I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 70: War costs money

Chapter 70 War costs money

 Happily received the letter from Wang Qingbang's disciple Fang Bin.

 At first glance, it turned out to be some court matters again.

“Lao Ba was assassinated, what does it have to do with this king?”

Lin Yi said and threw the note directly on the table.

Not interested in.

Wang Qingbang cupped his hands and said, "According to the letter sent by Princess Huaiyang.

The old man roughly analyzed that the eight king should be towards King Yong. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Lao Ba is Lao San's person?

 Unlikely, this guy is one year older than me and has a great reputation.

Other than me, the person he despises the most is the third child. How could he be with the third child? "

 Among his brothers and sisters, if there was anyone he hated, it was the eighth prince, King Lin Zhanchu.

Wang Qingbang smiled and said, "How can we just look at the surface? In the capital, it is said that the prince's reputation is not very good."

It is said that this prince and the prince are two fools, but once they get along with each other, it turns out that the prince is not a simple person!

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Have you always been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

 It doesn’t look like it, this guy has never been very smart. "

Wang Qingbang said with a smile, "Princess Huaiyang said in her last letter that your Majesty's intention is for all the princes to establish vassal status as soon as possible. If there is such a commotion, the Eighth Prince will not be able to go to Chu Land for the time being."

Lin Yi smacked his lips and said, "Could it be that he acted a trick on himself?

 It is exactly the same as Lao San.

It's good to go to Jiafan. The Chu land is rich and much better than our Sanhe.

This guy really has no brains. I really can’t figure out what’s so good about staying in the capital. "

Wang Qingbang shook his head and said, "Chuzhou, Yuezhou, and Liangzhou have suffered from natural and man-made disasters for many years, and rebels have continued.

It is said that Cao Datong of Chuzhou pretended to surrender to the officers and soldiers, and on his way back home, he rebelled again.

This time the momentum was even greater. Thirty-six rebels gathered together, and Cao Datong was promoted as the "victorious king".

General Mei Jingzhi spreads a net on all sides, and it is still unclear whether he can be wiped out. "

“Lin Ning seemed to have said it in the letter, but almost forgot about it,”

Lin Yi patted his head and said with a smile, "It seems that it is right to establish a vassal state without going to Chuzhou."

 After saying that, he ignored it again.

The flood outside is raging, what does it have to do with him?

Mingyue and Zixia each took a charcoal pen and calculated on the paper.

Lin Yi just casually glanced at the numbers above and felt his scalp go numb.

 The cost of He Jixiang’s so-called “suppression of bandits” is also too high!

How can a royal nursing home with a total of 1,500 people need so much money?

If it weren’t for the fact that he trusted these two girls, he would have suspected that someone was deliberately trying to take money from his pocket!

 Lying back on the chair, I drank two cups of tea in one breath. Finally, out of curiosity, I took the bill and glanced at it twice.

Fifteen hundred royal nursing homes, not counting monthly money.

 One day's supply of brown rice is two hundred dendrobium, and one needs to prepare at least one month's supply, which is more than two hundred and forty dans of rice.

Of course, we can’t just eat brown rice, we also have to give meat to eat, and the number of cattle, sheep, and livestock must not exceed one hundred or ten?

They also have to provide horses for riding, carts for pulling things, a change of clothes, raincoats to protect them from rain, sickles, lawn knives, and shovels for cutting roads, and armor, swords, and spears for killing enemies.

Moreover, there were actually two thousand old civilians accompanying the army, helping to transport food for people and livestock fodder, make fires for cooking, and dig trenches.

These helpers are also a big expense.

 If there are casualties, pensions must be paid, and the money must be prepared in advance.

There are all kinds of things, none of which can be saved.

But you will understand it if you think about it carefully.

 It’s not just playing with guns and guns on the modern battlefield that costs money, as long as it involves war, there is nothing that doesn’t waste money!

Leave him alone for the rest of his life, even if two groups of people are at odds with each other, each of them will find dozens of people to support the scene.

No matter whether the fight ends or not, each person must be given a pack of cigarettes and a meal, and Xiao Wan will lose a handful of yuan!

“If you go out like this, you won’t be able to get out without ten thousand taels of silver.”

Lin Yi threw the account book back to Mingyue and sighed, "Remember to tell Old Man He that I will not do loss-making business.

Everything captured must be confiscated and will be rewarded later. "

Mingyue smiled and said, "Of course I know this, and I have already told you about it. Besides, Mr. He is always prudent, so he will naturally handle it properly."

Lin Yi said, "I hope so. How much wealth do we have left?"

Zixia said, "After sending Mr. He away, we still have 40,000 taels of cash and 100,000 taels of silver notes."

 “That’s it?”

Lin Yi couldn’t believe it.

Along the way to the vassal, relatives such as King Qing gave him some, and with the filial piety of the local rich, he had nearly one million taels. In just a few months, it was almost gone?

Mingyue said, "Your Majesty, we are building mansions, schools, and orphanages. These are all numerous. The biggest expense is building roads. We need to buy this and buy that. Every day we have to spend three hundred taels."

There are also children in the royal palace, schools, and orphanages who eat horse chews and have to have more than one hundred taels of silver every day. "

Lin Yidao, “Building roads costs money, but without road construction prices cannot come down, creating an endless cycle.

  Anyway, we still have to build the road anyway.

 If this road is repaired, it should be better.

But with such a small amount of money, it won’t last long.

 You still have to find ways to make money. "

While talking, Sun Yi came in and said that someone asked to see him.

“Du Yinniang?

  And you brought a big man with you? "

Before Lin Yi finished speaking, Tian Shiyou ran in panting.


 “Speak well if you have anything to say.” Lin Yi frowned.

“Du Sanhe,” Tian Shiyou said excitedly, “I saw Du Sanhe!”

 “Where?” Lin Yi asked.

 “At the door! It’s right at the door!”

Tian Shiyou said loudly, "My lord, hurry up and send someone to arrest him!"

Lin Yi said calmly, "I don't feel comfortable leaving such an important task to others. How about you go?"


Tian Shiyou said with a bitter face, "Your Majesty, Du Sanhe is the ninth grade."

If a hundred of them come together, they will only give away heads and cannot be beaten at all!

Lin Yi waved his hands impatiently and said, "Go out, don't be an eyesore in front of me.

Sun Yi, please invite people in.

 Where is Wen Zhaoyi? "

 After speaking, he looked at the bright moon again.

Nie Youdao and his emperor Lao Tzu had a deep hatred for each other, so they couldn't help but vent their resentment on him. It would be safer to have a great master like Wen Zhaoyi by his side.

Hong Ying said, "Wen Zhaoyi went out early in the morning and I didn't see him.

Your Majesty, don't worry, how dare Du Sanhe make a mistake in front of your Majesty. "

Lin Yi didn't say anything. He picked up the teacup and crossed Erlang's legs.

After finishing the drink, Mingyue added some tea. As soon as he picked it up again, he saw three people coming in following Sun Yi.

One of them is a man and a woman, Du Yinniang and Wen Qian who were here last time.

This time there was a big man with a strong back and a strong back, with a rough and dark face.

Needless to say, Lin Yi also knew that this person was Du Sanhe.

 Another glance at Du Yinniang, who has the appearance of a country and a city. From a genetic point of view, it is not scientific at all.

 “See He Wang Ye!”

Du Yinniang and Wen Qian bowed their hands towards Lin Yi.

Du Sanhe remained motionless, just staring at Lin Yi.

  ps: Lao Qun was ruined by an old driver and got drunk.

  New group: 67.89.866.18

 (End of this chapter)

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