Chapter 439 Haze

No matter what, He Jixiang still left incense for the Fu family and did not really kill them all.

 Actually, what he envied more was Chen Yan, because he had served as the lecturer for Prince He, and Prince He had to respect his teachers!

 He Jixiang and others must be tolerant at all times.

 So, let alone killing Chen Yan, it would be difficult to treat him harshly. After all, it would harm the reputation of Prince He.

Reputation is something you can’t touch or see, but it must be there.

 “Lord Gan!”

Chen Yan said bitterly, "Master Taifu treats you very well!

How can you say these words now that your body and head are in a different place? "

Mr. Gan Mao blushed, then sighed, "Master Chen, if you had the integrity, when the execution was being carried out today, you should have robbed the execution ground and remonstrated with the prince to death, instead of embarrassing me here."

 He is really angry!

He said all kinds of good things, but he just couldn't get in!

 Who is this embarrassing?

 If you can, go and make trouble with the prince's palace!

What's the point of yelling here?

 Is it because you pick a weak persimmon?

What’s more, he is not a soft persimmon!

 He Gan Mao is the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs!


Chen Yan's face turned red and he sighed, "But everyone, although Mr. Fu was wrong, it was not to the point of causing trouble to the whole family!"

Gan Mao said, "Master Chen, you are treasonous and endanger the country. Isn't that enough to kill the whole family?

How merciful you are if you don’t punish the nine tribes. "


 Chen Yan sighed and said nothing more. He had to admit that Gan Mao was right.

 He Wangye is the regent in name, but in fact he is the real king!

What is committed by printing is a real crime of treason!

If you really care about it, you will kill the nine tribes!

He Jixiang only killed the men of the Fu family and was able to keep the women and children, which was already very merciful.

 “Okay, don’t say anything anymore,”

He Jixiang smiled and said, "I will bear it with all my strength. Come, prepare your horses and go to the palace."

 The night is getting deeper and deeper.

 A cold wind is blowing.

Lin Yi sat in the living room, tightened the coat in his arms, stood up and moved to the charcoal stove, stretched out his two hands, rubbed them continuously and said, "Rule the country according to the law, it's just empty talk, this is printed After all, he is a high-ranking official, so he would be too eager to kill him."

Chen Desheng, who was kneeling on the ground with He Jixiang, glanced at He Jixiang next to him, and saw that He Jixiang had his head lowered and his eyes slightly closed for a long time without speaking. He became a little anxious and said softly, "Master He?"

 He Jixiang is old!

 I often fall asleep regardless of the occasion!

 He had to remind him aloud.

 “Your Majesty,”

He Jixiang suddenly spoke up and said, "With one warning, all officials and people will obey. This is the best policy!"

I hope the prince will learn from this! "

“Kill them all, what else is there to say?”

Lin Yi yawned and said, "It's just that next time you kill someone, please let me know and don't do so many murders."

 He admitted that what He Jixiang said was right.

However, it is quite scary to slaughter a whole house with just one order.

 Sometimes, it’s really hard for him to accept.

 If you can’t accept it, so what?

There is nothing he can do, and he really cannot use his own ideas to argue with He Jixiang.

The overhaul of the Liang Code has already caused a lot of discussion. If you say some inappropriate words again, it will be considered "evil words to confuse the public."

 Half a step ahead of the times is a genius, one step ahead is a wise man, and two steps ahead is a madman.

 He was not sure if he would be dissected by people like He Jixiang if he did too much.

 Sometimes we really need to learn to "complicit in the evil", especially the spirit of people like He Jixiang. If you say you kill the whole family, you kill the whole family. There is no ambiguity!

 Whoever or how many people are killed will not affect a person's ability to be a "wise king", "loyal minister" or "good general".

 “I obey your orders!”

 He Jixiang smiled, very happily.

This prince and I are still willing to listen to honest advice!

Lin Yi waved his hands impatiently and said, "Get up, stop kneeling, I don't mean to blame you."

He Jixiang's health is getting worse and worse. Sometimes Lin Yi doesn't dare to speak too loudly to him. If he vents his anger, he might really die!

It doesn't matter if he dies, what I'm most afraid of is that no one will deal with the mess!

There are many capable people in the court, but not many capable people can be trusted!

These old men are about the same age. Maybe if one dies today, a lot of them will die tomorrow!

 You can’t just let anyone take the lead!

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

With Chen Desheng's help, He Jixiang stood up slightly tremblingly, and then sat down on a chair beside him.

Lin Yi said, "Come here, give these two old men some pastries to fill their stomachs and make a midnight snack. Don't go hungry."

