I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 450: The ambitions of big capitalists

Chapter 450 The ambitions of big capitalists

Looking at the snow piling up higher and higher under his feet, the butcher finally lost all patience. He said to Zhurou Rong and Deng Ke, "How about we all go back first? Keep waiting like this is not an option. "

What's more, when he was at the city gate just now, his daughter turned a blind eye to him, and he was already a little angry.

 It’s outrageous to have waited here for so long!

Zhu Rong rubbed his hands that were numb from the cold, and sighed, "I'd probably have come out a long time ago, but I haven't come out yet. I guess I have to stay overnight in the Governor's Mansion."

 “The people living in the Dudu’s Mansion are all male guests,”

Deng Ke hesitated for a moment and said, "Master He is very particular about the differences between men and women. According to his temperament, he will naturally not keep your daughter in the house.

Let’s wait for another half an hour, otherwise wouldn’t it be troublesome if we can’t be found when we come out later?

  Although she is a martial arts practitioner, she is still a girl after all. If she is not familiar with the place, it is better to be led by an acquaintance. "

He has been waiting for such a long time. Wouldn’t it be a big loss if he didn’t wait for the result?

No matter what, you have to take a photo with Jiang Zhen and let her know that he, the Deng Ke Deng family, also has intentions.

You just left like this without any explanation, what's going on?

 “This is true,”

 The butcher hesitated for a moment and said sheepishly, "Then continue to aggrieve the two old brothers?"

Although Deng Ke had a heater in his hand, his hands and feet were still numb from the cold. He waved his hands proudly and said, "Brother, you're welcome, what does this grievance mean?"

I think back then, if the family didn’t have enough food for the night, they would die and live on a piece of rotten mat.

 It seems so poor, isn’t that how you got here?

 Now we have something to eat and something to drink, what else is there to be dissatisfied about? "

 “This is true,”

The butcher sighed with emotion, "Although I was a meat seller back then, I didn't dare to eat meat every day. Even if I occasionally had meat that I couldn't sell, I ate it with tears in my eyes."

 Can’t sell it for money, so I eat it all by myself, it’s heartbreaking!

He really didn’t dare to miss the past days too much.

 Afraid that I might shed tears accidentally.

 In the past, those days were really not lived by humans!

 When I think about it, I burst into tears!

Deng Ke smiled and said, "How about we continue to get on the carriage and wait?"

He has been in the Northland for a long time, but no matter what, he can't stand the climate in the Northland. Normally, his hands and feet would be numb after standing for a while, let alone standing for such a long time now.

He thinks like many people in Sanhe, there is probably no place better than Sanhe in the world.

What’s so good about Ankang City?

 In the winter, even the emperor has to huddle up and suffer from the cold.

 It is simply not a place where people can stay.

Many people in front of me are hoping that one day they and the prince will remember the goodness of Sanhe and set the capital in Baiyun City!

There is no rule in this world. The capital must be in Ankang City, right?

 Since ancient times, there has been a lot of land for capital cities!

 If nothing else, let’s just say that the treasure city of Yuzhou that they despise the most is the ancient capital of the three dynasties!

Their Baiyun City used to be run down, but now it is becoming more and more prosperous. If there is any difference from Ankang City, it just lacks a wall. In the future, what's wrong with it being the capital of the Liang Kingdom?

They Sanhe people dared to think and do it. Some Sanhe scholars who were born in new schools, with the financial support of the Liang family, Wang family, and Hu family of Sanhe, submitted notes to the court one after another, requesting to "move the capital".

Of course it caused an uproar in the court, and Master He Jixiang directly reprimanded them.

They didn't take it seriously, and they became more and more frustrated and courageous. If nothing happened, they would offer a "relocation of the capital".

At present, as long as you are a Sanhe person in Ankang City, there is no one who disagrees!

Hence, the "capital relocation" faction in Ankang City has become stronger. According to Liang Qingshu's plan, the bigger the momentum, the better.

 Having a strong momentum may not necessarily lead to success, but without momentum, there will be no success.

As a member of Sanhe, Deng Ke naturally hopes that the capital relocation plan will succeed. Although his Deng family does not have as much land as the Liang family and Wang family, they are still powerful now!

If the capital move is successful, roads and houses will be built on their Deng family’s land, and the Deng family may become a truly wealthy family!

 “from shopkeeper Deng,”

Pork Rong teased, "Why don't you get on the carriage first and I'll accompany the manager here?"

Pork Wing was considered a poor person before

However, Ankang City is the best place in the world after all. Although his life was difficult in the past, it was not as difficult as the Butcher and Deng Ke.

 It wasn’t until after Sanhe that he understood what real poverty meant!

Compared to Deng Ke and others who are naked and have nothing to eat, Pork Rong is still considered a rich man!

When he was in Baiyun City, facing a group of southern barbarians, his sense of superiority was not ordinary.

