Chapter 483: Playing tricks


Lin Yi clenched his fist to cover his mouth and couldn't help but cough a few times.

 “Your Majesty.”

Lin Yi was not surprised when he suddenly heard Xiao Xizi's voice.

In this palace now, his father is the nominal emperor, and his mother is the biggest talker, but only a few people such as He Jixiang and Liu Kan actually hold the power.

 Xiao Xizi is also one of them.

 When he entered the palace early in the morning, the eunuchs and maids in the palace must have sent the news immediately.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. He couldn't help but turn his head and take another look at Xiao Xizi, who was holding his head.

“Whether the prince is suffering from cold, I will go to the imperial doctor right away.”

Xiao Xizi felt uncomfortable being stared at by Lin Yi and couldn't help but shudder.


Lin Yi looked at the light snow falling in the smoky gray sky, "It's just a dry cough, probably because of a fever."

This snow is really falling all the time.

 The gloomy winter will only increase people's "survival" costs. It is estimated that only a few people can cheer for the white snow.

"The prince is a man of ten thousand gold, so you must not be careless."

Xiao Xizi said cautiously, "If you catch the wind and cold, Xiao Wan will be responsible for your death."

 “Stop talking nonsense,”

Lin Yi waved his hands impatiently and said, "Your Majesty went to White Horse Temple to offer incense, you didn't follow?"

Xiao Xizi hurriedly said, "Replying to the prince, all these are the orders of Master He Jixiang. I dare not disobey."

Jiao Zhong frowned on the side.

 Listen, is this human language?


 What is disobedience?

 It is called disobedience when the lower official is dissatisfied with the superior official!

As the Chief of Ceremonies and the Eunuch Bingbi, within the palace, you are consistent in your words, and few people dare to go against it!

However, He Jixiang is the right-hand man of the prince. Whether in the court or in the palace, he seems to have the attitude of "putting him first with the prince and himself second".

Even Xiao Xizi has to listen and accept it!

Although this is the fact, it is wrong for you to say it!

 Because in reality, He Jixiang is just a "soldier and horse" marshal.

  There is no affiliation with Xiao Xizi.

 He thinks Xiao Xizi is reasonable, but unreasonable!

 So, after talking about it, what do you want to express?

 He Jixiang is in power?

This **** really doesn’t want to go through with it!

How dare you give He Jixiang eye drops!

 “Your boy is indeed getting bolder and bolder,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Aren't you afraid that He Jixiang will just crack your head open?"

 “Your Majesty, forgive me!”

Xiao Xizi knelt down and hit his head on the bluestone with a thud.

Lin Yi saw the blood stains that turned into ice on the bluestone in a short while and Xiao Xizi's **** head. After all, he couldn't bear it and waved his hand, "Okay, who are you showing off to?

 You little **** never has a long memory. "

If you really believe in fighting with the sky and having endless fun fighting with others, you have to weigh your own weight, right?

 Don’t know how much you weigh?

   Where can I find such joy in front of Jixiang?

is it necessary?

What's more, you, an eunuch, have no conflict with He Jixiang, the marshal of the world's soldiers and horses!

 What are you doing!


Xiao Xizi didn't dare to relax, she burst into tears and said, "You can learn from the sun and the moon about your loyalty to the prince!"

“Then you mean He Jixiang is unfaithful to me?”

Lin Yi became increasingly impatient.

  Why don’t you have any sharp eyesight?

 He misses Xiao Yingzi even more now.

 It’s better to be Xiao Yingzi, who never causes trouble to himself.

Moreover, he is like a roundworm in his stomach. He can guess clearly what he is thinking, and he can think ahead of everything without putting himself in any trouble.

 “The little ones don’t dare.”

 The gloomy voice of Prince He suddenly made Xiao Xizi's heart skip a beat. He had been with Prince He for many years, and he knew the prince's temperament very well!

 Hand Wang Ye were obviously angry!

The sound of his head hitting the bluestone was louder this time, and he didn't dare to stop for a moment.

Lin Yi sighed and said calmly, "How dare I leave the affairs of the palace to you when you look like this?"


Xiao Xizi raised her head, feeling at a loss for a moment.

“I told you, but you refused to listen and insisted on testing my bottom line again and again. What’s the point?

 Does it make you look smart, or does it make me look stupid? "

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "You really disappoint me with your behavior."

  Sometimes he also wonders whether it is because of physical disabilities that lead to the psychological distortion of these people.

  Otherwise, why are these eunuchs becoming more and more gloomy?

 “The young one is willing to be punished by the prince.”

 Xiao Xizi burst into tears.


Lin Yi snorted coldly and said angrily, "Go to Concubine Tang's place to see her first, and I'll take care of you later."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

After Xiao Xizi got up, he wiped his face with his coat sleeve regardless of appearance. Snot, tears, and blood stains all mixed together, making him look even more ridiculous.

 The little eunuchs next to him were all surprised. They didn't expect that the dignified **** Bingbi could look like a fool.

Lin Yi couldn't help but laugh when he saw this image of him, glared at him and said, "Mother Xipi"


 Xiao Xizi still giggled.

 Happily, I finally let go.

Although he and the prince were scolding him, he knew that he finally escaped again.

 “Mom, I’ve asked you to make plans again,”

Lin Yi patted the snowflakes on his body, "You know that I am soft-hearted, and you have always complimented me on my kindness. You also know that I really don't care about killing people. However, this does not mean that I will always tolerate your evil intentions, Xiao Xizi."

 “The little one is here.”

 “Don’t mess up this king’s heart,”

Lin Yi said word for word, "Otherwise I will break your hearts."


 Xiao Xizi lowered his head and said.

Lin Yi straightened his clothes, and as soon as he stepped onto the door of Concubine Tang's courtyard, he heard the little maid shouting in panic, "See you, Your Majesty! Your Majesty is a thousand years old!"

The little maid who was kneeling on the ground was trembling with fear when she saw Xiao Xizi, whose brain was covered with blood, staring at her.

 “You little clever guy, get up.”

Lin Yi didn't mean to blame her, he just said softly to Xiao Xizi, "Don't get angry with a little girl easily, it won't show your ability."

If he doesn’t explain something more at this moment, Xiao Xizi, this bastard, will definitely throw this loud-voiced girl into the well.

  Sometimes he feels that the main reason why his life is really tiring is because no one can understand him!

 No one can understand him!

  Sometimes, he has to say a bunch of useless nonsense that can actually save someone's life.


Xiao Xizi stopped and waited for the prince to enter the palace. He glanced at the little maid who was still shivering on the ground and said in a deep voice, "Death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped. If someone comes, pull her down and slap her."

 “Thank you, father-in-law.”

After the little maid finished kowtowing, she said nothing and allowed the two young eunuchs to drag her away.

 (End of this chapter)

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