He Jixiang hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, you are too polite. I am afraid that the food will not be digested after eating too much, so I dare not eat more."

 “It’s okay, eat more and drink less tea,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Even if you drink tea, drinking more green tea, fried green tea, and less cake tea and group tea will not be good for the body."

 Whether it was in this life or in the previous life, he liked all kinds of fermented ripe tea.

 In his previous life, he tried his best to buy from big manufacturers, and the probability of encountering hair strands, melon seed shells, and chicken feathers was smaller.

 Now, all he drinks is tribute tea, the best tea in the world.

 The foot-picking men in the mountains are careful not to mix in messy things.

However, there is no guarantee that there will not be excessive amounts of bacteria inside.

 For safety reasons, he drank very little.

Therefore, he also advised He Jixiang and others to drink more green tea and less fully fermented tea. If you can't help it, try to drink semi-fermented tea.

“I’m reporting to the prince that the fried tea burns my stomach and I can’t eat it,”

He Jixiang sighed and said, "It won't hurt if you drink less cooked tea."

“With so many things going on in front of me, I really can’t do anything without you. I rely on you for everything.”

Lin Yi said without hesitation, "Mr. He, Mr. Chen, don't be thrifty and frugal. You will suffer hardships, cook tofu with cabbage, and eventually tire yourself out."

  You must take good care of yourself, eat well and drink well. If you can't, marry more beautiful girls. I will pretend that you don't see it. Keep a good mood every day and continue to shine for the revolutionary cause of our Daliang country. "

 Chen Desheng and He Jixiang heard the first half of the words, and their eyes were filled with excitement and tears. It was rare for the prince to recognize them so much!

 What does it mean to marry more beauties?

 Who do you think they are?

 They don’t even have one!

 He felt very helpless, and when he saw that Lin Yi had no explanation, he carefully withdrew.

After Lin Yi waited for the two people to leave, he walked out of the hall, looked at the thin mist illuminated by the dim moon, and coughed twice involuntarily.

 Who said that the air in ancient times must be good and free of smog?

 Ankang City is a big city with a population of nearly one million!

There are people who have to eat, drink, and eat, and they have to live and cook!

 There are countless firewood stalls and charcoal sellers inside and outside Ankang City, dedicated to supplying fuel to residents inside and outside the city.

Charcoal sellers not only sell charcoal, but also pebbles, that is, coal.

Every evening, the sky is gray.

It is already dark now, and the air is supposed to be better, but the autumn harvest has just passed, the weather is cold, and there are not many places to keep warm. Many people's kangs are burning all night long.

 Coupled with the severe sandstorm, the smell is simply breathless!

 He suddenly wanted to live in the palace.

 The palace has always been burning anthracite coal, and the area is large, so it is not very affected by the haze.

 But, that’s just thinking about it.

His father and the prince are still living in the palace. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain, let alone three!

He would not just go to this palace casually if he had nothing to do, so it would be good for him to hide in the palace.

But it’s not a problem to breathe in smog every day, right?

 Is it necessary to ban the burning of straw, firewood, charcoal, and charcoal?

 He was afraid that the people would rebel.

  He can prohibit people from deforestation, but there is no way to prevent people from using fuel for cooking.

They are no longer allowed to use fuel for cooking, so what are you doing with such a foolish king?


 He is so difficult!

 “Your Majesty.”

Mingyue saw Lin Yi coughing and quickly gave him a hand.

After Lin Yi coughed, he refused the tea cup she handed over and sighed, "I won't drink anymore. My stomach is full of water."

  Hey, I’m afraid Sanhe is like this now, and it won’t be much better than here. "

Baiyun City used to have lush mountains and forests, but since he became a vassal, the population has increased sharply.

 The people set fire to the mountains, firstly to clear the land, and secondly to burn charcoal.

Lin Yi once hated the mountains and forests, hated mosquitoes, and allowed the people to destroy him. By the time the Baiyun Mountains within a hundred miles of Baiyun City were intact and the rest of the mountains became bald, it was too late for him to stop them.

What a sin!

 Sanhe now is when the teams of land clearing and charcoal burning are most active, and there is smoke everywhere.

“Your Majesty, I heard from Hong An that Master Shanqi has issued a new order. Deforestation and land reclamation are prohibited around Baiyun City.”

Mingyue smiled and said, "I think this year will be much better than previous years."

Lin Yi nodded happily, and then asked, "She hasn't taken a shower yet?"

 “Your Majesty,”

Mingyue glanced at Lin Yi's face and said cautiously, "Although the princess is a martial arts practitioner, she has not yet given birth and is still weak, I'm afraid."

