I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 454: It’s a deal

Chapter 454 It’s settled


 Jiang Zhen suddenly raised his head and said, "Do you think this is a good thing?"

Seeing the serious look on the girl's face, the butcher asked cautiously, "Did something happen?"

He doesn't understand why it's not a good thing to serve Concubine Yuan in the palace?

That is Prince He’s biological mother!

How many people want such an opportunity but can’t!

Jiang Zhen drank the wine in the glass and put it down directly. He sighed and said, "Dad, I have only come to understand this matter of officialdom in the past few years. It is not as simple as you think. It is a matter of being clever but being misled by cleverness." There are too many.”

The butcher couldn't help but said, "Your father and I are not very educated, but I still have some brains. If you have any questions, just say it. If you really don't understand, it has nothing to do with you."

Jiang Zhen suddenly said with emotion, "The water and soil in the south of the Yangtze River really nourish people. My daughter didn't stay in Jinling City for a long time, but now she is fat and plump. She feels like she has grown taller."

The butcher didn't understand why the girl said such a thing, so he hesitated and said, "Daughter, please stop whining and whining, just tell me directly, otherwise I will feel uneasy."

 “Dad, don’t you understand yet?”

Jiang Zhen smiled bitterly and said, "Jinling City is the most prosperous place in the world. I am the chief catcher in the Chief Secretary's Yamen. It is so comfortable.

The wells and rivers of this capital city do not interfere with the rivers, and evil spirits do not look for cowards. I don't want to wade into the muddy waters of Ankang City. However, due to Cao Xiaohuan's recommendation and He Jixiang's order, I had to come. "

The butcher asked in surprise, "Cao Xiaohuan, you are the one who recommended me?"

 “Master Xing Keshu once lamented: People in the world need gold to make friends, but if there is not much gold, friendship will not be deep,”

Jiang Zhen said slowly and leisurely, "Although Cao Xiaohuan and I don't have a golden friendship, I wouldn't let her deliberately bring me into the palace and roast me on the fire. Maybe I didn't know what to do before, and I annoyed her somewhere, and I But I never knew it.”

 “Cao Xiaohuan?”

The butcher frowned and said, "This girl is not an ordinary person. Now she is running rampant with Zhou Xun. Why did you **** her off?"

Jiang Zhen snorted coldly, "If you offend her, you'll offend her. She treats me like this, and I'm not easy to get along with."

The butcher was stunned for a moment and then said, "It's okay to be friendly and make money. It's pointless to argue with a fellow villager. I still have some face in front of her. How about I go and talk to him?"

 Ever since he was born, he has never known how to write "fear"!

 However, when the matter involved his daughter, he had to be careful.

 From the bottom of his heart, he still hopes that his daughter can practice "harmony and wealth".

Jiang Zhen said calmly, "As the chief arrester of Jinling City, she doesn't even care about my face. What do you think is the use of you going?"


The butcher's face turned red all of a sudden, "I think back then, Cao Xiaohuan had to call me big brother when she saw me!

 If she dares to be ruthless, I will beat her. "

 “Dad, you’re talking nonsense again,”

Jiang Zhen showed no mercy to her father at all, and said to himself, "Not to mention that you are no match for your three-legged cat kung fu, but you are really good at fighting. She is an official. If you really beat her, your daughter will be safe." Without you, this prison sentence is inevitable.”

The butcher's face was darkened and he said with a sneer, "This girl is not easy to get along with. I don't know what it is about her that Jiao Zhong falls in love with. However, his eyes are now open and he will be able to turn around."

 Jiang Zhen asked curiously, "Jiao Zhong and Cao Xiaohuan are broken up?"

 “Of course it’s broken,”

 The butcher chuckled and said, "As the commander of the palace guards, he is powerful and has such a big family fortune, so why worry about not having a wife?"

Although this Cao Xiaohuan is not a mortal, he is not a good match.

 Besides, at such an old age, it’s not certain whether I can have children.

As long as Jiao Zhong is not stupid, he should find a yellow-flowered girl. "

 “Dad, be careful what you say,”

 Jiang Zhen said unceremoniously, "Don't worry about my affairs.

Let me tell you, you are not young anymore, and you have earned a lot over the years. This northern land is a bitter and cold place. Why don't you go back to Baiyun City to stay with your mother. "

 “Go back to Baiyun City?”

The butcher didn't expect his daughter to say such things. He hesitated and said, "I'm not even fifty yet. I'm not afraid of any kind of hardship. I can still survive for a few more years."

