I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 491: Go deep into the grassroots

Chapter 491 Going deep into the grassroots

Under the sun, some ice blocks that were pushed ashore have slowly melted, and the slowly flowing water has turned both sides of the river into mud puddles.

 Lin Yi was wearing high boots, but they were still stuck in the mud. He finally pulled his feet out. When he lowered his head, he saw that the boots were still in place.

Hong Ying hurriedly supported him and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, how about I carry you on my back?"

Lin Yi sighed, "No need."

Although you have been enjoying a good life these years, what does it mean if someone carries you on your back?

He got angry and threw off the other boot. Hong Ying immediately leaned over and helped him take off the socks on his feet.

As soon as Lin Yi touched the ground with his bare feet, he immediately felt a chill and couldn't help but shiver. He said to Hong Ying, who looked anxious, "It's okay, it's spring after all, so I'm not so delicate.

 Put your feet on the ground, receive some earth energy, and massage the acupuncture points, which is also beneficial to physical and mental health. "

 “That’s what the prince said.”

Hong Ying couldn’t laugh or cry.

Fortunately, he also understands the temperament of their prince, so he can just listen to what he says and never do the opposite "in the name of doing his own good."

 Otherwise, there will be no good fruit to eat.

 As a chamberlain, it is not difficult to be favored. What is difficult is to remain favored.

 “After a few more days, I will be rich, and I will build a village-to-village network in Ankang City.”

Lin Yi walked with one foot deep and one foot shallow, while sighing, "When the time comes, I will no longer be afraid of wind, rain, and muddy roads."

You may say this, but in reality you understand that you will just do some hardening of roads in the countryside around Ankang City.

 It is basically impossible to imagine nationwide hardening of roads like that of later generations!

 Even if you have entered the primary stage of capitalism, you cannot do it!

I think back then, Baiyun City’s finances were almost wiped out in order to build a stone bridge across both sides of the Xijiang River.

 “It is really a blessing to the people that the prince is so considerate to the people.”

Ankang Prefecture Yin Majie, who accompanied Lin Yi during his inspection, also took off his boots and followed Lin Yi step by step, but he was just two steps behind Hong Ying.

 He was born as a master. Although he has not seen much in the world, his influence in official circles is much smoother than before.

Furthermore, he always remembered the secret of getting along with the prince that he spent a lot of money to get from Jiao Zhong: Only when Mr. Hong praises you is you really good.

 It took him a long, long time to think through this sentence.

He Wangye occasionally speaks "mean" and is stingy in every aspect, but generally speaking, he is not cruel and he always leaves people with dignity.

 You think he is happy, but in fact he is distant.

 You think he is angry, but in fact it is because you love him deeply and hate him deeply.

He Wangye sometimes behaves like a child, speaking and doing things in a wild and unruly manner, and most people cannot guess his thoughts.

 The only person who understands Prince He is Mr. Hong Yinghong!

 If Manager Hong is expressionless towards you, it means that the prince is satisfied with you.

If Mr. Hong says nothing to you, it means that you are not far from falling out of favor.

Hence, he did not dare to get ahead of Hong Ying in any matter. For example, the matters he and the prince gave to the governor of the river embankment were originally in his charge. He stood on the side and did not dare to answer easily.

Even if he wanted to talk to Prince He, he only dared to take a slight step forward at this moment so that Prince He could hear his words.

“You guys, play less tricks, be more sincere, and be sincere to the people, that’s better than anything else, and I, the king, should worry less.”

Lin Yi was tired from walking, so he stopped and looked into the distance with Hong Ying supporting him.

 “I am guilty.”

Ma Jie ignored the mud on the ground and knelt directly on the ground.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Everyone says they are guilty, but no one is willing to take off their skin.”

Lin Yi didn’t even look at him.

He had been told not to play tricks before, but now he was playing the tricks of sincerity and fear, and he couldn't help but get angry.


 Ma Jie wanted to cry but had no tears.

I wish I could slap myself in the face!

  What are you talking about when you have nothing to do?

 There is nothing to do but look for trouble!

At this moment, I was kneeling on the ground, and I didn’t know how to reply for a while.

 It is impossible to resign!

 The Yin of Ankang Prefecture has such a powerful authority.

 The fact that he is able to achieve this position now is like a dream.

 However, I have said so to the prince, if I don’t refuse

While hesitating, he heard Prince He say again, "Get up, the ground is cold. It's still the same sentence. It doesn't matter what a person says, it depends on what he does."

The top leader of a capital city is actually such a thing, he is very helpless!

If the foundation was not too shallow and no one could use it, he really didn't want to put Ma Jie in his current position.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Ma Jie kowtowed again, stood up and stood respectfully behind Hong Ying.

 “Buy, sell and rent houses, don’t deceive people.”

Lin Yi looked at the city wall in the distance for a long time, and finally recognized the words on the large banner painted on the city wall.

 It turned out to be an advertisement for dental shop!

"Your Majesty, since the winter, more and more people have been pouring in. The government can give out porridge and barely have a bite to eat. But the weather is cold, the place is unfamiliar, and there is no place to stay, so the lower officials let these gangs run wild. Some of them are so bold.”

Ma Jie resisted the urge to kneel down.

 This is his fault again!

These businesses were making a lot of money from buying and selling houses, but he turned a blind eye. He didn't expect that he was so bold now that he dared to put advertisements on the walls of the capital city!

 Cars, boats, shops, legs and teeth, they deserve to be killed even if they are not guilty!

 He wanted to make up his mind to peel off the skin of these teeth after he went back!

 But, he knows how to do business with the prince!

I have said it myself to the prince himself: there is no wealth without work, there is no stability without farming, and there is no life without business. Businessmen are active and contribute to social and economic development, which is a contribution to the country.

 Even a small dental shop is contributing to the construction of Daliang Kingdom. We must not embarrass them and provide them with all possible conveniences.

 He didn't have the guts to make a big deal out of it.

 “The most brilliant advertising often adopts the simplest method,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "It's pretty good."

 It represents that these businessmen are getting bolder and bolder!

  Represents the degree of economic activity!

 He would not be happy if these businessmen were timid.

 As for whether it would be an eyesore and affect the image of the capital, he didn't care now.

 My stomach is not full yet, so I want to wear patched clothes. How can such a good thing happen?

 The most important thing is that his attitude directly affects the attitude of the officials below.

  If you show a little bit of dissatisfaction, the people below will go overboard and destroy these businesses, businessmen, and real estate developers.

 So, if there is something you really don’t like, just bear with it for now!

 “The prince is wise.”

Ma Jiechang breathed a sigh of relief. He finally answered correctly this time!

"After spring begins, spring plowing will be arranged. As the governor of Ankang City, you must go to the surrounding countryside to see if the people have plowshares, fields, and cattle."

Lin Yi asked, "Those who are left with orphans and widowed mothers are short of labor. Can we arrange for refugees in the city to do help?"

“Xiaguan must go deep into the grassroots level and effectively solve the people’s difficulties.”

 Ma Jie was very satisfied with his answer.

 (End of this chapter)

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