Chapter 437 Contest

Jiao Zhong opened the cloth coverings on the baskets one by one, flipped through them and said with a smile, "What do I think they are? It turns out they are Jiangzhenxiang, Huanggan, and Five-leaf Ginseng. Although these things are tributes, the prince has no shortage of them. You are really thoughtful.”

The corners of Liang Liang’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch, and he said calmly, “The prince is so noble, so naturally he will not be short of it. However, these are indeed the filial piety of our ministers. Please collect them on your behalf, sir.”

“Don’t worry, when the prince is in a happy mood later, I will definitely tell him in front of the prince,”

As he spoke, Jiao Zhong waved to the guard at the door to carry the basket away, "Your hard work is not in vain."

If it were someone else who dared to talk to him like this, he would be thrown away directly.

  However, he did not have the courage to do this for the group of people who came out of the orphanage.

 Monks and blind men are not included, and even some of the guards of the royal palace are not included. If he directly offends the grain and square leather, he may not be able to survive.

 The most important thing is that, standing in front of no food, he, a ninth-grade man, actually has the illusion that he is unable to draw his sword!

Even if you pull it out, you can't win.

Are these people in the orphanage still human beings?

Is it true that, as Prince He said, all those who come out of the Qidian Orphanage are Tiansha Lone Stars?

 So, he still tried his best to endure it, because a small impatience will mess up the big plan!

He has to open his eyes wide and see if this lack of food can really achieve the so-called "eating salted fish to quench thirst"!

 “Thank you very much, I’ll take my leave now.”

 After saying "Food Break", he turned around and left.

 “I won’t stay either.”

Fang Pi also raised his hand towards Jiao Zhong and followed Guan Liang closely.

After the two of them turned the alley of Wangfu Street, Fang Picai smiled and said, "You have no grudge against him, so why are you trying to compete with him?"

Duan Liang wrapped the coat in his arms, rubbed his hands and said, "You and I are brothers. Your enemies are my enemies, and your friends are my friends. Do I need to say more?"

 “Good brother! I’ll buy you a drink!”

Fang Pi proudly put his arms around his shoulders and said happily, "You don't know how arrogant this **** is, especially after he became the commander, he lost a little bit of humanity. When I become rich one day, I will make him look good." !”

 “A skinny buffalo with three loads of bones is not afraid of being slow, but afraid of standing still. As long as you don’t go the wrong way, just keep walking forward.”

As Duan Liang walked, he said, "You, please control your temper. Don't look for opportunities. Follow Qi Peng and learn more. This man is still quite capable. Don't underestimate him."

"I haven't underestimated him. The blind man has told me a long time ago that you need a good fieldside to farm and a good houseside to live in. Living in the imperial guard is much better than other places, and I have no plans to do so. Moving around blindly,"

Fang Pi said carelessly, "Don't worry, I can't make any mistakes."

 The most important thing is that he is not very good at martial arts. Where else can he go besides the imperial guards?

Over the past few years, everyone around him has seemed to have taken medicine, and one by one they have jumped directly to the ninth and eighth grades. Even the flags Zhou Jingye and Shan Sanguan under his command are already at the eighth grade!

If nothing unexpected happens!

Shan Sanguan is very likely to refine the Heaven Collapse and Earth Fall Purple Gold that he personally taught to perfection, and directly break through from the eighth grade to the ninth grade!

Thinking of this, he became even more depressed.

The sky is falling and the earth is falling, the Purple Gold Hammer, but it’s Dui and Yu Shi’s unique skill!

At first he thought it was quite powerful, so he shamelessly asked two people to learn from him. They were friendly with him and naturally had no reservations.

 It's just that he learned to be lonely.

 Nothing has been accomplished so far.

As a result, after he handed over the small flags to Zhou Jingye and Shan Sanguan, two former court guards, the progress of these two people was rapid and unstoppable.

 It is impossible not to be jealous.

 Is he the most useless?

"That's good,"

Dang Liang stopped walking, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "You and I have grown up together since childhood, and we are brothers. Naturally, I wish you well and don't want you to take the wrong path."

Fang Pi smiled and said, "Why are you more verbose than a blind man? If you have the time, you might as well talk about Ah-Dai and Yu Xiao, they are the ones who often get into trouble."

Duan Liang shook his head and said, "As the old saying goes, fools are blessed by fools. The two of them are the least scheming. Even if they do something wrong, neither Prince nor Lord He will do what they want.

 At most, it’s just a nagging sentence, what’s the point of a fool?

It's different for people like us. If we make a mistake, how can we be lenient?

 Don’t make a single mistake. "

 “It seems it’s my fault that I didn’t become a fool?”

Fang Pi said helplessly, "I understand, as long as I am loyal to the prince, no one can do anything to me.