 Later, He Wangye implemented the supplier system, and like many others, he ushered in the spring of his career.

He is a real rich man. He has already made plans to settle down and start a business in Sanhe. He has built a large courtyard in Sanhe in Baiyun City. Although it cannot compare with those rich men, it is still one of the best in Baiyun City.

 Unfortunately, he and the prince led the troops back to Ankang City before the victory was over.

He originally thought that he would go back one day, but he never expected that he and the prince would directly sit in the position of regent.

 That old man Ma Jie said in public that the regent was not the emperor, but he was no different from the emperor.

He who grew up in the Imperial City since childhood naturally understands the meaning without the need for explanation.

From now on, this world belongs to the prince!

He can't go back to Baiyun City!

 He has to move!

With his parents, wife, and children entering Ankang City, his large courtyard was rented out to landlords from Chuanzhou, Yuezhou, Nanzhou, Hongzhou and other places who flocked here to avoid disasters.

 It’s only a handful of money!

Unless Baiyun City becomes more prosperous than Ankang City one day, it will be possible for him to recoup the cost of building his house.

 “You are anti-freezing, how about you help me keep an eye on it for a while?”

  Although the general butcher misses his daughter very much, he, like Deng Ke, is also not resistant to freezing!

 He is the most determined and resolute among those who moved the capital!

Whoever dares to oppose the move of the capital by Prince He in the future will be his enemy!

Zhu Rong looked at the red-faced butcher Jiang, hesitated for a moment and nodded, "Okay, you guys hurry up and warm yourself up on the stove. If that doesn't work, drink some wine. Don't really freeze."

After the butcher heard this, he quickly took out his folded hands and cupped them in front of the pork belly and said, "Thank you, thank you very much."

With that said, he was the first to get into the carriage at the entrance of the alley, and Deng Ke couldn't wait to follow.

Zhu Rong watched helplessly as the two got into the carriage. He turned away angrily and waved to the young man who was looking at the gate of the governor's office, "Xiao Jinzi."


Xiao Jinzi was young and had a small frame. His feet were buried in the snow, making him look even smaller. He trotted towards Pork Rong on his short legs and said, "The shopkeeper is here. Always there.”

“No one has ever come out of the house?”

 Pork Rong’s mouth is constantly steaming.

Xiao Jinzi shook his head like a rattle and said, "Shopkeeper, don't worry, I haven't even blinked. The arrester's head must not have come out, it's still inside."

Pork Rong still didn’t believe it, “You can’t be dazzled, can you?

For a while, I saw two carriages coming out. I couldn't be getting into someone's carriage, right? "

“Absolutely not. One of the shopkeepers belongs to Mr. Sun Chongde from Yuanma Temple, and the other belongs to someone who just became an official and has no food supply. Although I can’t reach those two people,”

Xiao Jinzi said with an aggrieved look, "But there's not a single person under the two of you that I don't know. I was afraid that I might have been negligent, so I specifically asked Wang Xiaoshuan, who was behind Mr. Sun's carriage, if there was no one else, the arrester was still in the house. Woolen cloth."

 Let alone Sun Chongde and Duan Liang, whom he could not reach, even Wang Xiaoshuan, who was once his fellow clerk, he needed to look up to.

 He is a ninth grader!

 What are you?

He is still a young man who works all day long to make a living and will be scolded by the shopkeeper at any time!

As for the lack of food, the two of them slept in a bunk bed in the orphanage.

He is from Sanhe. He has been ill and blinded in one eye since he was a child. After his mother died, his father married a new wife and gave birth to a younger brother. He was abandoned by his father.

At that time, seven or eight years old was not too young, but in the barren Sanhe, it was difficult for adults to stutter, let alone children with weak hands and feet.

 In the end, he collapsed from starvation on the street and was sent to Qidian Orphanage with Chen Xinluo, the palace guard.

Mrs. Sang took good care of him. Although one of his eyes is now shriveled, there are no maggots crawling out.

His brain is not stupid, but he has no talent for learning kung fu, let alone the brain for learning. He is the kind of person that Sister Mingyue often says is "not good at anything, but first in eating".

When he reached a certain age, Prince He began to make a living for disabled people like them. He didn't want to go to school, and he didn't want to be a monk like the lame Ji Hai or a Taoist priest like the blind Wang Dong.

Both Mingyue and Mrs. Sang were about to lose their patience with him, when he suddenly yelled:

 “I want to be a capitalist!”

 When this sentence came out, the entire orphanage was shocked!

 Xiao Jinzi is going to be a vampire!

 We need to force people to do 996!

As for why he wants to be a "capitalist" who hates people and ghosts in Wang Ye's novels, only Xiao Jinzi himself knows.

 He once asked Prince He who he admired most, and Prince He said he was a capitalist!

There is nothing in this world that money cannot do!

