I Don’t Want To Be the Emperor

Chapter 432: human cannon

Chapter 432 Human Cannon

Ming Yue looked at Lin Yi's expression and said cautiously, "Your Majesty, I don't know whether to say something or not.

If I tell you, I'm afraid that the prince will dislike the slave and his maidservant for being noisy. "

Lin Yi turned around and rolled his eyes at her and said, "You have been with me for these years. You should understand my character. The more verbose I am, the more annoying I am.

If you have anything to say, say it quickly. No matter what, I will forgive you. If you continue to be verbose, you are looking for scolding. "

 “Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace,”

Seeing that there was only Zixia next to her, Mingyue began to boldly say, "The ginseng and deer antler given to the princess by the imperial concubine were personally sent by Xiao Xizi. He was thoughtful and chatted a little more with the slave.

From what he said, it seemed that Concubine Yuan was interested in finding a consort for the princess. "

Lin Yi frowned and said, "Looking for Ning'er's consort?"

It suddenly occurred to him that his sister is not too young!

He has always considered marriage issues according to the thinking of the modern world. Isn't it normal for women to get married at the age of twenty-seven?

But I have never considered that in this world, if you don’t get married after the age of 18, you are already an old girl!

"It is said that the empress does have this intention. After all, the princess is not young anymore,"

Ming Yue saw that Lin Yi looked worried and spoke more carefully, "It will be bad if we delay it any longer."

Having been with Prince He for a long time, everyone who knows Prince He knows that Huaiyang Princess Lin Ning is Prince He’s antagonism and weakness.

 Hong Ye and the prince have always been very careful to protect Princess Huaiyang.

 To this day, anyone who offends Princess Huaiyang will basically not have a good ending.

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Yes, Lin Ning is indeed not young. It's time to get married. Who can I choose?"

Mingyue hesitated for a moment and said, "If the news about Xiao Xizi is correct, it's probably Chen Kai who just won the top spot."

 “Chen Kai?”

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Yi suddenly realized, "It turns out it was him. I personally read Qiu Wei's business papers, and I also personally ordered his top prize.

 What I didn’t expect was that he would be Chen Yan’s son. "

Chen Yan, the imperial wine minister, was once Lin Yi's lecturer. Lin Yi knew him very well. How could such a "physiocratic" figure give birth to such a person who was obsessed with money and advocated "national independence"? The son of "if business is not prosperous, the people will not be rich without business"?

Mingyue smiled and said, "Your Majesty, do you mean that this person is good?"

However, Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Although Chen Desheng, He Jixiang and other elders agreed with me to increase the proportion of scores for business, mathematics, and quwu in the scientific examination, there is one thing they will not agree with, that is, this article is not well written. You can't be the number one scholar.

So, if Chen Kai can be the number one scholar, it is not only because he is good at business studies, but more importantly because his articles are so good that even Lord He Jixiang can praise him, of course he is good. "

 “This Chen Kai’s talent is truly remarkable,”

Zixia next to her couldn't help but interjected, "I just don't know what his temper is like. Don't wrong the princess."

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Actually, I would like to find a rich landlord for the princess. The family will be wealthy and she will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life."

Mingyue was stunned for a moment and then said, "Your Majesty, I remember you said that since ancient times, beauties have never been matched with talented people, but landowners are not matched. If a beautiful person is matched with a landlord's old wealth, everything will be ruined."

Lin Yi picked up the tea cup again and said with rare patience, "I'm talking about writing novels. Everyone's favorite protagonist should be a handsome man and a beautiful woman, a talented man and a beautiful woman. No matter how bad he is, there must be a domineering president. You, the whole landlord, are rich. Who wants to watch it?

This kind of book will definitely be thrown off the streets and will not sell.

 In novels, there is nothing wrong with love and love.

 However, living in reality is different. Poems and songs cannot be eaten as food. We have to return to reality. Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, everything requires money, and as long as you have money, you can solve most of the problems in life.

 Landlords and wealthy people who have great careers and a comfortable life are naturally the best candidates for choosing a son-in-law. "

Mingyue said in confusion, "Your Majesty, Lord Chen Yan is a minister of the Imperial Academy. Although his salary is meager, he has lived in Yuzhou for generations and has thousands of acres of fertile land in Yuzhou. He is definitely not short of money."

Since we are looking for someone with money, the Chen family will definitely agree.

What’s more important is that the Chen Kai official family has a profound family history that cannot be compared with ordinary people.

“Hey, you guys still don’t understand my king’s thoughts. I don’t want Lin Ning to find an official.”

Lin Yi shook his head and sighed, "For example, Chen Kai, if one day he gets confused and violates the law, do you think I should chop him down or not?"

 If you don’t cut it, it is against national law.

