Chapter 476 Memory

Lin Yi scratched his head and said, "Should the old lady wake up by now?"

Jiao Zhong wants to pretend not to understand!

 But, you can’t help but reply!

He could only bite the bullet and said, "Prince Qi, a message came from the palace yesterday that the empress will go to the White Horse Temple outside the city to offer incense today."

"White Horse Temple?"

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Didn't all the monks inside have been killed by that **** Ding Lun? Why are there still incense?"

Some people often think that the world is declining and people's hearts are not ancient, and that people in ancient times are simple. In fact, this is prejudice.

 The more backward the transportation and communication are in an era, the more unpredictable people’s hearts are.

Especially in the feudal era like this, even in official circles, there are green forests to pay for passage.

The older girl and the younger daughter-in-law can stay at home and stay at home, but a man has to support his family, what should he do if he doesn't go out?

 If you are doing business, serving as an official, or visiting relatives, you cannot afford an escort, so you have to know a few tricks yourself, otherwise you will have to be betrayed by others, and you may even lose your life!

 So, it is true that the ancients practiced martial arts!

 Each martial virtue is abundant.

As for the temple, it is not safe to hide in the mountains and old forests. Without a group of monks to protect the temple, how can you dare to be a local snake?

What's more, this big temple in Ankang City naturally has extraordinary military power.

It's just that White Horse Temple is unlucky to encounter evil stars like Ding Lun.

However, Lin Yi has no regrets at all.

Ever since Baima Temple got together with the eldest princess, he had long wanted to burn down Baima Temple.

The White Horse Temple is a temple supported by the royal family. It has a great influence on both the court and the people. The Lord cannot be angry and raise an army, and the general cannot be angry and lead to war, so he has always maintained restraint.

Ding Lun killed them all directly, which was in line with his wishes.

 “Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong cupped his hands and said, "Master He said that the White Horse Temple is a famous temple in the world. It is a pity that it is so abandoned, so he hired someone to take care of it."


Lin Yi asked directly.


As soon as Lin Yi heard the Buddha's name, he raised his head and saw the monk appearing in front of him.

"It's you?"

 “The young monk is not talented, so why do you have so much love from the Lord that you let him take care of the temple affairs?”

The monk clasped his hands together and said.

“You are already getting married, and you still want to be a monk?”

 Lin Yi said in confusion.

Jiao Zhong glanced at the monk, and then said with a smile, "Your Majesty, you don't know. Although this White Horse Temple has always claimed to be indifferent to fame and wealth, it has contacts with both the palace and the government. Lord He can't bear the position of presiding to fall into the hands of the Vajra Platform." , let the monk do it first, after all, he is at ease."

Lin Yi said in surprise, "The people from Jingang Platform actually intervened?"

Jiao Zhong hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Jingangtai recommended a great monk, and my subordinates reported it to you at the time. You gave it full authority to Lord He to handle it, and you haven't interfered with it since."

He has long been used to this and the prince's memory, and he no longer even has any hope.

  However, these people must have good memories!

 It doesn’t matter if there is any mistake!


Lin Yi frowned and thought about it for a long time but didn’t think of it!

In this life, he will have money, the right and the right to own a house!

It’s not like in the previous life when I rolled my eyes until I lost sight, and the final result was memory loss!

Sitting in a wheelchair, I can’t stand up and cry even if I want to!

 So, he really can’t understand why his memory is so bad now.

 Completely unscientific!

 Is it because of Zixia and Mingyue?

Jiao Zhongjian and the prince shook their heads for a while, sighed for a while, and couldn't figure it out for a while, so he said in a panic, "My lord, please forgive me, it's my subordinate's negligence."

"never mind,"

Lin Yi touched the kettle that was slowly getting cold and said, "Let's brew some wolfberry tomorrow."

 Suddenly I miss the thermos cup.

Although purple clay teapots are good, when it comes to making green tea and wolfberry, glass is the best!

Only with a glass cup can you observe the rising and falling changes of the tea leaves during the brewing process and appreciate the colorful dance.

 He tried a lot but still couldn't make a suitable glass.

 What does this have to do with wolfberry?

Jiao Zhong was a little confused for a while!

 However, he still hurriedly responded, "Yes."

Lin Yi looked at the monk again and said, "You appear and disappear every day. Where are you hiding?"

The monk still clasped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the young monk has just arrived. He happened to hear your Majesty ask a question, so he answered aloud."


Lin Yi naturally didn’t believe it.

 It must be hiding somewhere secretly!

 Where are there so many coincidences!

 “Everything the little monk said is true,”

The monk said calmly, "General Manager Hong has a destiny. The position with the palace guards must be consistent with the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams. Even a young monk cannot break this rule."

Jiao Zhong saw Lin Yi looking at him and said quickly, "That's exactly it."

The rules of the palace and the palace are all formulated by Manager Hong!

This is especially true for the defense of the prince!

 You can’t stand wherever you want!

There are rules for each guard as to when he should be on duty, where he should stand, what commands he should use, and what posture he should assume.

 Let alone hiding it!

 Not even a monk!

 Because even the blind Wang Dong, who is also the Grand Master, would not agree!

 Because this breaks the rules and is tantamount to conspiracy!

 “Qi Men Dun Jia?”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Are you all engaged in metaphysics?"

ˆ “.”

Jiao Zhong naturally understood what the metaphysics that Prince He was talking about was.

 In fact, there is no difference from feudal superstition.

If it were normal times, he would have echoed directly and shouted a few words that the prince is wise.

However, this is the flood manager!

 Mr. Hong is elusive. He is the one who sets the rules and is never bound by them.

 Therefore, it is unlikely that he would secretly bury Tai with the prince.

 Besides, as the commander of the royal guards, he must know the key points of Qimen Dunjia, otherwise how can he set up defenses?

The longer Qimen Dunjia practices, the more he understands how powerful it is, and his admiration for Manager Hong is really like a torrential river, endless!

There is no way to unconscionably say that Qimen Dunjia is metaphysics.

 “Shen Shen Nao all day long,”

Lin Yi said helplessly, "There is still a long way to go to popularize science."

 “What the prince said is,”

Although Jiao Zhong felt very helpless, he still had to nod his head and said, "I will obey the prince's teachings. I will definitely learn more scientific knowledge in the future."

 Suddenly gongs and drums sounded.

“It’s midnight, find out my old coat and make it into plain clothes.”

Lin Yi stamped his feet and said, "Let's go for a walk on the street."

 With Zixia's help, she put on her coat and left the mansion directly.

As soon as I stepped out of the alley, I smelled the alluring aroma of sweet potatoes.

Although he had just eaten, he still wanted to eat when he smelled the aroma.

"one comes,"

Lin Yi stood in front of the oven, took off his gloves, rubbed his hands and said, "Pick a big one."


 The old man said happily, "Wait a moment!"

 (End of this chapter)

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