Chapter 48 Changes

He is not an ignorant country bumpkin. In the Internet age, what kind of video has he not seen?

 But this was the first time he had seen Wang Qingbang’s hand!

How can pigeons be so clingy like pugs?

 A few pigeons failed to get a spot and even got into fights!

Lin Yi applauded sincerely and said, "Mr. Wang is really a master."

Wang Qingbang pursed his lips and said "hiss", and the pigeons fluttered again and dispersed.

Hands clapped each other's sleeves, and said with a smile, "It's really not worth mentioning that it's really not worth mentioning. It's just playing with things and losing one's ambition."

Lin Yi said, "Mr. Wang, please don't be humble. You are awesome. I sincerely admire you."

Wang Qingbang said with a smile, "I am not as good as Qi Yong in terms of fighting skills, I am not as good as Xie Zan in terms of intelligence, and I am not as good as Chen Desheng in terms of courage.

Even though the pigeon business is a small matter, it still requires a lot of effort. I have never thought much about poetry and articles in my life, and all my time has been spent on raising pigeons.

 When it comes to the Dove Classic, I think it is the second best, but I am afraid no one in this world dares to think it is the first. "

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Mr. Wang, can you take care of your disciples?"

“Your Majesty, I understand what you mean. I don’t know how many more years this old bone can last.”

Wang Qingbang said with a smile, "The common people naturally want to pass on their experience to future generations.

If the prince has no objection, I would like to bring the apprentice in. "

 “Do you have an apprentice?”

Lin Yi was naturally overjoyed.

In case of this old man, one day he kicked his legs, and no one cares about his pigeon, and there are no more people.

Wang Qingbang said with a smile, "Cao Min's apprentice is mainly interested in my boxing skills, but my talent in martial arts is limited. If I die in this life, I will only be a fourth grade.

The best thing is to raise birds and animals, but young people are inevitably arrogant and don't want to do it.

But don’t worry, Your Majesty, the common people will be moved by it with affection and understanding. "

Lin Yi nodded and said, "That's the best, but when can this pigeon deliver a message to Ankang City?"

Wang Qingbang opened a pigeon cage and waved inside. The pigeon jumped onto the palm of his hand and pecked his palm with its beak from time to time.

That intimate look made Lin Yi's eyes warm.

If he hadn't been impatient, he would have really wanted to learn this lesson from Wang Qingbang.

Wang Qingbang took a note off the pigeon's leg and handed it to Lin Yi, saying, "This pigeon was probably newly bought by the prince. The time he spent with the prince was too short, so he let out three pigeons, and this one didn't come back until today."

The prince hasn’t gotten up yet, so the common people are in no hurry to give it to him. "

 Lin Yi carefully opened the note. Because of the limited size, there were only a dozen crooked words on it, which probably meant that the letter had been received, and it was signed by Guo Zhao, the gardener of the palace.

"Not bad."

Lin Yi was very happy. This meant that although there was no post station, communication with Ankang City had been restored.

 I immediately returned to the study and wrote another reply.

 Hence it, it was handed over directly to Wang Qingbang without folding it.


Wang Qingbang did not peek deliberately, but glanced at it casually and found that except for the word "Ning" on the paper, the rest were all numbers.

Out of curiosity, he listened to a few classes in Mingyue’s math class at school, and also learned the four arithmetic operations of calculating three-digit or even higher digits on paper, getting rid of the abacus.

 However, he did not expect that this number could also be used to write letters.

 “Tie a pigeon and send it to Prince He’s Mansion.”

Lin Yi believed that as long as Guo Zhao was not stupid enough, he would definitely give the letter to his sister Lin Ning.

Lin Ning has been educated by him since he was a child, and the two of them have played this little trick countless times.

 Use a fixed book as a code book. Each number on the letter represents the word on the page of the book. After each word is found and put together, the complete content of the letter is obtained.

Although it is simple and not rigorous enough, it is enough for confidentiality in this era.

 In the evening, Wang Qingbang brought in a tall, thin young man with a bruised nose and swollen face, looking listless.

 “Hurry and kneel down to the prince!”

After Wang Qingbang finished scolding him, he said to Lin Yi, "Your Majesty, this is Fang Bin, the incompetent disciple of the grassroots. People from the countryside do not understand etiquette. I hope you will forgive me."

 “May I live a thousand years with the prince!”

 The young man kowtowed to Lin Yi three times.

 “Get up, don’t be so polite,”

Lin Yi pointed to the chair opposite and said with a smile, "Sit down, come and serve tea."

 “Your Majesty, no need,”

Wang Qingbang pulled Fang Bin down who was about to sit down and said with a smile, "If the prince agrees, the common people will take him to the backyard right now."

Lin Yi nodded and watched the master and apprentice leave the room.

 The water of the Xijiang River is still flowing all night long.

Baiyun City is still the same Baiyun City, dusty and dilapidated.

 However, since arriving in Baiyun City with the prince, the local residents have felt an inexplicable change.

Women can walk on the street with confidence. If they encounter someone with bad intentions, they can shout loudly. If there are only people around at this time, there will definitely be someone brave enough to do what is right.

According to the regulations of Prince He's Mansion, those who catch a traitor who molests a good family can receive fifty copper coins.

 There must be a brave man under a heavy reward. Even a cowardly man will fight for these fifty copper coins.

 For Lin Yi, this deal is a good deal. These wretched men are free labor for him!

 What he didn’t expect was that “fishing” law enforcement actually appeared!

Some smart people even ask their sisters to take a walk on the street, while they and their brothers wait for the rabbit.

 Catching one is worth fifty copper coins!

Fights in Baiyun City have also become less and less.

 Whoever dares to strike first will be in trouble. As long as the other party goes to the place, he will be in trouble and will be arrested by the palace guard and sent to do "reform through labor".

Even the usually arrogant and domineering eldest son of the Wang family is no exception, let alone ordinary people like them?

 Reform through labor now is not like it used to be!

 In the beginning, the food was good and they were still full, so everyone was eager to go. Now it is said that they have three rice porridges a day and they are still full!

 If you are not careful, you will be whipped!

 If you can survive it, even if you survive, you will still have to show off your appearance when you come back.


 Hong Ying brought in a tall, middle-aged man with a dark complexion.

 “The common man, Wang Cheng, kowtows to the prince, and the prince will live a thousand years.”

 The middle-aged man was so angry that he kowtowed and seemed to be unwilling to do so.

 “Who’s coming?”

Lin Yi asked with a yawn.

 “The common people are the fathers of evil that hinder the rise of kings,”

Wang Cheng kowtowed twice again, "Your Majesty, please don't remember the villain's fault and spare him this time."

 “beating others in the street,”

Lin Yi had no intention of letting the richest man in Sanhe, who was kneeling in front of him, get up. He yawned and said, "You are turning a deaf ear to what I said."

 (End of this chapter)

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