Chapter 435 Sour

If anyone tells him about traditional handicrafts and the inheritance of craftsmanship, he will definitely be in a hurry!

There is no way to trick him into paying IQ tax!

If there is an iron pot made by modern technology that costs tens of yuan, he will never choose the so-called hand-made iron pot that costs hundreds or even thousands of yuan.

 The iron pot on the assembly line is the master of human industry and technology!

This kind of pot is so delicious when used!

 He ​​was originally a person who loved to cook, but after he was reborn, he felt a headache when he saw the heavy iron pot in the kitchen. He shook the pot twice and lost his wrist.

If you want to be a qualified chef, you must have a fat body, otherwise you won't be able to tip the pot.

 It’s not that all chefs are fat, it’s that only fat people are qualified to be chefs.

 Not just anyone who wants to be a cook can be a cook.

“I don’t know where the little brother bought this wine. How much is it worth?”

Guan Sheng smiled and said, "Although Guan is poor, he has seen some things in the world as a young man. I dare not say that he has drunk all over the country, but he has gone to many restaurants in Ankang City.

Over the years, I have n’t been in the restaurant, but I know all the good wines of each family.

 Little brother, I have never tasted this wine. It lasts long in the mouth and is truly a good wine. "

 “This is my home-brewed wine, and it is certainly different from the wine outside,”

Lin Yi said unceremoniously, "I usually drink alone. Come today, you and I can have a drink."

"Little brother,"

Guan Sheng hesitated for a moment and said, "You just rely on this wine-making craft. Not only will you become rich, but you will at least have enough food and clothing for your whole life. If you don't talk about anything else, restaurants will definitely be clamoring for this wine."

 “Thank you, Brother Guan, for your compliment.”

Lin Yi was very surprised.

 Guan Sheng is quite discerning and knows the value of this wine!

The most important thing is that the man named Guan knows how to make this wine!

 “Little brother, I’m telling the truth,”

  Guan Sheng said with emotion, "Even Wenxiang Pavilion and Xinghua Pavilion don't have such good wine."

“To be honest, Brother Guan, my wine is good, but it’s not easy to brew.”

Lin Yi said casually, "It's very troublesome."

Guan Sheng smiled and said, "Good things take a little effort, and it's worth it. This is what it should be."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "To make wine, you must first have good water. Water is the most important. Since ancient times, wherever wine is famous, there must be good springs. Water is the blood of wine. Only good mountains and good water can produce good wine."

Guan Sheng nodded and agreed, "This is natural, not only for wine, but also for tea. Only famous mountains and rivers can produce good tea."

Lin Yi continued, "Ankang City is considered a land of dragon veins, but there is no good water. You are a local, so you naturally know the quality of the water. It rains in spring and summer and is muddy, and in autumn and winter dust covers the sky."


Guan Sheng Xinsheng said with emotion, “In autumn and winter, we can still rely on wells to get some water. The worst thing is that when it rains, dirty water will flood into the wells. That water, let alone making wine, I’m afraid I won’t be able to eat it.

 After hearing what the little brother said, could it be that the water used for brewing wine is not the water of Ankang City? "

“This water is neither river water nor well water.”

Lin Yi smiled and said, "What I use is the dew on pear blossoms, apricot blossoms, and lotus flowers in summer."


 Guan Sheng looked in disbelief, but after sniffing the cup in front of him again, he felt that it was not impossible.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "That's why I collected less than a barrel of dew this summer, brewed less than a pound of wine, drank two sips myself, and brought the rest here."


Guan Sheng said hurriedly, "Such a precious thing would be wasted by a rough guy like me drinking it."

 “Whatever it’s worth, we’ll just brew it next year.”

Lin Yi has always told the truth. When he was making wine, Mingyue and Zixia were very particular about using dew that fell from the sky and did not touch the ground.

It is said that this is rootless water that absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

  He originally scorned these unscientific practices.

Lin Yi was too lazy to argue with them and just let them mess around.

 The result was quite a slap in the face.

 The wine made from the dew on the petals of pear blossoms, lotus flowers, apricot blossoms, etc. is actually better than the wine he brewed from well water!

 Completely incredible!

The dew really has the so-called aura?

 Why doesn’t he believe it?

 But the taste cannot be faked!

 Wine made from dew is indeed delicious.

 The most important thing is that he can drink the wine made from dew without getting drunk.

Brewed from well water, whether it’s white wine, rice wine, or even red wine, just drink whatever you want!

Why is this so?

 Is it because using dew can reduce the alcohols and aldehydes?

This is not nonsense!

 So, he really couldn’t pass on the wine-making skills that he himself was confused about to others.

 “Still the little brother is generous,”

Guan Sheng smiled and said, "Brothers will become great talents in the future."

Seeing that he was embarrassed and reluctant to drink, Lin Yi said loudly, "In life, there are two words: eating and drinking. This jar must be finished today. I won't leave until I finish it."

The entertainment life in this world is outrageously simple. If he continues to suffer from eating and drinking, he really doesn't want to live anymore.