Jiang Zhen said with a smile, "The only thing you are worried about is probably Jiang Lin. Dad, let me tell you something you don't like to hear. You are too arrogant and indulgent of him. He is not too young. If he is not good at literature or military, he will be nothing in this life." If this is the case, it would be great to be able to live in peace and stability for the rest of my life.”

 “I’m still your brother after all,”

Although the butcher knew that she was telling the truth, he still said in embarrassment, "You are so promising now, I have nothing to worry about. Your brother has no ability, so your mother and I have to worry more."

 Jiangzhen said calmly, "Dad, come back to Sanhe.

I promise you that as long as I am here, I will ensure that Jiang Lin is safe throughout his life. "

His father is working so hard now, not for her as a daughter, but to plan more family business for his son.

“I believe this, don’t say you are an official anymore,”

The butcher smiled and said, "In terms of kung fu, you are now a ninth-grade master. It will be easy for you to protect your brother.

After graduating from junior high school in June, if you can't enter the guard with Wangfu, you can't enter the army, then you can only stay at home to do business with me. "

Jiang Zhen said helplessly, "Transfer the supplier's quota, he can't keep your stall."

The butcher said dissatisfiedly, "If you don't let him try, how do you know he can't do it?"

After Jiang Zhen snorted coldly, he said unceremoniously, "You know your son better than his father. You yourself know what kind of virtue your son has. You have worked hard all your life to save this little family fortune, and you can make him live and feed well." .

If you insist on struggling and your good family fortune is ruined, it will be difficult to earn it back. "


After the butcher heard this, he was choked and speechless for a long time.

Jiang Zhen continued, "Dad, if you really plan for your son, go back to Sanhe and get him married as soon as possible. What if your grandson has a future?"

As long as her brother had some ability, her father wouldn't still be running around like this at his age!

Not to mention taking charge of the overall situation for him, can you at least share some of the burden?

 “That’s true.”

 The butcher touched his bare forehead and said.

Thinking about his fame in his lifetime, he never imagined that he would give birth to something like this!

Like his daughter said, maybe he can only place his hopes on his grandson in this life!

 There is no need to have any hope for my son!

“Parents who love their children have far-reaching plans.”

Regardless of whether the butcher Jiang understood or not, Jiang Zhen continued, "If dad really wants him, don't make things difficult for him. Let him get a wife, have children, and live a normal life."


 The butcher sighed and said no more.


 For the sake of your son, you should admit that your son is just an ordinary person!

 I have too high expectations for him, and I might end up harming him!

 Perhaps letting him get a wife and have children is the best choice!

 Not only can I have a son, but I still have a grandson!

 There are endless descendants.

 Jiang Zhen glanced at her father and couldn't help but feel sad.

Her father has never thought that since she also has a surname of Jiang, she can also honor the lintel of the general's family!

 Why can’t women enter the ancestral hall?

 Moonlit night.

 The snow is still falling.

Lin Yi curled up his neck and stood at the entrance of the alley, looking at the slim figure getting closer and closer under the light of the lantern, and said with a smile, "The flowers I have been waiting for for you have all faded."

 “You are a poor person with a poor mouth.”

Guan Xiaoqi pulled his legs out of the thick snow and said with a smile, "It's late at night, and you're not afraid of robbers."

"This city of Ankang is the best place and is heavily guarded."

Lin Yi said carelessly, "Which robber is desperate for his life?"

He does not have confidence in the security of Ankang City, but in the guards such as Jiao Zhong who are ambushing in the darkness!

Guan Xiaoqi glanced at the low door behind Lin Yi and asked curiously, "The house you found for me?"

Lin Yi opened the door directly, stepped aside, raised his hand and said, "Please!"

 “Then let me go in and have a look?”

 Guan Xiaoqi rubbed his hands and raised his eyebrows.

 “You must go in and take a look!”

Lin Yi stretched out his hand, hesitated for a moment, and pushed Guan Xiaoqi through her thin coat. Seeing that she didn't respond, he smiled and said, "Two bedrooms and one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, with one Complimentary large garden, your satisfaction is guaranteed!”

 With a sales genius like him, it would be a pity not to sell real estate for Tian Sixi!

Guan Xiaoqi ignored Lin Yi and walked straight into the yard. To his surprise, there was no snow in the yard. He sighed, "The landlord is very thoughtful."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Of course."

Guan Xiaoqi stood in front of a blooming plum tree, took a deep breath and said, "This plum blossom is so fragrant."

