Chapter 448 Relationship

However, being curious, he didn't dislike this girl at all, and he was even a little bit happy.

This kind of heartless and careless girl is really easy to be loved by men.

He thought of Hu Miaoyi, who was beautiful, but the longer they stayed together, the more character flaws were exposed. Now that children have been born, the two of them can't achieve the so-called harmony.

 “You are not young anymore,”

Guan Xiaoqi said very loudly, "My father said that there are three ways a man is unfilial, and the worst is not having children. If you are so ignorant, you will not even be able to marry a wife in the future, and you will have no children!"

 “The end?”

Lin Yili was happy. He now only had one daughter. Both the court and the army advised him to continue having children.

Since ancient times, women have not been considered heirs, let alone heirs.

People just pointed at his nose and scolded him as "extremely poor".

Hearing this word again today, I feel even more helpless.

 “How is it, is it funny?”

Guan Xiaoqi said angrily, "Have you never thought about the future at all?"

 “How will my hair grow in the future? How can I figure it out in a short time?”

Lin Yi said curiously, "However, I thought your father would be a free and easy man, but I didn't expect him to be so pedantic. Isn't he satisfied with having such a well-behaved daughter like you?"

“My father loves me very much, but after all, I am a girl and I will get married in the future.”

Guan Xiaoqi sighed and said, "My father is very worried about how he will face the ancestors of my Guan family in the next hundred years."

“Yes, the ancestors of your Guan family are really amazing,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You have such filial descendants as your father."

Guan Xiaoqi frowned. On the surface, it sounded like a good thing, but after thinking about it carefully, it didn't seem to be the case, especially Lin Yi's strange tone.

She always felt that her words were not nice, so she asked, "What do you mean by this? Are you laughing at my dad?"

Lin Yi put the kettle in his hand on the high pile of firewood, took two sips of the amber tea soup from time to time, and said with a smile, "You misunderstood, I didn't mean anything, I just thought your father was still young." It’s not a big deal, and it can definitely be renewed and continue the legacy of the Guan family.”

 He suddenly felt that he was not even as good as someone like Guan Sheng now.

Even though I am the emperor, I still hope that my sons and daughters will die cleanly!

He doesn’t care about the prosperity of the old Lin family at all. His awareness is not as high as that of an old farmer like Guan Sheng!

 The gap!

 This is the gap!

Guan Xiaoqi hesitated and said, "Are you telling the truth?"

 “It really can’t be true anymore,”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Your father said that you should live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, but in fact there is no need.

If cats and dogs are allergens, just go directly to the city, which has the fewest cats and dogs. "

  Under normal circumstances, cats and dogs in the city are tethered by their owners as if they were treasures.

  The acquaintance society in the city is different from that in the countryside. There are many strangers and it is difficult to guard against them. Anyone who dares to let cats and dogs go out to play will not be able to escape the vicious hands of the beggars.

Since Lin Yi vigorously promoted the cultivation of sweet potatoes and potatoes in Liang State, not many people have gone hungry, even these beggars. During the harvest, they can go into the fields to pull sweet potatoes and store them, so that they can make ends meet during the winter.

 However, no matter how much I eat, there is no oil or water in my stomach!

 They want to eat meat too!

 They couldn’t afford it, so cats and dogs became the best source of meat.

 Lonely cats and dogs never end well.

After Lin Yi took charge of Ankang City, the security of Ankang City has been effectively improved. Whether it is the police, the military, or the officers and soldiers of the Beijing camp, they all abide by the law. No one dares to break the law in Ankang City.

Some people suddenly have the illusion that the rivers are clear and the sea is peaceful, and the world is peaceful, and they don't care much about their dogs when they go out.

It’s a pity that beggars don’t care about this. None of the laws in Ankang City say that dog meat cannot be eaten!

 Can dog meat stew be considered stealing?

 Stealing cattle counts as stealing!

Those who will be convicted and sentenced!

 Even if the Ankang City police officers caught one person and took the stolen goods, it didn't matter to them.

 It would be better if they could be put in jail.

In today's Ankang City, who doesn't know how to get furious after inspecting the prison with the prince?



 It’s still hygienic!

 From the Dali Temple Prison to the Ankang Prefecture Yin Prison, it was so clean that not a single mouse was found!

 In the middle of winter, although we still have straw bedding, we still have charcoal fires and can eat half full, but we won’t die!