 The reason why he was still willing to move forward was because of sympathy.

 Sympathy for the poor people at the bottom, he is willing to try to make some changes, even just a little bit.

 “Okay, my little brother has said so, so I will do it first out of respect,”

Guan Sheng directly drank the wine in the glass with a big gulp. After filling the glass again, he suddenly stood up, picked up the wine glass, and said seriously, "I would like to thank my little brother for saving my life. Without my little brother's guidance, I, Guan, would I will definitely not survive today.”

"You're welcome,"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "In the future, you will know that if you are allergic to cats and dogs, you will probably be allergic to many animals as well.

 So, I don’t think it’s reliable when you say you went to live in the mountains.

Once you enter the mountains, you have to hunt for a living. If you see rabbits, wolves, and wild boars, it probably won’t be much better. "

 Guan Sheng was very surprised and said, "You mean I can't even hunt?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Looking at you like this, have you never hunted before?"

Guan Sheng shook his head and said, "As the saying goes, people who rely on mountains and mountains rely on water to eat water. My Guan family has been boating for generations, and I don't know how to hunt. I just thought that after learning a little boxing and kicking, I could make a living by hunting."

“Since you haven’t tried it before, don’t take the risk,”

Lin Yi raised his glass and said, "Once you are allergic, it will be fatal."

“Yes, daddy, don’t go into the mountains anymore,”

Guan Xiaoqi stuck her head out of the window and said, "If you have another chance, will my daughter still be alive?"

"Ha ha."

Guan Sheng laughed and said, "Okay, I won't go into the mountain anymore.

As the old saying goes, a good man doesn't fight for a share of the family, and a good woman doesn't ask for a dowry. Ordinarily I should let you go and let you have some experience and make a career on your own.

 But, since you are the only child, my father is not willing to let you stay in this world and endure hardships alone. I really can’t rest assured. "

 “Dad, you’re talking nonsense again.”

 Guan Xiaoqi scolded loudly.

"Ha ha."

Guan Sheng laughed even louder, "Daddy said all these things just for you. I just wait until you find your home, and daddy can close his eyes even after he dies."

 “If you keep talking nonsense, I will ignore you.”

 Guan Xiaoqi became even more angry.

Lin Yi found that she was so cute when she was angry, and suddenly he was fascinated by it.

"Little brother?"

Guan Sheng looked at Lin Yi again and saw that he was in a daze. He coughed heavily and then said, "Although my little brother is dressed more plainly, this guy with thin skin and tender flesh looks like he comes from a wealthy family. I don't know. Where is your job, brother?”

  "I don't care about anything high. I am a cosmopolitan person. I do whatever I want to make money."

Lin Yi was seen through by Guan Sheng, and said without blushing, "If you make more money today, eat more, and tomorrow if you make less money, eat less.

 In short, I am able to feed myself and the whole family is not hungry. "

"Little brother, I'm too modest. I know someone who has also walked in the world. This pair of tricks thinks they are not blind."

Guan Sheng poured wine for Lin Yi and said with a smile, "I think this little brother is not an ordinary person."

 “I have no control over my destiny, and I also believe that I will become a great person one day,”

Lin Yi said carelessly, "Don't say that a good man doesn't fight for food in the family. In this world, everything depends on fighting. If you don't fight, people will think you are weak and timid. You don't want it."

 There are about ten brothers from the old Lin family, who is a good person?

From the Crown Prince to King Yong, King Jin, King Xin, and then to Lao Twelve, there is no one who is easy to get along with!

 He was very lucky that he did not give up in the end and fought for it!

 And he hasn’t lost yet!

The situation in front of us cannot be said to be good or bad. At least not many people died.

Although the emperor is very angry, he is still alive at least, and he is very angry when he curses people.

 The prince was also rescued by him, and the prince and everyone in the prince's residence were all alive and kicking.

 Also, in the palace, all the concubines had no worries about eating and drinking. Because Emperor Delong lost power, there was no need to compete for favors, and the palace was more harmonious than before.

 The most important thing is that he is not dead.

 His mother and sister are doing well.

 Even the Yuan family let him save it.

 Thinking about it carefully, he is still a little proud!

If it weren’t for him, Ankang City would be bleeding like a river at this moment, right?

King of the Third Yong, a little talented, very popular, but the weight of killing, and no one is indifferent!

 Many people love King Yong very much.

 It's not like him, it's very simple.

 Just one: Hate!

Sometimes, Lin Yi really doesn’t understand. If I don’t kill you, it’s okay for you to be ungrateful. How dare you hate me?

 What a shameless thing!

 It was obviously me who saved you!

 No one is willing to accept his favor!

In Lin Yi’s opinion, they are all a bunch of bastards.

 “Little brother, what you said makes sense,”

Guan Sheng said with a smile, "When I was young, I didn't care about my boss. He took two and went into the house, and I went to explore the world.