 If there is, then there is not enough money!

 He wants to be a capitalist!

Even the ninth grade and great master will be defeated by his lustful power of money in the future!

 What if they don’t listen?

He and Wang Ye also said that unless there is no capitalist society in the future, as long as there is a capitalist society, in the Age of Discovery, the great masters will have to lie down under the system.

No rules no standards.

 In this world, there must be one thing that everyone ultimately worships.

 If you want to be a capitalist, you must have money. If you want to be rich, but you are not good at martial arts and cannot rob much, then you can only become a businessman.

 So, after coming out of the orphanage, he has been working as an apprentice under the butcher Jian. Since the butcher and Pork Rong joined forces, Pork Rong has become his second shopkeeper.

One shopkeeper can bear it enough, but two shopkeepers are even more difficult.

But he didn't take it seriously. He believed what Wang Ye said, failure is the mother of success, and greatness is achieved through hard work!

He Liang Jin will definitely be a capitalist who walks with wind in the future!

 What is the King of Soldiers, the God of War, Murong from the North Qiao Peak and the South?

 Everything is vulnerable!

 They will all surrender to his money empire in the future!

 If Prince He does not object, he will also print Prince He’s portrait on all gold coins.

 “As long as you read that right,”

When Zhu Zhurong saw that he mentioned Wang Xiaoshuan, he no longer had any doubts and said with a smile, "Wang Xiaoshuan, that bastard, is lucky enough to be a ninth-grade sesame officer. But you, you said you two are about the same." Years old, he has only been an apprentice for two years longer than you. Looking at the gap now, it is shameless to look at it.

You kid, you have to work hard, otherwise you may not even be able to marry your aunt in the future. "

“What the shopkeeper said is that I hope the shopkeeper can help me more.”

Liang Jin's mentality was shattered by Zhu Rong's two words. He hated Pork Rong in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face and still greeted him with a smile.

 “I’ll support you, I’ll definitely support you,”

Pork Rong took the heater he sent and said with a smile, "When the snow passes, how about I let you go to Liangmatai to practice?"

 “Does the shopkeeper want to set up a semicolon in Saibei?”

Xiao Jinzi’s eyes shone brightly. As long as he became the shop owner of Semicolon, he would have taken the first step in a great career!

 “Set a semicolon?”

Zhu Rong said angrily, "What are you thinking? Apart from the garrison, there are only a few people in that **** place in Saibei?

The garrison is our customer. Isn’t it unnecessary for you to set up a semicolon?

No wonder you, this kid, have never been successful, your brain is not working well. "


Xiao Jinzi smiled and said, "You and I both went to Saibei together to deliver goods. It is a vast fertile wilderness. It is said that Yuanma Temple is not only planning to build a horse farm there, but also a cattle farm and a sheep farm for large-scale breeding.

Shopkeeper, think about it carefully. When Yuanmasi raises so many cattle and sheep, and there is so much to eat, who will they sell them to?

If we set up a semicolon, can't we directly acquire it on the spot? "

 “Large-scale breeding?”

Zhu Zhurong asked curiously, "Where did you get the news that I don't even know?

How big is the door curtain of Yuanma Temple and how many people are there?

 All this time, they have not even been able to provide military horses, but they still raise cattle and sheep?

  It’s a joke. "

Xiao Jinzi hesitated for a moment and then said, "There is a notice posted at the gate of Ankang Prefecture. It recruits border residents to go to the north of Saibei. Yuanma Temple will provide livestock, the Ministry of Household Affairs will provide seeds and farm tools, and a sales contract will be signed in advance, and farmers will cooperate in breeding."

 “So it’s this,”

Zhu Rong said carelessly, "I've heard about it a long time ago, but it's bitterly cold in the north of Saibei. Unless forced to do so, how many people are willing to go?"

Xiao Jinzi said, "Shopkeeper, this is an agreement made with the prince, and it's called the 'Great Development of Saibei'. This notice is not only posted in Ankang City, but has already been announced to the world.

This year Jizhou and Qizhou suffered from severe droughts and floods, and the sweet potato seedlings and corn seedlings did not have time to grow.

If it weren't for the imperial government's relief, a few people would not be able to survive. Now that the imperial government is providing them with money and food to give them a way to survive, is there any reason why they should not respond? "

“It’s just because I’ve been to Saibei that I think it’s impossible,”

Zhu Rong saw that Xiao Jinzi was still talking, so he waved his hands impatiently and said, "The world is so big that there is no place where we can't find food to eat. Naturally, the refugees have brains and will not go to that bitter and cold place."

 After saying that, he stopped looking at Xiao Jinzi and continued to look at the gate of the Governor's Mansion.

ps: I recommend a very nice book "Unscientific Beast Control" by the author Qingquan Liuxiang. The previous book was "The Elf Master"!

 Very interesting book!

 (End of this chapter)

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