When you first come here, don't go to the Governor's Mansion. You should stay at my house. I bought a new two-bedroom house outside the city. Although Tian Sixi is not a good thing, it gives me benefits and saves money. Got a lot of money. "

“I won’t bother you anymore. I’ve just arrived and there must be a lot of things going on in the Governor’s Mansion. I’ll just live there. If Mr. He has anything to do, I can handle it in time.”

After Duanliang shook his head, he tightened his coat and said, "It's really cold here in the north. I've thought about it all the way here. No matter how high my official position is, I will return to Nanzhou in the future. All the wealth and honor in the world will be gone." It’s better to be a lazy person at home.”

 “Why are you going back when you and I have no relatives at home?”

Fang Pi smiled and said, "I wasn't used to this Ankang City at first, but it will get better as time goes by. There are a lot of delicious food and fun, and it's lively. You'll get to know it over time."

 “I want to find my sister.”

The food was cut off and he sighed suddenly.


 Fang Pi lowered his head in shame.

 He actually forgot two bowls of rice for his sister, who had run out of food.

“On my way north, I passed by Songyang and lingered for some time, but still found nothing. But I believe he is still in Nanzhou. As long as I am still alive, I will definitely be able to find her.”

Duan Liang said in a deep voice, "I want to be a high official, a very big official. Everyone in the world will know my name, so she can find me."

Fang Pi scratched his head and said, "Since you can't find her, let her come to you. This is a good idea. You are really smart."

Duan Liang said, "She is my only relative. I must find her. She must be seen alive, and her body must be seen dead."

Fang Pi sighed and said, "Then since you want to live in the Governor's Mansion, I won't care about you. It's cold. Just get in the carriage and I'll take you there."

Dang Liang shook his head again and said, "Where is the imperial guard?

 Don’t you understand yet? "

Fang Pi blushed and said, "Of course I know, and the prince's eyes!"

Duanliang smiled and said, "Since we know, there is no need to send him off. It's better to see him less often in the future."

Fang Pi said angrily, "You and I, brothers, need to avoid suspicion?

 The prince is a good person, he will definitely not care about this. "

Duan Liang said seriously, "I thought you would make progress over the years, but I didn't expect you to still be like this. The prince doesn't care, but that doesn't mean others don't care. It's not good for anyone if we are too close.

 Besides, if you and I see each other more often or less often, can it still affect our relationship? "

"of course not,"

Fang Pi said with certainty, "No matter what, you are my brother."

Duan Liang smiled and said, "That's it, no need to talk nonsense."

Fang Pi muttered, "You, the blind man, and Dumb can drink and fight together every day, and leave me alone. It's not fun at all."

 “Why are you becoming more and more like a girl?”

Bangliang gave him a push and said, "Okay, hurry up and go back. I have to go back to the Governor's Mansion to get back to Master He."

 After saying that, he jumped directly onto the carriage behind him.


Fang Pi waited until the carriage disappeared at the end of the dim street before he put down his waving hand.

 “Head, my subordinate has opened his eyes again,”

Zhou Jingye suddenly came from the side and said with emotion, "Master Duan's skills are also unfathomable. No wonder Master He wants to use him."

 “That’s right, that’s right,”

Shan Sanguan echoed, "I didn't dare to get too close just now. I really wanted to annoy this gentleman. Even if we are tied together, we can't hold up one of his hands."

 “Is it really that powerful?”

 Fang Pi only knew that Guan Liang’s skill was very high, but he never thought that Shan Sanguan and Zhou Jingye would be convinced.

Shan Sanguan hurriedly said, "Boss, you know that my subordinates never tell lies.

If we really want to make a calculation, I am afraid that Mr. Cui and Mr. Yu may not be able to get a good deal from him. "

 Others can call Cui Gengsheng and Yu Xiaoxiao idiots, but small flags like them cannot!

 Even though he is about to enter the ninth level!

 In the past, there was someone among the imperial guards who was valued by Pan Duo and learned some of Sanhe's unique skills. Like him and Zhou Jingye, his skills improved greatly.

One of them, named Jiang Cheng, was originally a small flag member of the imperial guard. With Pan Duo's careful advice and his own efforts, he was promoted from the sixth grade to the ninth grade!

 Among the imperial guards, apart from Pan Duo, he is the one with the best kung fu!

According to the past rules of the imperial guards, those who are masters come first. Such a master is simply inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people!

 It's just that today is different from the past, He Jin is dead.

Pando has the final say on all the imperial guards.

 Let’s not talk about getting promoted and making money, but at least we should be given a little respect, right?

 It’s a pity that Pando still doesn’t show off.

When Pan Duo was unhappy, he still scolded Jiang Cheng **** in full view of the public.

Jiang Cheng is of course not convinced!

 He is a ninth-grade master!

Even if he is not in the imperial guard, he can still go to this world!

 Many martial arts masters think so too!