Now he is living a decent life, but I am poor, and he despises me more and more. The family was in trouble a few days ago, and I wanted to borrow a bushel of rice, but he didn't even let me in.

How are brothers from the same mother more powerful than enemies?

 I am afraid that outsiders will make fun of me, so I am too lazy to argue with him. "

Lin Yi said calmly, "You don't need to reason with a reasonable person. No matter how much you say to an unreasonable person, it's useless. However, on the contrary, many people don't understand this truth and prefer to talk to others." reason,"

Guan Sheng said loudly, "Little brother, I can see clearly. You are a reasonable person at first glance."

Lin Yi said casually without thinking, "Under normal circumstances, anyone who dares to be unreasonable with me will not end well."

 Guan Sheng was stunned.

Looking at Lin Yi blankly, according to his daughter, the young man in front of him is just a street gangster, poor and despised, and he is a disgusting thing.

Sitting opposite Lin Yi, who was calm and calm, he always felt a little unreal.

Is this still the humble little brother just now?

 That expression now could not be more arrogant!

 Looking like no one else but me!

 Are you still the same person as before?

 He finally couldn't help but said, "Little brother?"


Lin Yi finally realized where he had lost his composure. He looked out the window at the increasingly dark sky and said with a smile, "It's getting late, so I'll stay soon and say goodbye."

 “Little brother, walk slowly.”

 Guan Sheng personally sent Lin Yi out of the door.

Lin Yi held a lantern, sat on the donkey, and staggered out of the village after a while.

 “Your Majesty,”

Jiao Zhong stepped forward to hold the reins and whispered, "Guan Sheng is following behind."

Lin Yi yawned and said, "Can he hear me?"

Jiao Zhong hurriedly said, "Guan Sheng really only knows a little bit of boxing and kicking, and has never developed any strength. It is really ordinary. A ninth-level guy like Tan Fei is standing behind him. He can't even notice that he fell into the river. It's really I thought I was drunk and walking carelessly, so I went back to change my clothes and didn’t follow him again.”

Lin Yi asked curiously, "Are you trying to investigate me?

 Hand without asking anything in person, but doing this behind the scenes, he is indeed a charlatan. "

Jiao Zhong said with a smile, "Those who make a living on the canal can't be called smart, but they are still a bit clever.

Your Majesty, Xiao Xizi just sent someone to report that the empress lost her temper during the meal and threw several sets of bowls and chopsticks. "

“Is it because I didn’t enter the palace?

 Are you angry with me? "

Lin Yi said helplessly, "This is too anxious. It seems that in her heart, brothers are more important. It makes me wonder if I am her biological child."

 “The prince is joking.”

Jiao Zhong was frightened out of his wits by these words.

 Looking around, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one around.

Who is He Wangye?

 He is the son of Emperor Delong!

It is natural for him and the prince to be the regents of Daliang!

What if such unintentional words were heard by someone with a heart?

 Although it is nonsense, it was said by the prince himself!

if it is real

 “Look at your courage,”

Lin Yihun said nonchalantly, "I will definitely not enter the palace these days. Let's show off this old lady first. Although she is my biological mother, I have to let her understand my attitude, otherwise this will be endless. If you make demands, it will be even more difficult for me in the future.”

Jiao Zhong laughed and did not dare to answer.

 After returning to Prince He's Mansion, the first thing Lin Yi did was take a bath and brush his teeth, and then he went to hold the child.

Mingyue whispered, "Your Majesty, the princess is asleep."

 “Oh, it’s okay, I’ll hold it for a while and then put it back,”

Lin Yi looked at the child with his eyes fixed on him, shaking his head and saying, "Bao, you can sleep all day long and can't even look at me or ignore me. Are you cool?"

Are people who are worried about you so indifferent? "

Hu Miaoyi next to her couldn't help but laugh and said, "Your Majesty, she is still so young, how can she do this?"

“Yes, she is just a child, she has only five senses and no sense of perspective,”

Lin Yi said with emotion, "You are so lucky to have someone like me at such a young age. It seems that you must have done a lot of meritorious deeds in your previous life."

 He was actually a little envious of his doll.


 “Your Majesty.”

Hu Miaoyi's face was pale and bloodless.

Ming Yue also looked puzzled.

She has served Lin Yi since she was a child and is very familiar with Lin Yi's way of speaking. When she says the word "Three Views" to the prince, it means that a person's brain is abnormal.

She and Hu Miaoyi have the same thoughts. Could it be that she and the prince suddenly don’t like the princess?

 But the tone is different!

 “Hey, why are you looking at me like that?”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "There is a gap between me and you. What I mean is that this child has a good life. With a man as powerful as me, who can mess with her in the future?"

It doesn’t matter to her whether she has three views or five senses. She can just go out and run amok without thinking. Anyway, I, as an old man, will give her the full answer. "

 This is the helplessness of coming to this era.

 There is no one with whom he has a common language.

He was thinking about whether to hang a couplet on the city gate that reads "Odd and even will remain the same".

 Looking for the second line.

 (End of this chapter)

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