In the newly revised Liang Code, there is a clear stipulation that if a prisoner is allowed to die without trial, no one from the cell head to the jailer will be able to escape his involvement!

 For beggars and vagrants, it is better than living in a ruined temple or in a deserted mountain.

As long as we survive the cold autumn and winter, and everything revives with the warmth of spring, everything will be fine.

So the cats and dogs in Ankang City can't be more honest. They can't run around like the cats and dogs in the countryside.

“What you said seems to make sense,”

Guan Xiaoqi pondered for a moment and said, "There are fewer cats and dogs in the city than outside the city, but"

 “But what?”

Lin Yi asked casually.

Guan Xiaoqi sighed, "Living in the city, not to mention eating, drinking, and having sex, even the house has to be rented. It's not as easy as you said."

Lin Yi said without hesitation, "I'll rent it to you."

 “You rent it to me?”

 Guan Xiaoqi looked Lin Yi up and down and said angrily, "Stop lying to me."

She didn't believe that Lin Yi, who was idle and idle, could find any house to rent. It would be good if he didn't live on the street.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "You still don't believe it?

You don’t think about it carefully. I fish every day, don’t work, and have no worries about food, drink, and clothing. Where do I get the money from? "

 Guan Xiaoqi frowned and said thoughtfully, "That seems to be the case. Do you really have a house to rent?"

“It must be true. I am a well-known renter in Ankang City. I have many houses.”

Lin Yi patted his chest and said, "Your home is close to Nancheng, so I will rent you a small courtyard in Nancheng."

"Small courtyard?"

Guan Xiaoqi shook her hand like a rattle, "I can't afford to rent a house in a small courtyard with my father, so you should find someone else."

Lin Yi hesitated and said, "Then I'll rent you a house."

 “A room?”

Guan Xiaoqi thought for a while and said, "Then how much do you charge me a month?"

 “Two copper coins?”

Lin Yi didn’t know the rental price in Ankang City, so he could only try to make it as cheap as possible.


 Guan Xiaoqi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"of course it's true,"

Lin Yi saw that she seemed to be relaxed, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "If you don't believe it, just go and have a look tomorrow."


Guan Xiaoqi said loudly, "You can't cheat on me for the two copper coins we agreed on."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Just keep your heart in your stomach."

 “Then it’s settled,”

Guan Xiaoqi said happily, "I will go back and tell my father that I will wait for you at the south gate tomorrow morning."

 “Then it’s settled.”

Lin Yi nodded and watched the jumping Guan Xiaoqi disappear into the white snow.

 “Your Majesty.”

Jiao Zhong appeared directly behind Lin Yi.

Lin Yi said calmly, "You heard what I just said. I want to be a charterer. Isn't this a high request?"

Jiao Zhong hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, my subordinates will make arrangements right away."

Having followed Prince He for so many years, they are all familiar with the term charterer, and their ears are almost getting calluses when they hear it!

Over the years, they and the prince have never forgotten to think that if they can no longer survive, they will become tenants and buy a street with two miles of land for their own houses.

 I do nothing every day, just collect rent from the beginning of the month to the end of the month.

Everyone just listened to it as a joke!

Although he and the prince were not successful at that time, he was still a prince no matter what!

  No matter what happens, it will not be the turn to collect rent to survive.

What's more, he later became the Lord of Sanhe!

  No one takes He Wang Ye’s so-called dream seriously anymore.

 What is unexpected is that Prince He really wants to be a "charterer" today.

However, since the prince wants to do this, they have no reason to object and do not dare to object, so they can only accept it.

"The house shouldn't be too far away. It should be near the south city gate. You must vacate the house for me tonight. If you really can't move it, you can rent it to them instead. It's okay, as long as you don't say anything wrong."

Lin Yi picked up a tree branch, and while stirring the fire, he warned, "Time is a bit tight, but there is no need to force it. Buying and selling must be based on the principle of voluntariness. If you don't want to, don't force it. It doesn't have to be." Whichever house it is, it just needs to be a house.”

 “The subordinates understand.”

Jiao Zhong didn’t feel embarrassed at all.

 Transferring a house requires a process, and it is basically impossible to complete it in a day or two.

 But who is he?

 He is the commander of the palace guards!

Go to Ankang Prefecture and ask to complete the transfer procedures on the spot. Who dares to say no?