Let's chop it off. It's unreasonable. This princess will inevitably resent me in the future. Neither brother nor sister can do that. "

 “The prince is wise.”

Mingyue and Zixia looked at each other and hurriedly said in unison.

Even though the prince had already said this, the two of them did not dare to make any more noise.

"Okay, get up and speak, don't kneel down all the time, this king will be very annoyed."

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Go to the palace and ask Xiao Xizi for confirmation."

If his mother really made up her mind to find Chen Kai as her consort, he would stop her immediately.

 The idea is to avoid making the same mistakes that Emperor Delong made in the future.

Thinking of the eldest princess Lin Yuner, he couldn't help but feel uneasy again.

Where did you go?

Now he has arranged for so many people to investigate, but he still doesn’t know his whereabouts!

Ming Yue said, "Yes."

 After finishing speaking, he quietly retreated.

 After a heavy rain, the dust that filled the sky suddenly disappeared, and the whole world suddenly became clean.

  The second day.

 As soon as I woke up in the morning, I went to the wing to play with my daughter.

Seeing that the child was still asleep, he did not wake the child up and quietly left the side room.

After brushing your teeth and washing your face, and after breakfast was served, He Jixiang came over.

Lin Yi looked at the skinny He Jixiang and asked with concern, "Mr. He got up so early today, have you eaten yet?"

He Jixiang said with a slight trembling, "Your Majesty, I have eaten."

“Come here, show me your seat, serve tea, and then take this snack over. It’s very soft, and I think you can bite it.”

After Lin Yi spoke to Mingyue, he pointed to the pumpkin pancake in front of him and said, "This is fine too. It's easy to digest and won't increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract."

 “Thank you, Your Majesty for your grace.”

He Jixiang leaned slightly behind him and sat down again.

Lin Yi said while eating, "You came here early in the morning. You must have something important to do. Tell me, what's worth your special trip here?"

The old men are older and have many things to do. Lin Yi is afraid that they will suddenly have a cerebral hemorrhage or die from sudden exertion, so he is very lenient to them and will never let them run away if nothing happens.

 If you can make your own decisions, don't ask him for advice.

 Even if you make the wrong decision, it’s not a big deal.

  The most important thing is to make corrections consciously.

He Jixiang cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, Lord Shanqi has come to report that after Li Fu died, the country of Ashoka has been completely occupied by foreign devils, and even the palace is gone.

  When Sanhe's merchant ships docked at the port of Ayugu as usual, they would be innocently interrogated by foreign devils. Last month, Liang Gen had three large ships impounded and seventy crew members detained.

Lord Shanqi specially sent people from the Shipping Department to negotiate, but there has been no result so far. "

“Since the cannons of the foreign devils have killed Li Fu, it will be a matter of time before they occupy the palace of Asoka. There is nothing to make a fuss about.”

Lin Yi put down the mung bean cake in his hand, clapped his hands, picked up the tea cup, and said with emotion, "It's just that the trouble from Daliang Kingdom suddenly came to me, which is beyond my expectation. They are not afraid of overeating."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the foreign devils in this world were like the Western powers he knew in his previous life!

Relying on the strong ships and powerful guns, we will show off our power in the Eastern world!

 It’s just that, in his impression, this world has always been a fantasy world!

Although he has always believed in science, the sudden victory of the scientific cannon against the big BOSS in "fantasy" at this moment still made him a little unbelievable.

 He has not been idle these years, and has been investing huge sums of money in the research and development of gunpowder and cannons.

 One shot down, splitting mountains and rocks!

In Lin Yi's opinion, this power is already quite powerful!

  Unfortunately, he saw disdain in the eyes of Ye Qiu and Wen Zhaoyi.

In other words, the cannon he worked so hard and spent so much money on is nothing in the eyes of these great masters.

 But, the strange thing is, why can the foreign devil's cannon kill the great master?

 Is it possible that Li Fo from Ayu State was a parallel import?

 He had also been curious about this question.

As a result, Wen Zhaoyi said that Li Fu's ability was superior to hers!

 Are the foreign devils' cannons more powerful than his?

 “Your Majesty,”

He Jixiang stood up and paced back and forth in the hall, "I wonder if the king of Nangu, Ding Lun, still remembers him a few days ago?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Ding Lun ran away, but aren't those followers still in prison?

 Have the people from the Ministry of Rites found anything through interrogation? "

 “I’d like to report to the prince, this is also the reason why I came to see the prince,”

He Jixiang said in a deep voice, "The people in Nangu said that when the blond and blue-eyed people entered Nangu, they also had cannons."


