Chapter 458 Benefits

After laughing for a while, he finally couldn't help but said, "Do they think they are refugees and that they can live in peace if they are poor enough?

Since I am determined to let the Liang Kingdom develop on the road of capitalism, I must not only provide them with a large amount of capital and a broad market, but also provide them with sufficient labor force.

 Poor people are the best leeks. How can I let them lie flat? "

Jiao Zhong is also no stranger to the word "lying flat".

 This is He Wangye’s ideal!

However, at this moment, Jiao Zhong always felt weird being used by the prince to describe those beggars. He could only laugh and said, "Serving the prince and dedicating one's life to the country of Liang is a blessing for poor people like them."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "That's nonsense. It's me who urges them to continue working hard and serve the people."

Jiao Zhong hurriedly said, "That's what the prince said."

Lin Yi continued, "Not only the common people, but also the officials. If they are willing to serve the people, I will give them the first cup of milk tea in autumn. If they are not willing, I will give them the first stick of incense during Qingming Festival." "

Although Lin Yi said it with a smile, Jiao Zhong still felt a vague chill.

 What is the first incense stick of Qingming Festival?

Isn’t this just sending someone to the guillotine?

He hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, my subordinates will definitely abide by Your Majesty's teachings."

Lin Yi asked curiously, "How are you and Cao Xiaohuan doing?"


Jiao Zhong was stunned. He didn't expect that the prince and the prince would suddenly become concerned about his affairs. He said sheepishly, "As for the prince, I have a humble status and how can I dare to climb high."

“As the commander of the palace guards, how humble is your status?

 Are you looking down on yourself or this king? "

Lin Yi said angrily.


Jiao Zhong said more cautiously, "After all, my subordinates and Cao Baotou are destined to have no connection."

Lin Yi turned his head and said with a smile, "Cao Xiaohuan has a son, right?"


Jiao Zhong smiled and said, "It is said that the Wu family is raising her. With Cao Baotou's momentum today, the Wu family has no reason to disagree with just one sentence. However, she does not want to have a reputation of using power to suppress others. Now Someone submitted a complaint and asked the government to award the child to him. "

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I have met Cao Xiaohuan a few times, and I have a good impression that he is a capable person. However, this does not mean that it is easy for you to be a stepfather."

When he read The Secret History of Xiaozhuang, his biggest emotion was that Dorgon had become a stepfather!

I gave all my money to my stepson, but in the end, I didn’t end up with anything good!

Looking back now, it’s a real love brain!

 Typical beauty lovers don’t want power!

Jiao Zhong said with shame, "Your Majesty taught me a very good lesson."

Lin Yi stood at the intersection, patted the snow on his head, and then said, "Cao Xiaohuan, it's not that you can't find a man, but it's better to find someone who is weaker and can be the man behind him."

Jiao Zhong murmured, "That's what the prince said."

 He must admit that what he said to the prince was right.

 He is really inappropriate!

 I think it was just a lack of consideration at the beginning!

 Is it so easy to become a stepfather?

Perhaps you may have devoted your whole heart and soul to raising someone else’s kid, and in the end it’s better to be your biological father!

It’s not like he has never seen this kind of thing before.

Lin Yi sighed, "Did I talk too much again?"

 He can never get rid of his tendency to be a teacher.

It was true in the previous life, and even more so in this life!

 “If you can get the prince’s teachings, your subordinates will never ask for it.”

Jiao Zhong knelt in the snow and said.

 “I will obey the prince’s teachings!”

The people holding lanterns nearby did not dare to pretend not to hear, and all knelt down on Jiao Zhong's side.

Lin Yi rubbed his hands in satisfaction and said, "Since you said that, can I say a little more?"

Now that he is the regent, what he says is closer to the "truth."

Since it is the truth, he cannot prevent others from exploring the truth. Naturally, the more he says, the better.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Everyone said in unison again.

Lin Yi said in a casual tone, "There are three fools in this world. The first one is to lend money to others and wait for them to pay it back.

 The second type is to be nice to a woman and wait to impress her.

The third thing is that you work hard and wait for the nobles to appreciate you. "

The atmosphere in Ankang City is getting weirder and weirder, and messy things never stop happening.

 Even though he was already lying down and making salted fish, no one was willing to let him stop.

 The one that attracted the most attention was the "capital relocation group" headed by Sanhe people.

Although the capital relocation faction has the most military personnel, the Sanhe suppliers are the masterminds.

 The worst thing about suppliers is money!

These people waved banknotes in their hands, donating money to the literati in Ankang City, providing money, and even renting out brothels!

Even the great Confucians from all over the Liang Kingdom were bribed by them to cheer for the relocation of the capital.

What surprised Lin Yi was that no one, whether it was He Jixiang, Wang Qingbang, or even Chen Desheng, stopped him!

Later, it was Mingyue's reminder that Lin Yi realized that the interests of old men like He Jixiang were consistent with the "capital relocation" faction.

Aren’t old men like He Jixiang working so hard to do all this just to point to Lin Yi’s “ascension to the throne”?

 He Jixiang and others all said that Lin Yi would not even ascend the throne!

He and the prince can wait, but old men like them can't wait.

 They are getting older and older, and their health is getting worse and worse. If we delay it any longer, old men like them will soon be buried!

They are now allowing these "capital relocation" factions to make trouble. If the prince really wants to move the capital out of confusion, he must "enthrone".

 As for how to prevent the prince from moving the capital after he ascends the throne, we can discuss it later.

 Let’s talk about ascending the throne first!

 So, Lin Yi is in a very difficult situation now.

 He is bent on developing capitalism and becoming a gravedigger in feudal society. These people want him to be the emperor?

 How could he agree?

 He does not want to be a stumbling block to the development of capitalism!

However, He Jixiang and these people are his confidants, and it is not easy for him to say excessive words and hurt their hearts.

You can only use the method of teaching to convey some of your words to the ears of people like He Jixiang through several twists and turns.

 “Your Majesty.”

Jiao Zhong was very worried. He could still understand the first two sentences he said to the prince. What did the latter sentence mean?

 Isn’t this how it has been since ancient times to work hard and wait for the nobles to appreciate you?

Even Mr. Chen Desheng once said, "If you learn literary and martial arts, your goods will belong to the emperor's family"!


Lin Yi smiled and said, "Forget it if you don't understand. Just slowly understand it."

He can’t directly say, the harder you work, the sooner I will be on the throne!

 But if I ascend the throne, what good will it do to you?

 Just like, the harder the employees work, the faster the boss can buy a luxury car.

 Sometimes, he is still quite contradictory.

 He hopes that the people below him will be loyal, and he will frown on anyone who dares to speak loudly to him.

But I am afraid that they are foolish and loyal.

 After all, this is also part of the feudal dross.

 It is really difficult to achieve harmony and unity between personal interests, social interests and collective interests!

 (End of this chapter)

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