Chapter 587 Hero

According to Chen Xilian's judgment, if nothing unexpected happens, the Jinxiang he brought back from Jizhou, including Guan Xiaoqi's belly that bulged almost at the same time, is most likely to be a son.

Now the ministers of the DPRK will no longer worry about his heirs.

What's more, many people in the government and the public know Du Yinniang's identity, she is Nie Youdao's daughter!

Now the regent is in charge of the court, but Emperor Delong is still in power.

As long as Emperor Delong does not rehabilitate Nie Youdao for a day, Nie Youdao will still be a rebel and wear the hat of a wanted criminal.

Du Yinniang's son is not only a royal heir, but also the grandson of a wanted criminal. He has "reverse bones".

Both Chen Desheng and Xie Zan pretended not to know. The Du residence in front of them was deserted, and there was no excitement at all when Mingyue gave birth to her son.

Who cares what her son's last name is?

Even having the surname "Du" is something they can only dream of!

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Du Yinniang was excited at first when she saw Lin Yi answered so simply.

 However, I felt a little disappointed afterwards.

Looking at the wrinkled child in her arms, this is all she has. From now on, she will be the most handsome in the world and will have a great future.

The current surname is Du, and it will have nothing to do with Datong in the future.

 She was actually a little unwilling.

 Her son is so good, why can’t he be the emperor?

Although she is not angry, she still believes in her father's words: The most ruthless emperor's family.

Her son was taught by his father himself, and he will be a hero across the sea in the future. Even if he lives in a corner, everyone has to weigh whether he can advance or attack, or retreat or defend.

From her mother's point of view, it is best for her child to be safe.


Lin Yi turned to look at Chen Xilian and Yan Hong, "The child is snoring a little. His nasal cavity is not well developed and is still narrow. You two should work harder and stay here these days."

 When it comes to parenting, he must be the most professional in this era.


 The two said in unison.

Then Yan Hong said cautiously, "Your Majesty, I have one more thing that I don't know whether to say or not."

 “Speak directly, there is nothing that cannot be said.”

Lin Yi is quite polite to professionals like Yan Hong.

Yan Hong walked to the bed, apologized to Du Yinniang, pointed at the child's eyes, and whispered, "My lord, is this the pigmentation you mentioned?

When Lin Yi heard this, he also stepped forward and squinted at the child's eyes that were not fully opened. There was a touch of gray in the corners of the eyes.


Lin Yi is very sure, "It's the same as birthmarks. When you grow up, they will gradually fade or disappear. Of course, you will have to get more sun in the future."

 He is not a medical graduate.

 But, according to his experience, this is mostly the case.

 Except for a few unlucky individuals, it is due to disease.

 Life is not completely ruined. After all, compared with cerebral palsy and polio, the final wrinkles or breaks in the retina are nothing.

 After the weather cleared up, the calls of the elephants from Sanhe resounded in Ankang City again, earlier than in previous years.

 In previous years, the Guizhou tribe would drive the elephants back to the south, waiting for the ice and snow in the north to melt before driving them back.

 They can still accept it for one or two years.

 Just after buying a house in Ankang City, they were unwilling to do so.

 They built greenhouses for the elephants.

 In their hometown, elephants still have fresh bamboo, palm leaves, wild plantains, and even bananas in winter.

 In winter in the north, elephants suffer. They can only eat grass roots and tree bark every day.

The bark of the surrounding trees is almost bare. Even so, the owners of these elephants cannot fully supply it. An elephant eats a hundred kilograms a day, not to mention that many people raise more than one.

 The surrounding mountains and forests have been contracted to each household. If you go to peel off the bark of other people's trees, isn't this deliberately looking for trouble?

 The local contractors would definitely not agree, and a lot of friction occurred.

 There are people in Sanhe who are exiles, people from Guizhou, people from Li, and people who are honest. They have never been truly united.

 It wasn’t until they came to Ankang City that they truly became a whole.

 The Sanhe family rejects discrimination from northerners.

Northerners always say that they are southern barbarians.

 They cannot accept it.

However, they also refused to admit defeat.

 “Not to be a king!”

"I have money!"

 “The miasma land!”

"I have money!"


 “I’m rich!”

No matter how the landowners in Ankang City tease them, they all answer: I have money.

 The people of Ankang City are very angry. Besides money, what else do you Sanhe people have?

 Sanhe people can still respond proudly: All the troops are Sanhe people!

Even because new education was popularized early, today’s civil servants are mainly Sanhe people!

 Have the right.

 The people in Ankang City were silent.

 There is really nothing we can do about Sanhe people.

 Let’s respond to Wang Ye’s words of “everyone is equal”.

 The hottest time of the year in Ankang City is June.

 The first "Heroes of Daliang Kingdom" selection event was held in the Imperial College.

The first person to receive the award was a private school teacher. For thirty years, without taking any money, he trained tens of thousands of literate students in northern Hebei, including three candidates and more than a dozen scholars!

The most important thing is that after this private school teacher appeared in the first new public school in Jizhou, he heard that there was no age limit and was the first to sign up. As the oldest student in the school, he got the first primary school diploma in Jizhou. Then he served as principal of Phoenix No. 2 Elementary School.

 Now he is the director of Jizhou Department of Education.

ˆ Actively participated in the new education in Jizhou and made an indelible contribution to the popularization of scientific knowledge in Daliang.

"Education is the cornerstone of Daliang's revitalization and social progress. It is the fundamental way to improve the quality of the people and promote the all-round development of people. It entrusts the expectations of hundreds of millions of families for a better life. Prioritizing the development of education is crucial to realizing that everyone has enough to eat, and everyone It is of great significance for people to have clothes to wear.”

At the opening ceremony, after Lin Yi finished speaking, he took the otter-shaped trophy from Education Minister Wang Qingbang. It was pure gold and weighed at least two kilograms, and handed it to the winner Meng Xian.

The old man held the trophy high in his hand with slight trembling. He was about to kneel down as usual, but Lin Yi stopped him, and his eyes filled with excitement.

 Wang Qingbang delivered a speech immediately.

 Under the podium of the Imperial College, three shouts of "May the Regent live a thousand years, a thousand years, a thousand years"!

 Lin Yi was very satisfied.

 Whether these educators are sincere or not, the formality is adequate.

After Meng Xian stepped down from the stage, following the high-pitched voice of the host Tang Jiyu, a stooped old lady came up with her gray hair combed meticulously. After saluting Lin Yi, she looked at the people in the audience and shed tears unconsciously. Came down.

 She won the first heroine medal in Daliang Kingdom.

 (End of this chapter)

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