 Including his single and three crowns!

 He will also be in the seventh grade by then!

 However, like many others, he got it wrong.

He saw with his own eyes that Jiang Cheng was stabbed in the chest by a young man in white after he came out of the Imperial Guard's Yamen in an angry manner.

Jiang Cheng had already fallen before the blood had time to gush out.


 He ​​later found out that the master who made Jiang Cheng unable to fight back was Ye Qiu, the best swordsman in the Liang Kingdom.

Ye Qiu's kung fu is definitely not the best in Liang Kingdom, but his swordsmanship is definitely the best.

 So, after learning this lesson, they understood where Pando's confidence lies.

 As Pan Duo said, even a tiger must be restrained by the imperial guards.

 His single three crowns are about to enter the ninth level.

Of course he was very happy, but he didn't dare to be disrespectful to Fang Pi.

In the Imperial Guard, committing the following offense is death.

 He has not lived enough.

 “Those two idiots can’t beat him?”

Fang Pi said in surprise.

Shan Sanguan said with a smile, "From my subordinates' point of view, I'm afraid it will be difficult."

Fang Pi then asked curiously, "What about Master Pan?"

 It is said that Pan Duo is already at the peak of the ninth level.

 In terms of age, he is much older than Quan Liang, so he can’t defeat Guan Liang, right?

Shan Sanguan looked around and said, "I don't dare to speak nonsense."

 He dared to talk about Ah-Dai and Yu Xiao, but he didn’t dare to talk about Pando.

That is your immediate boss.

Fang Pi said angrily, "You can just say what you want. Why is there so much nonsense?"

Shan Sangguan said bravely, "Among the ninth rank in Ankang City, the only one who can defeat you is Yu Shi."

“Is Yu Xiaochun that powerful?”

If it weren't for the sudden mention of the single and triple crowns, Fang Pi would have almost forgotten about Yu Xiaochun, the imperial guard.


Shan Sanguan did not dare to directly say that Pan Duo could not defeat Duan Liang, but it was not a secret among the imperial guards that Pan Duo could not defeat Xiao Chun, so he said with a smile, "Among the ninth ranks, except for him who can defeat Duan Liang, my subordinates I can’t think of anyone else anymore.”

“Aren’t Liu Kan, Wei Yishan, Han Jin, Liang Yuanzhi, and Jiang Zhen all geniuses?

 They can’t do it? "

Fang Pi looked in disbelief.


Shan Sangguan smiled bitterly and said, "Whether it is Mr. Liu or Mr. Wei, all my subordinates are capable of fighting."

He really wanted to point at his square nose and call him a fool!

"All right."

Fang Pi didn’t know whether to be happy for the lack of food or sad for himself.

 It is entirely possible that he is the scumbag in the orphanage.

 Unless he meets the old man with the ring in He Wangye's novel one day in the future, his kung fu will definitely be at the bottom.

Shan Sangguan said cautiously, "Head, my brother just reported back, and He Lian left the palace."

Fang Pi yawned and asked casually, "Where have you been?"

Shan Sanguan said, "I went to the Prince's Mansion. It is said that it is because the weather is cold. The Prince is very worried about the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. I was entrusted by the Crown Prince to send some charcoal to the Crown Princess."

Fang Pi said, "Your Majesty, have you agreed?"


Shan Sangguan hesitated for a moment and said, "It was the crown prince who asked for it. The crown prince was so compassionate that she went ahead with the ceremony. In addition, she also cared about the crown prince's studies and arranged for some books to be brought in."

“Why did Xiao Xizi not go to the palace to ask the prince for instructions on such a big matter?”

Fang Pi scratched his head and said, "Isn't this old boy so courageous?"

Zhou Jingye said, "Of course he doesn't have that much courage. He and He Lian split into two groups. He will go straight to the Prince's Mansion now. If the Prince agrees, He Lian will directly knock on the gate of the East Palace."

“I’d like to ask you two to finish your conversation at once next time.”

Fang Pi rolled his eyes at the two of them, and then said, "Go back."

 “Where to go?”

Zhou Jingye and Shan Sangguan asked in unison.

 “Of course it’s the palace,”

Fang Pi turned around and said as he walked, "Go back and wait for the prince's instructions."


 The two of them immediately followed closely behind.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of Prince He's Mansion, they saw Xiao Xizi getting out of the carriage supported by a young eunuch.

 Looking at each other.

Fang Pi said with a smile, "You are not yet 70 or 80 years old, and you can't walk on the road?"

Xiao Xizi waited for the two young eunuchs to wrap themselves in windbreakers, then looked at Fang Pi and said slowly, "It's cold today, so people are lazy, what's wrong?

 Would you like to go in with our family to meet the prince? "

 “No, please invite me first, I’ll wait outside.”

 Fang Pi took a step back after finishing speaking.

 (End of this chapter)

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