The door of the room was opened from the inside, and Tan Fei, who was wearing a shabby gray cloth jacket with his waist hooked up and a smile on his face, came out. Before he could reach the door, he saw Lin Yi pointing at him and saying, "This He is the owner of this house.”

Tan Fei hurriedly said, "Girl, if you have anything you want to know, just ask."

Guan Xiaoqi cupped her hands and said with a smile, "Thank you, big brother. I would like to ask, how many rooms is this?"

Tan Fei glanced at Lin Yi inadvertently, opened the curtain in front of the door and said, "Girl, come in with me and take a look."

Guan Xiaoqi didn't wait for Lin Yi to nod, and followed Tan Fei into the house. As soon as he stepped into the door, a warmth swept through his body, and he said in surprise, "You have a kang in this house? "

Tan Fei smiled and said, "Girl, are you kidding me? It's so cold in Ankang City. Can you live without a kang?"

Guan Xiaoqi asked curiously, "Looking at your accent, you are not a native of Ankang City?"

Tan Fei said as if he had expected it, "The girl is right. I am indeed not a local. I came from Sanhe with the regent's army."

Guan Xiaoqi looked at the tall Tan Fei again and asked, "Are you a military household?"

Tan Fei was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile, "There are no military households in Sanhe. If the girl insists on saying that, it's not impossible. Anyway, they are all soldiers for food."

 Sanhe's army has been restructured several times, and the term "military households" has long been gone. There are only "voluntary soldiers" who receive subsidies and "guards" like him who receive fixed salaries.

 When the recruitment season comes, the streets and alleys of Baiyun City will be filled with slogans such as "Everyone is responsible for defending Sanhe" and "One person serves as a soldier, and the whole family is glorious."

 Guan Xiaoqi said sheepishly, "Sorry, I don't know much about these things."

 “It’s not a big deal,”

Tan Fei said nonchalantly, "Girl, to be honest, I originally planned to stay here for a long time, but I got a new order to go back to Sanhe to garrison. I guess I won't be able to return to Ankang City in this life. I bought it before I definitely can’t live in the house.”

This is a play that Jiao Zhong suddenly arranged for him in a hurry. He can only act like this. As for whether he is good at it or not, he doesn't know.

Guan Xiaoqi walked around several houses and asked happily, "Brother, how much do you rent this month?"

 According to the normal script, Tan Fei then put his arm around Lin Yi's shoulders, instead of calling him brother, and then said that for the sake of brother, I can make this house cheaper.

 But when the words came to his lips, he suddenly lost the courage!

 Hold Prince He’s shoulders and call him brother-in-law?

 Do you think you don’t live long enough?

 Even if it’s the one promised by the prince, it won’t work!

Fortunately, he had the quick wit and calmly reorganized his words and said, "After I leave, my house will be empty. I won't charge you more. Give me three coppers a month, and take care of some more for me." If you don’t live here anymore, the other tenants won’t keep lowering the price because the house is good.”

Guan Xiaoqi hesitated for a moment and said, "Three copper coins are not expensive, but if you are not here, who will I give the rent to?"

Tan Fei did not dare to point his finger at Lin Yi. He turned to Lin Yi and said to him, "Can you please help me collect it when the time comes?"

Lin Yi said carelessly, "We are all brothers, so these words are polite. I can still do small things like helping you collect rent."

 Guan Xiaoqi looked at the thin Lin Yi and then at the tall Tan Fei, always feeling that something was wrong.

 They are friends?

 It doesn’t look like it!

Just when she was confused, she heard Tan Fei say, "Thank you very much."

After all, she couldn't help but said, "Brother, I would like to ask, if I buy this house, including the furniture inside, how much would you pay for it?"

Tan Fei pretended to ponder for a moment and said, "One tael of silver, as long as you give me one tael of silver, I will leave all the pots and pans in the house to you."


 Guan Xiaoqi asked in disbelief.

Tan Fei smiled and said, "Girl, there is no need to be suspicious. I am returning from Ankang City. It is a long distance and I am short of money. If the girl is willing to ask for this house, it will naturally solve my urgent need. I will tell the girl the real price." "

Just when Guan Xiaoqi was thinking about how to reply, she heard someone shouting, "It's a deal!"


How could Guan Xiaoqi not be familiar with this voice? Seeing Guan Sheng suddenly appear at the door, she said happily, "Why are you here?"

Guan Sheng smiled and said, "It's late at night, and you're a girl living outside. Can I rest assured?"

After speaking, he nodded towards Lin Yi, who was leaning against the door frame.

 (End of this chapter)

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