Nie Youdao gritted his teeth and said, "I'll send you three more big ships!

From now on, as long as we sail ships with the royal flag, I will ensure that there is unimpeded access to the South China Sea. "

 “General Nie is becoming more polite,”

Lin Yi said loudly to Hong Ying, "Go down and tell us that there must be good wine and good meat today. Let's leave General Nie to have a light meal."

 “Your Majesty!”

Du Sanhe stood up and said, "I am a wanted person. It is inconvenient to stay on the shore for a long time, so it is better to leave early. I understand the prince's wishes."

“Oh, by the way,” Lin Yi suddenly said, “Do you know Tian Shiyou?”

Du Sanhe said disdainfully, "They're just local chickens and tile dogs."

Lin Yi said, "I heard that you robbed someone else's salt and returned the property to the original owner, right?

 Call Tian Shiyou in. "

 With this advantage, he can take people's money and eliminate disasters for others, and his reputation will not be ruined.

Du Sanhe said, "Since the prince has spoken, I should obey my orders."

Tian Shiyou followed Hong Ying in and glared at him, but he turned a blind eye.

Lin Yi scolded Tian Shiyou, "I am a guest.

 Is this your attitude towards guests?

 Besides, people have returned the salt to you.

Don't waste time, and don't thank Mr. Du's family. "

Tian Shiyou opened his mouth for a long time, then reluctantly raised his hands to Du Sanhe and said, "Thank you, Mr. Du!"

If someone robbed you, you still have to thank them!

Who should I talk to to reason with?

Du Sanhe snorted coldly, not even looking at him.

Tian Shiyou was so angry that his teeth itched.

Lin Yi nodded with satisfaction and said, "The Du family said they would give me three large ships as a gift, and they will be handed over to you from now on. As for you, take care of me."

Master Du's family has said that if anything happens at sea in the future, just look for him. "

Du Sanhe said, “Your Majesty, I’m resigning now.”

 Passing by the yard, I saw Wen Zhaoyi playing with her children and stopped suddenly.

 Looking incredulous.

However, Wen Zhaoyi only glanced at him and continued to tease the toddler.

 “Go slowly without seeing someone off.”

Looking at Du Sanhe's suddenly tense figure, Lin Yi showed a satisfied smile.

Du Sanhe turned back to Lin Yi and cupped his hands, then strode away.

Tian Shiyou said angrily, "Your Majesty, I can't trust these people."

Lin Yi said angrily, "Can I trust you?"

Tian Shiyou hurriedly said, "The loyalty of ordinary people can be seen from the sun and the moon!"

"Stop talking nonsense," Lin Yi waved his hand impatiently, "Get your manpower ready, and when his big ship arrives, you can take over.

 Why are you acting so embarrassed?

 You do it yourself, work on a small scale, earn hundreds of thousands a year, and still end up exhausted, what’s the point?

 Follow me and work hard, and together we will become bigger and stronger. We will be no worse than you were before, do you understand? "

 “With the words of the prince, the common people will feel relieved.”

Tian Shiyou beamed for a moment.

If what Prince He said is true, with Prince He as his backer on land and Du Sanhe as his support at sea, what kind of business can't make money?

 Definitely better than before!

 “I have one more thing to ask you,”

Lin Yi crossed Erlang’s legs, holding the tea cup, and said calmly, “Who asked you to come to see me? Tell me quickly. If you don’t want to say it, please go out and turn left.

 From now on, you will never have a penny relationship with me. "


Tian Shiyou laughed and said, "It is true that someone has taught ordinary people this way, teaching me how to bow and how to speak.

His face is always covered every time he comes here. If he is not very skilled in martial arts, he cannot be beaten by ordinary people. I would also like to take off his mask to see who he is. "

Lin Yidao, "After all, you don't know?"

Tian Shiyou said, "It's not that the common people want to deceive the prince, it's that they really don't know."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Be more careful in the future. I'll come to you again. I'll stabilize him and arrange for someone to catch him."

Tian Shiyou hurriedly nodded and said, "The common people know."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Then go down, remember, and recruit people quickly."

 Have a good lunch.

 Sitting in the yard and basking in the sun, he watched Wen Zhaoyi pointing at the bright moon and purple clouds.

This is also in response to Lin Yi's request. It would be a waste not to use more of the Grandmaster's skills so high.

Ming Yue and Zi Xia's figures flashed and moved in mid-air. Lin Yi, who was fast, could only see their shadows. Even though he was chewing sugar cane in his hand, he couldn't help but applaud and cheered inarticulately.

Unexpectedly, Wen Zhaoyi waved his sleeves, and both women fell from the air. Just when they were about to fall to the ground, they raised their toes slightly, like a roly-poly, and stood upright like a roly-poly. steadied himself.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

“The Qing Kung Fu is pretty good,” Wen Zhaoyi said with a smile, “It’s a pity that it’s not enough.”

Mingyue and Zixia both cupped their hands and said in unison, "Please give me some advice from Sister Wen."

Wen Zhaoyi said, "When I first entered the martial arts world, I met a person who was only a fifth-grade man, but his lightness skills were the best in the world.

 At that time, I was already at the peak of the seventh level, but I couldn't catch up with him, so I let him run away.

 So, you are still not fast enough.

I will teach you a red-sleeved move. After you learn it, you will have no chance of escaping in front of a great master. However, you will still have a chance of survival when facing the eighth or ninth grade. "

 “Sister Xie Wen.”

 The two of them thanked them.

Lin Yi looked at the three of them, who were as elegant as fairies. In the end, he couldn't help but think of the fact that he was a "waste".

  It is always sad.

  ps: There are already 210,000 votes. If we add another 790,000 votes, we can round up the number.

 (End of this chapter)

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