 “Afraid of what?”

Lin Yi said angrily, "Do you even think that this king is harming her?"

There are no antibiotics these days, and it will be very troublesome if you get an infection after getting wet. He also understands this method of confinement.

 However, Hu Miaoyi's body smelled sour!

 There will be no wounds after a natural delivery. If you take a bath with boiled warm water, there shouldn’t be much problem, right?

 As a result, in the eyes of others, this is too much!

Even Chen Xilian and Yan Hong, who highly admire their medical concepts, do not approve of it.

Mingyue smiled and said, "Your Majesty, your Majesty will be pregnant in a few days, so why bother at this moment."

Lin Yi said helplessly, "Okay, a good horse is in its legs, a good man is in his mouth.

She herself is not afraid of smells, so why should I meddle in those nosy matters? It’s not very interesting to arouse people’s suspicion for no reason. "

The wing room where Hu Miaoyi lived was brightly lit. Yan Hong, the Po of Hell, and Chen Xilian, the Guanyin who gave birth to children, were standing in front of the bed with their hands down.

Lin Yi didn't wait for them to kneel down, then waved his hands and said, "Don't make so many false etiquettes. You know, this is something that bothers me."

 Kneel down and have to make a sound to get people up.

 I feel tired talking.

Stop talking and let people kneel all the time. People will think that they have made a mistake and are frightened. If they think too much, they may get heart disease. This is too inhumane.

 For Lin Yi, the best thing to do is not to let them kneel, so that everyone can relax.

 “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

 Chen Xilian and Yan Hong said in unison.

Lin Yi was far away from Hu Miaoyi, afraid of smelling the sour smell on her body. When Zixia took the child over, he directly opened the child's quilt, glanced at the elbow socket, breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a smile, "Eczema It’s gone. If you apply allicin today, don’t apply it tomorrow.”

He grew up in an orphanage. There were many children in the orphanage with all kinds of weird illnesses, so he had a lot of knowledge.

 A small case of eczema is simply not worth mentioning to him.

 The only trouble is that there are no antibiotics. The biggest unscientific method is to produce sulfa and penicillium by local methods.

 So he simply made his own allicin. The preparation method is simple and it also has obvious inhibitory effects on fungi.

 “The prince is wise.”

 Chen Xilian and Yan Hong admired Prince He even more.

 They have known about allicin for a long time, but they did not expect that allicin has such wonderful effects!

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "It's getting late, go down and rest."


 The two resigned.

Lin Yi looked at Mingyue and said, "When you are out of confinement, it is best to take a shower, not a wooden bucket."

Mingyue said, "Your Majesty, don't worry, this servant knows these principles and can avoid infection."


Lin Yi glanced at the child again and then left the house directly.

Hu Miaoyi looked at Lin Yi's figure that was gradually going away. Her clenched teeth finally loosened, and then tears came out of the corners of her eyes unconsciously.

Zixia comforted her in a low voice, "Mother, if this hurts your body, please don't cry."

 She also understood why Hu Miaoyi was crying.

 Since I walked in with the prince, I have never looked at the princess in the eye!

However, poor people must be hateful, and she had no pity for the princess at all.

They and the prince are such good people, but this one and the princess don't know what to do and always make their prince angry.

 In their opinion, the fact that the prince did not destroy her was already the greatest blessing to her.

 “I’m fine,”

Hu Miaoyi sighed and said, "Go down and prepare warm water for me. I want to take a bath and change clothes."


 Zixia was startled by Hu Miaoyi's change.

Hu Miaoyi smiled and said, "I can't stand the sour smell of this palace myself, let alone the prince. Okay, hurry up and prepare it. Remember to add some mugwort leaves."


 After Zixia handed the baby to the nanny, she quickly went down to get ready.

 “Oh my God, it’s really getting colder and colder,”

Sun Cheng was sitting in the penthouse, looking at Liang Yuanzhi across from him, and kindly warned him, "If you little Nanbarbarians can't bear the cold, wear more clothes. People like you wear too little."

 “I am the ninth grade.”

ˆ “.”

Sun Cheng suddenly lowered his head and sighed, "No wonder I told the prince that you are both civil and military."

His brother Sun Chongde once made him a list of people that his Sun family could not afford to offend, and Liang Yuanzhi was one of them.

Liang Yuanzhi is a native of Baiyun City, a distant relative of the wealthy businessman Liang Gen, Xie Zan's most favored disciple, and now he is from the seventh rank of Shushe!

The two are the same age, but Sun Cheng is still a disciple!

 Sanhe's old saying is true, people are more irritating than others.

 (End of this chapter)

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