Lin Yi's first reaction was that the foreign devils had also entered Nangu, "These people are so pervasive, but I remember Xie Xiaoqing said that Nangu is on a plateau, with high mountains and steep roads, so it is not easy for ordinary people to get in. These foreign devils are far to the west. , how did you get in?"

He Jixiang said, "Your Majesty, I don't know. There is a country in the south of the south valley, called Shah Country. The two countries are separated by high mountains, but they often communicate with each other.

This Shah's country has a vast territory and is also close to the sea. The foreign devils invaded the Shah's country through the sea and then took a look at the South Valley. "


If it weren’t for the fact that there is such a heaven-defying thing as the Kung Fu.

Lin Yi even suspected that he had arrived in a parallel world!

He Jixiang hurriedly said, "What I said is not false. I hope your Majesty will learn from it!"

 He thought Lin Yi didn't believe what he said.

 After all, after being interrogated, I didn’t even believe it!

What is the purpose of a group of blond and blue-eyed foreign devils who traveled thousands of miles to occupy a barren land like Nangu?

"I don't believe it. The characteristics of the colonists are constant expansion and land encirclement. As long as they occupy the South Valley, can Chuanzhou, the southwest land of our Daliang Kingdom, be far away from them?"

Lin Yi asked rhetorically.


He Jixiang is naturally no stranger to the word colonizer. After all, this word often appears in some inexplicable novels written by He Wangye.

 What surprised him the most was the fact that he told the prince about Chuanzhou!

  I said those foreign devils are interested in Sichuanzhou!

 That is an unpardonable sin!

 “Yes, never underestimate the ambition of the colonists,”

Lin Yi said calmly, "They are very cruel, so we have to guard against them."

Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have imagined that he would live a new life and still have one day to fight against the colonial invaders!

 He was both annoyed and excited!

What’s so frustrating is that these invaders are unwilling to die obediently.

 I am naturally excited because it is entirely possible that the legendary Queen of the West actually exists?

 When the time comes that seeds will be spread all over the world, and each generation of kings will have their own bloodline, will it be considered as bringing glory to the country?

He Jixiang said, "I wonder what your Majesty has to say?"

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "Allocate another hundred thousand taels of silver to the Arms Bureau. We must continue to develop long guns and cannons. We must strive for excellence and don't slack off."

He Jixiang was stunned. He didn't expect that after talking for so long, He Jixiang would react like this.

 Isn’t it time to reorganize armaments and deploy border defenses?

He said helplessly, "Your Majesty, I thought..."

“It doesn’t matter who thinks it is. Your old ideas cannot be used to deal with the colonists. To deal with these shameless things, just listen to me.”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "Instruct Shanqi to negotiate with the foreign devils of Ayu Kingdom. Ayu Kingdom has been a vassal state of our Daliang Kingdom since ancient times. Our Daliang Kingdom will definitely not recognize it. Just one sentence, if you want to fight, then fight. The worst is possible for us." Wang will go back to Sanhe in person and meet with them."

After hearing this, He Jixiang hesitated and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

Lin Yi continued, "I will promote Yuan Zhen to be the Military Admiral of Sichuan Province and take up the post immediately."

Yuan Zhen goes to Sichuanzhou?

 He Jixiang was shocked.

 Chuanzhou is the territory of Jizhao'an and Chunshan City!

Since the death of King Pingchuan, Chuanzhou has become a place outside the law, and the imperial decree there is nothing but a piece of paper.

Let Yuan Zhen go alone now?

What is the difference between this and sending yourself to death?

He thought of Concubine Yuan Guifei's cold face and couldn't help but shuddered and said, "My lord, think twice!"

Yuan Zhen is the biological brother of Concubine Yuan Guifei!

Concubine Yuan Guifei will definitely not watch Yuan Zhen die!

If she doesn't look for Prince He, she will directly look for trouble with them, the ministers of the court, which will also be trouble.

Concubine Yuan Guifei is the biological mother of the prince, and they cannot be beaten or scolded. What can they do?

 “You don’t have to be afraid,”

Lin Yi said with a smile, "My old lady always thought that I, as a son, would be comfortable and would always give me problems. This time, I have to let him experience the difficulties of being a son.

 In this world, life is not easy for anyone. "

 “Your Majesty,”

He Jixiang couldn't help but smile bitterly, was he deliberately trying to make the empress angry?

 But how innocent are these ministers?

 Why bother involving them?

 Hence he smiled bitterly and said, "I believe your Majesty will be considerate of you."

 “Be considerate of the ball,”

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "If the fire can't burn her eyebrows, she won't be able to distinguish between priorities. I understand what you mean. There's no need to persuade me. Just give the order. Whether my uncle wants to go to Chuanzhou or not, it all depends on my mother." attitude.”

 After finishing speaking, he looked proud.

 He finally defeated his mother!

 (End of this chapter)

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