 The most important thing is that he is working for Prince He.

 Special things must be done specially!

 There is no reason to explain!

Lin Yi waited until the fire started, then rubbed his hands directly. When the activity started, he stood up and said, "Okay, hurry up and do it. I'll be back too."


Jiao Zhong hurried away.

Lin Yi took a look at the fish in the barrel, stretched, and then walked towards the south of the city.

Tan Fei followed carefully behind him and said, "Your Majesty, the sled is ready. If you are tired, my subordinates will call for someone to pull you over."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Forget it. If you run too fast, the wind will hit your neck. It's not as comfortable as walking."

Tan Fei hurriedly asked, "How about I ask the bearers to carry you?"

Lin Yi said impatiently, "Those who have arms and legs are not at the point where they can't walk yet. You can just rest."


Tan Fei said helplessly.

 He now admires Xiao Xizi whom he despises even more.

This prince is really not an ordinary difficult person to take care of!

 However, Xiao Xizi can often make the prince laugh.

 No matter what Xiao Xizi did, it was right!

But whatever these guards did was wrong, including Jiao Zhong, it was difficult to please Prince He!

 At the entrance of the South City Gate.

He held the butcher's arms, put his hands in his sleeves, and looked outside the city gate from time to time. He shrank his neck and shuddered and said angrily to Deng Ke next to him, "Didn't you say people will come?" ?

 Why haven’t you seen the shadow yet? "

Deng Ke sighed and said, "The weather is so cold that it's bone-chilling and the road is not easy to walk. It's normal for us to be delayed."

Zhu Zhurong also curled up, leaning against the wall tiles, and said feebly, "Shopkeeper Deng is right, with such heavy snow, delays on the road are normal, why do you have to rush for a while? We have been standing all afternoon, I My legs and feet are numb.”

The butcher sneered and said, "Wait a little longer. If you can't wait, go back. It's getting dark anyway, so I'll treat you to a drink."

Deng Ke said curiously, "As a fellow villager, I'm sorry to cost you so much."

The butcher patted his chest and said, "What's the expense? If you're sorry, I'm sorry. I've delayed you for so long and made you suffer."

 Yesterday, he got the news from Deng Ke that his daughter, General Zhen, would enter Ankang City today.

 So after having dinner at noon, he waited in the cave of the city.

 No one has been seen so far.

 “Not tired, not tired,”

Deng Ke waved his hand modestly and said, "Jiang Baotou is the same as my third uncle. He is a leader among the younger generation in Sanhe. What does it mean to wait for a while?"

If it weren’t for Jiang Zhen’s promotion, why would a respectable person like him be allowed to wait here?

 “Third uncle?”

Pork Rong was confused for a moment.

This old boy is half buried in the ground. To be his third uncle, he has to be 70 if not 80. How can he be related to youth?

The butcher smiled and said, "You don't even know this, how dare you say that you are a know-it-all in Ankang City? Shun Feng Er?"

"Don't rush to say it," Zhu Zhurong stretched out his hand to stop the butcher Jiang who wanted to give the answer directly. After pondering for a while, he said, "It can't be that boy Wei Yishan, right?"

Deng Ke stroked his gray beard and said happily, "Exactly. I didn't expect you knew it too."

Zhu Rong looked at Deng Ke's wrinkled old face and said helplessly, "I have heard of this a long time ago. I thought it was just made up by everyone, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"of course it's true,"

Deng Ke said proudly, "It is indeed my third uncle. It's true."

 He is one of Sanhe's suppliers and makes a lot of money.

 However, after being dragged out on the street and forced to do a labor camp just because he owed a few cents to the workers, he realized what he was missing.

When something goes wrong, instead of helping him, everyone takes the lead and laughs at his jokes.

 It’s not that Carpenter Deng is unpopular, it’s that he has no power!

 Under the rule of Prince He, just having money is not enough, you also have to have connections!

 In the early years, both Xie Zan and Chen Desheng had offended him to death.

 As for Shan Qi, he has never offended him, but he looks down upon him!

 The only relationship he can have is Wei Yishan!

 This is the real third uncle. He spreads the word to people he sees in Ankang City.

Of course, no one would dislike such things as relationships. If I could establish a relationship with Jiang Zhen, the daughter of the butcher, I would not have wasted my time in the cold here for so long.

 In the future, whoever wants to bully me should think twice about it?

 (End of this chapter)

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